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(Annie's POV)
I woke up in the middle of the night, to the voice of Jad in my ear.
"Annie. Annie. Wake up. Go and get me that box and get the hell out of there."
My lids that snapped open as violently as if I'd been woken by sirens.
I got out of bed and placed my face in my hands.
Slowly and reluctantly, I uncovered my face. I blinked, closed my eyes, and blinked again.
"I had to listen to you moan those two hours. Do you think I want to hear that?!" Jad yelled. The extreme anger in his voice shook my bones. But as his words were replayed inside my head I realized that his voice was cracking.
"Alright." I replied, no questions asked.
I got my clothes and my stuff and made my way to my father's office. I walked down the empty corridors that were filled with expensive furniture and paintings.
As I walked, I started replaying what happened a few hours ago inside my mind. Adrian and I... we were at it. And now, after finally getting the pleasure I wanted, I feel like hell. I cheated on my boyfriend and I can't even face him now. It hurts.
Now I realized how he felt. Even though I let him—no I pressured him—into sleeping with Mikasa, I feel that I cheated on him, the same way he felt towards me. But I'm in the wrong here. I'm an unfaithful bitch. I felt sick to my stomach.
"Are you happy?" Jad asked.
"No." I replied simply.
"Good. But know this. In time, this feeling will only get worse. And worse. And you will not be able to take it. Your guilt will take over and your personality, along with your happiness and life will crumble down. I really wonder what will happen if you faced Eren with the truth. You didn't tell him where you were going, you slept with another man, and cheated on him, and you're planning not to tell him." Jad explained. Even though I knew all of this already, it hurt to actually listen to them.
"What do you think he's thinking?" Jad asked. I didn't reply. "I bet he's probably daydreaming about you, as always."
I continued walking and listening to what he's saying. I needed to hear this. I feel like I alienated myself from the man who gave me his heart. He gave me his trust and I spit on it like dirt.
I cheated on the guy who gave life and limb to make me happy, and slept with a local fuckboy who was probably playing me all along.
The memories of that act kept replaying inside my head. My mind in that moment was focused on the wrong person. The wrong person was inside me. I broke the bond I placed with someone I knew for years in exchange for a night with someone I knew for a day. At that moment I was nothing but a toy in another man's game. Nothing but a sex slave. A cum dumpster.
"Who knew that you would risk, not just your own life, but the lives of the hundreds of potential victims AND your relationship—that was already crumbling—in exchange for pleasure? I thought highly of you. I guess I made a mistake." Jad said.
I made my way inside the office of my father, eyes tearing up and heart shattered into nothing. I went to the safe and opened it. I grabbed the only box of serum that was there and checked it before leaving the office.
I opened the door and got out. But as soon as I placed a few feet of distance between me and the office, the door abruptly closed behind me.
I immediately looked back only to see my father. That's when I felt that I was being played, controlled. Like a stupid puppet. And that I was.
"Hey. Annie. Where do you think you're going?" He asked, extremely casually but the venomous look in his eyes showed that he was not willing to let this slide.
"I'm not letting you proceed with your plans." I stated.
"It's not up to you, is it, dear? Now why don't you return what you stole before daddy gets angry."
"Fuck you." I replied before hauling ass to the door.
But as soon as I made it, the maid, Christina standing in front of it.
"Out of my way." I exclaimed.
"Stop or I will make you stop." She threatened.
And that's when the fighting began.
I tried to throw a punch but she grabbed me and twisted my arm. She then threw me on the ground and placed her foot on my chest. I grabbed it and threw her off me. She backflipped and lander on her feet with no effort.
She tried to hit me with a spin kick but I ducked and then blocked her punch that followed before throwing my own, hitting her in the left cheek.
I was then left speechless as I saw her run up the wall and try to kick me with so much force, but I crystallized my hand and blocked her kick before grabbing the leg with my other, non-crystallized hand and throwing her down. I then punched her with my crystal hand while she was on the ground just for good measure.
As I made my way to the door I felt a hand grip my shoulder and spin me around. It was Adrian. He then slapped me with the back of his hand, making me fall on the ground.
"Stealing from your father? How despicable." He stated.
"You know what's despicable? Working with a child abuser and future terrorist!" I replied. Adrian then kicked me when I'm down.
"I can't believe how easily I made you sway to my side. I tried to convince you over and over to try and join me but instead you refused us and tried to steal." Hearing Adrian say this made me mad. To know that I was being played, with little to no care about my emotions was heartbreaking.
"You didn't even like me, huh?" I said with a casual voice as I got up and sat on my knees.
"I do like you. But you don't like me or your father." He replied
"You don't know him, or what he's done."
"And you will never begin to comprehend the sacks of the opportunity he gave me to fix my life! You and I could've worked together and lived our days together happy and with no worries." He replied.
"Happy?! Live?! The second you become a Titan-Shifter it will be a matter of time before you die! There will be nothing other than the pain and agony of this curse! I only have a few years at most until I become nothing but a carcass! Don't you understand?! I'm doomed!" I cried.
"Then I would've been happy to be doomed with you. We would've died on the same bed together and be happy at our last moments." He stated.
"Oh, Annie dear. Your sacrifice would be for the greater good. If only you would keep an open mind and just listen. You would easily understand." My dad said as soon as he arrived from his office all the way to the entrance.
"Screw you, you sick fuck!" I replied.
"Shh!" Adrian said.
"You would've at least lived a few years to see the world you crafted with your hands. And I gave you Adrian, a handsome boy who can give you everything. What more could you ask for?" My sick father asked.
"My life back." I replied.
"I'm afraid that's the only thing I cannot offer you. Too bad that's the curse you'll live with." He stated.
"I remember that night you injected me like it was yesterday! You turned me into a monster! You could not imagine the pain I felt throughout my body as I morphed into a giantess! I kept feeling that pain time and time again ever since!" I expressed.
"Ah Yes. That night your mother was willing to kill me." He stated casually, grinding my gears to the limit.
"Yea I stopped her then, not because I ever liked you, but because I didn't want her to go to jail. But you know what I wouldn't mind to go to jail myself for patricide!" I explained.
"You're going behind bars, all right. My basement bars." He declared.
As soon as he said that the door was burst open and a man wearing an eyepatch on his left I came storming in. Adrian ran at him with a punch but the man dodged and struck back with his own punch, knocking Adrian out with a single hit. He then pulled out what seemed to be a tranquilizer gun himself and shot my father in the neck. The maid got the same treatment when she tried to attack.
He looked at me and took me off the ground.
"Jad sent me." He said. "Are you okay?"
"I'm... I've been better." I replied.
"I see. My name is Max. I'm getting you out of here."
The second I focused on his faced I realized that he bore a slight resemblance to Jad himself. But he had a red pupil in his eyes and lighter skin. He was also way more muscular and built. His face still had a few features that are different, including a slightly smaller nose and slightly different jaw.
He took me to what seemed to be a Ford Mustang. A black Ford Mustang. As we got out, dozens of guys in black stormed in.
"They're taking your father and his associates away. They will interrogate them appropriately and get everything they need out of them." Max stated as we got inside the car. "Do you have the serum box?"
"Yes." I answered, showing it to him.
Max drove us to the airport Jad's Jet was in. He told me that I was free to doze off until we get there and that I did. I woke up a few hours later as soon as we arrived. I got out of the car and made my way inside the Jet.
I took my seat and looked around, only to find that Jad was nowhere in sight. GoldEagle was present though.
"Where is he?" I asked. Referring to Jad.
"He has matters to attend to. Now please discard your gear."
I took off all my equipment and gave it to GoldEagle before sitting back at my seat.
The flight felt a bit sadder not having Jad there to have a conversation with. I had a feeling that I might have had something to do with him not being here. I kept looking outside the window, contemplating the night sky and the clouds we passed over. The flight felt longer and lonelier as time passed. All that time I was thinking to myself about what I had done. I felt extreme shame. I couldn't think of a proper way of looking Eren in the eyes after this.
I started crying silently to myself as I sat and looked outside. What I did was not something to be taken lightly. If I didn't love Eren, I would not have felt this way, but then again, if I was a loyal, loving girlfriend I would not have stayed away from him, let alone cheat on him with a fuckboy of all people.
My life has been nothing but sadness and pain. That is all I had felt ever since my father injected me with the curse in a serum. I lived my life in agony after that. But when I finally made peace with Jaeger and discovered that him and I are compatible, after we fell in love with one another, I knew that he could fix me and put me on the right path, slowly but surely.
With Eren I felt safe, I felt relaxed. Most importantly I felt happy. He brought me everything I needed from life and asked for nothing in return. But I just had to destroy everything, hadn't I?
I cannot set it right. I have failed and cursed myself with a short, cursed life.
Eren, I would never ask for your forgiveness, because I don't deserve it.
OOF! What a chapter? Am I right guys? What do you think would happen? Comment down below and press that star below to support me and tell me you like my story. Put a smile on my face and don't forget to Keep On Reading!
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