More Than Friends
Annie: Eren?
Eren: She's
Eren: Not okay.
Annie: I'm sorry.
Eren: Don't be. It's Jean's fault.
Annie: What are you gonna do?
Eren: I don't know. But I'm gonna go talk to her.
Annie: Good.
(Eren's POV)
I made my way to Mikasa's place, hoping she's there. I knew for a fact that I hurt her. I know why but I can't tell her. I'll break her more.
When I arrived, I only stood there. Looking at her door. I had the gut feeling that she wouldn't answer, and I knew if I tried I'd be wasting my time. So I had to find another way in. My best bet was the backyard.
Left the main entrance and made my way to the front yard door that takes to Mikasa's backyard. I opened the door and made my way to the back.
I looked at the backyard from the entrance and saw how empty it was. There was only a white table with four chairs surrounding said the table.
"Damn. Did I indirectly cause this too?" I asked myself. I sighed and walked towards the sliding doors. I looked through the window and saw that the entire house was a mess. The kitchen, which the doors lead to, was a chaotic mess. I tried to slide the doors open but they were locked.
"Ah great. Any other smart ideas, Eren? I'm pretty sure you also want to go through a window, you stupid home invader!" And then it dawned on me. The window to Mikasa's room was opened.
I grabbed the table and placed a chair over it and then climbed to the roof and from there I slowly and carefully made my way to the window, taking only one step at a time because I wasn't planning on breaking my neck on Mikasa's lawn.
I entered through the window, expecting to find nothing, only I did find Mikasa... on the floor, in a fetal position. She had her earphones plugged in her phone and in her ears.
If I called her she wouldn't listen so I decided to lie down on my back next to her and just stay there and stare at the ceiling with my hands supporting my head while she still in her fetal position not noticing that I was there. I looked at her just before lying down and saw that she was asleep.
I stayed like this for some time, having my own headphones plugged in and staring at the ceiling. Mikasa was still asleep, not knowing I was there.
I wanted to talk to her but I didn't know what to say. Then I got a text.
Annie: Eren.
Me: Yea?
Annie: Look. I know why she's broken. It's because of me.
Me: No it isn't!
Annie: Eren. We both know it's me. But listen.
Me: Okay.
Annie: If she's sad, you're sad. And I don't want either of you to be sad. So Eren. Whatever it takes. Make her happy today.
Me: You sure?
Annie: Whatever it takes.
Me: That's why I love you.
I then took my headphone off and placed my phone on her bed and leaned closer to Mikasa and kissed her on the cheek.
She jolted upwards, all startled and confused. She only sat on her knees after changing from her fetal position. When she looked at me and realized who I was she only sat on her knees and stared at me.
"I'm sorry."
I opened my arms for her to hug me and she jumped into them, hugging me passionately and crying on my shoulder.
"Shhh... there, there. It's okay. I'm here. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot."
"N-No... it's me. I stormed out of your place like that. I'm sorry." Mikasa said.
"I should've paid attention more. I'm an idiot." I stated.
"And I should leave you alone to date whoever you want." She continued.
"Yea... About that." Before I could continue she placed her finger on my mouth.
"Shh." She said. I chuckled. "Enough of that. For how long were you here?"
"30 minutes, give or take." I replied.
"I somewhat felt that I wasn't alone but the good type of 'Not Alone'. Do you feel me?"
"Yea. Though... I really need to... get you to meet her even though you will be surprised."
"Everything in due time, Eren. Everything in due time."
"But do you know what? She gave me the green light." I stated.
"Greenlight? To do what?" Mikasa asked out of confusion.
"To do this." I grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips. When I pulled away she stared at me bewildered and dumbfounded.
"You... You... You just..." I chuckled and kissed her again.
"More?" I asked her.
So I kissed her again and again with her kissing back. And damn, her lips made me crazy.
I kept wanting more. And I kept kissing her over and over, her tongue playing with mine and vice versa. I really liked the feeling and right then and there I realized what I was missing out on.
Then just a few minutes later...
And we did that... for a few hours.
I even got a call from Armin while in the middle of ramming Mikasa while on top. I paused. My dick still inside her and answered the phone.
"Hey, Armin."
"Hey, Eren. So uh, did you talk to Mikasa?"
"Yea. We talked, alright."
"I think she's pretty... satisfied."
"I don't know what that means... and I certainly feel that it's in my best interest not to know." Armin stated.
"Sure. You do you, buddy. I was gonna tell you in detail, what. I'm. Doing. Right. Now." I said, thrusting with every word. "But since you don't want, I say it's your choice after all."
Mikasa was covering her mouth, trying not to release her moans of pleasure. I was enjoying her blissful torture. And she was certainly enjoying it too.
"Okay so, I gotta go. Catch you later."
I looked at her and smiled. She was breathing heavily and sweating like hell. She was enjoying it and so was I, to be honest. I didn't want to cheat on Annie like this, but since I have her consent, does it matter?
"Eren... why are you cheating with me on your girl?" Mikasa asked.
"I told you. I have her consent. Otherwise, I wouldn't do this."
"Why would she let you do this?"
"She doesn't want you to be sad."
"Do I... know her?"
"You know of her. Not her, in a personal sense. You two are quite similar, actually."
"I... still can't believe you, Eren."
I sighed and grabbed my phone. I then showed her the text messages. I didn't name Annie her name on my contact list. I called her 'My Queen'.
"Alright..." Mikasa said while staring at my phone. She started scrolling through the chat. When I noticed this my heart dropped. I realized that she could read something that'll give Annie away. So my quick thinking came up with the idea to continue thrusting.
"Ah! Eren! What are you doing?!" Mikasa exclaimed. I immediately grabbed the phone off her hands and locked it before putting it away.
"Who said we're done?"
"Who told you that you could peak into my phone? Haha! Take this as your punishment, my dear."
"Ah! Eren! Yes! Ah! That's... Great!"
"Y-Yeah? I think that too!"
"Yes! Yes! Eren! I-I-I Love You!"
"I Love you too!"
Later that day, Mikasa and I lied on the bed, panting and holding each other while sweating.
I did it. I pleased her. And I know we're both happy about it deep down.
Mikasa wanted this. I didn't. But I can say with absolute certainty that we both enjoyed it.
"Eren... I feel ashamed." Mikasa spoke. I looked at her eyes and waited for her to say something. "Your girlfriend had to agree to you cheating on her just to please the whining little bitch that is me."
"No, don't say that." I replied.
"I'm sorry. I apologize for putting your relationship at stake. How can you even look at me now? I can barely look at myself after this. I am so sorry..."
"No... Mikasa I... I think it's just you and I... You're like a sister to me. And yet I don't feel that way. We could've been more if only I had let you into my heart, but... To be honest with you I was scared of you?"
"Scared of me?!"
"Yes, I... I didn't want to be with you because of your over-caring nature and what people would say about us. Among many other reasons. But I regret never seeing you for what you truly are... It's me who should apologize. Mikasa, I'm sorry."
"Eren, It's fine. Just... promise me we would stay friends and we would never leave each other's side."
"I promise. You have my word."
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