(A/N) Check out my original work:
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(Eren's POV)
Sitting in the hospital, I started to feel a little anxious for Annie. She had that determined look in her eyes. A look I've never seen on her. She left the hospital not too long ago. When I asked her, she said: "I have something to do." And then she left before I could get a word in edgewise.
"This is madness! There's obviously something fishy happening behind our backs and we cannot just stay here and watch." I said to Mikasa and Armin.
"Like what?" The latter asked.
"I don't know, but my money says it has something to do with Sasha." I replied.
"You mean Annie is linked to her getting stabbed?" Mikasa asked.
"Yes. I just don't know how."
But then, and as if it's right on cue I was called into Sasha's room after she woke up. When I asked the doctor how she was doing, he told me that she did not lose too much blood and that the weapon did not penetrate deep enough for her to do so. She'll wake up in two hours or so.
As time passed, I tried calling Annie more than 68 times. She did not answer a single one, which is strange. Her phone was off, which was even stranger. Mikasa came to my side, bringing with her a cup of Starbucks.
"Still not answering?" She asked.
"No. Not at all." I replied.
"How many times did you call her?" She asked.
"68 times."
She chuckled right after I said that.
"Why not one more time?" She asked, winking at me.
"I'd prefer to do that in real life." I said before getting playfully punched in the shoulder.
All of a sudden, Armin ran towards us and pointed in the direction of Sasha's room. He said she woke up and is talking to her parents as we speak. We decided to head over there and enter the room as soon as her parents finish.
"Thank goodness..." Mikasa said while sighing a sigh of relief.
"Eren?" Sasha's father said as he got out.
"That's me, sir." I said.
"My daughter wants to talk to you alone." He said as his wife got out of the room.
"Who, me?" I asked.
"Yes. Now hurry in there and don't keep her waiting."
I entered the room and watched as Sasha adjusted herself to sit more comfortably. A nurse was still beside her, doing his job when she told him to get out. I took a seat next to her and watched as she tried to reach for her phone and failed. I grabbed it and gave it to her.
"Thank the lords above you're okay." I said.
"I heard the wound wasn't too deep." I said.
"Well, it's deeper than you'll ever get inside Annie." She laughed, suggesting I'm not that big down under.
"Trust me, you don't want to hear her moans that one time in the lake." I replied.
"Spare me the details, pervert!" She said, chuckling.
"You're the one that started it!"
"Speaking of Annie, where is she?" She asked.
"I think you know better than anyone."
"Oh..." She said, looking down at her wound. Her smile suddenly disappeared.
"You know... I'm not supposed to tell you this, but... Annie's in some deep trouble." She said.
My heart skipped a beat at the sound of that. I adjusted m seat and got closer to her, my eyes clearly showing that I demand more information.
"Tell me. What's wrong with her. Why is she acting the way she is, running away like that, and ignoring me when I try to talk to her and all that crap! You know why, and yet you don't tell me!"
"It's not that simple. I wish I could tell you, but I swore to Annie not to!" She revealed.
"Sasha, please. I need to know." I stated.
She stared down at her wound again, her eyes clearly on the verge of tears. Then she looked at her phone and unlocked it. She paused for a brief moment before she continued. Taking a deep breath, she opened the maps and sent me the coordinates for a location to my phone.
"Annie has a past with this Adrian guy. He... I don't know, but they both hate each other's guts. This stuff is very serious Eren." She said, looking at me with a face that is not messing around. "She wants to kill Adrian and his buddies. But I don't think she can all by herself. I swore not to tell a soul, but I cannot let her just risk her life like that, Eren! I just can't..."
I watched as tears fell from her eyes, knowing that Annie is in danger. I grabbed a tissue from the box next to me and gave it to her.
"I sent you the coordinates of her location. Can you go there and save her?" She asked. Her voice sounded as if she was begging me to.
"You don't need to ask me twice." I said as I got off my seat.
"Eren... Those people are dangerous. There is a girl with claws, a giant dude and twins that-"
"I know about the last ones." I said, cutting her off.
"Please be careful. And don't go unprepared!" She said as I made my way out of the room.
"Don't worry. I got all the help I need."
I got out of the room, only to have Mikasa try to enter it after me. I placed my hand on her chest and pushed her to the front of me, making her confused.
"There is something we need to do. Annie is in danger and if we don't do something she'll be dead in no time. Armin, get in touch with Noct and Levi. Mikasa, you're coming with me."
Mikasa and I then made our way to the parking garage and got on my bike. We headed to my place to get the pickup truck and get the gang ready. I decided to go faster than how I usually ride. Mikasa noticed this and tapped me on the shoulder but I did not respond.
Finally, when we arrived at my place, I got off the bike and stormed inside the house. But before I could reach the door, Mikasa grabbed my shoulder and spun me around in her direction.
"Would you calm the heck down, please?" Mikasa yelled at me.
"Does this look like a situation where I can or should be calm?!" I responded.
"I don't know! You didn't even tell me what's happening!"
"Because I know nothing!" I replied. Then I turned around, walked to the door and opened it.
I grabbed the keys from the inside and made my way outside. Noctis and Levi seemed to have arrived as soon as I exited the house.
"What's up?" Levi asked.
"Not much. Just going to save a friend of mine."
I gave Levi the keys to my truck and explained to him what's happening, or at least what is to my knowledge before we split up. I needed to refuel my bike in order to be able to ride to the destination and bake without a hitch.
I rode to a nearby gas station and went inside a convenience store. I bought myself a chocolate bar and then proceeded to refuel the bike. As I was getting ready to go, my phone started to vibrate inside my pocket.
"Yes, Armin?"
"So you guys are headed to an abandoned port, is that correct?" He asked
"Yes, apparently."
"What could be there that Annie is interested in?"
"The only thing she's interested in is killing Adrian. There is likely a huge rivalry between the two, and I suspect that he attacked Sasha to get back at Annie."
"I'd like to inform you that this abandoned port you're heading into is completely wrecked, with only one derelict ship in it. From what I can see from the maps right here, it seems like this ship is falling apart, so I suggest you take your steps carefully."
"Will do. Now I gotta go. I'll call you if I need anything." I said.
I got on my bike and rode towards the port. Mikasa and the two boys have gotten a pretty good headstart and there is no way that I can catch up to them, so it was apparent that I will not make it at the same time. Nevertheless, I rode there as fast as I can.
On our way there, I started to think about what Annie has been doing behind closed doors for so long. It's clear now that she's been living a whole nother life behind my back. That or she's hiding her true self from me.
'Dammit, Annie. What are you hiding?'
A lot of the times when we hang out together, her mind seems to be wandering off and thinking about unpleasant things, or she'd be all sad and refuse to hang out or even get out of her house. One would assume that she's dealing with the trauma of losing a mother at such a young age. However, her weird behavior started even before that moment in her life.
Suddenly I remembered the time where she went on a private jet in the middle of the night and when she returned, she looked like she saw a ghost. I believe that I should take part of the blame for refusing to ask her about it in the first place.
I respect her privacy. More than I do mine. The reason for that being is that she is someone who's suffering from trauma due to a dark past. One that appears to be unbelievably darker than I could have ever imagined. And it seems this dark past is coming back to haunt her.
"If we-... When we make it out of this, I promise I'll find out what makes you broken on the inside, and I'll fix you. I promise."
For some reason, the confidence inside of me gave rise to another feeling. A feeling that is as weird as it is good. I started to feel powerful. It was as if magical and ethereal energy was flowing inside of me from head to toe.
When I arrived at the location, I saw that the team has already arrived and was engaged in a fight inside the ship. I could hear the gunshot sounds all the way from the bike. I started running towards the ship when suddenly, I heard my name being screamed from a nearby container. I stopped dead in my tracks. When I went to check who spoke my name, I spotted a familiar-looking person coming out of the container.
"Natalia?" I asked.
"Hey." She replied.
I walked towards her, wondering what brought her to the port in the first place.
"I have a confession to make." She said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I came here with Adrian as part of his squad."
"What?!" I asked, shocked by what I heard.
"Listen! Please... I know this sounds bad, and it is. But when we arrived here and I met you, Sasha, Mikasa and Armin, I was changed. I saw how wrong we were to come here. But Adrian wasn't going to leave empty-handed. He attacked Sasha, despite me pleading him not to. He smacked me across the room once I tried to grab the knife out of his hand. And so I beg you, please end this." She explained.
"Where can I find them?" I asked.
"The top of the bridge. She's there, fighting him. Now go and save the princess, champ!"
I walked towards the ship and true to Natalia's words, Annie and Adrian were fighting at the top. However, I could not see them clearly as they were far away for me to see.
"Annie... I wasn't by your side when you experienced your past... I wasn't there with you when you stepped inside that jet. I was not with you when you needed someone by your side the most. When you needed me by your side! But not this time. From now on, I will always be by your side. I swear!"
I started running towards the ship, the feeling of extreme power intensifying inside of me. I started to feel like there is something inside of me that is clawing its way out. And my love for Annie was embracing it.
"I AM NOT LETTING YOU DIE!" I screamed, pushing my arm all the way forward.
That's when sparks of lightning started to emerge from my body and the intense feeling of power manifested fully and was released. I started feeling an unrelenting rage and power inside of me.
I jumped with all of my power, roaring as I descended between Annie and Adrian. Once I landed on one knee, pushing the two away with both hands. The power inside of me was fully unleashed and it was overwhelming!
"This is... Unbelievable!"
"Eren?" Annie asked.
I pushed the two away with force, being fed up by the fight and Annie putting herself in danger. Then I got back to my feet, my eyes glowing no longer.
"This ends. Here and in this instant." I said without looking either of them in the eye.
"Eren! What are you doing?! Get out of my way because I wanna finish this guy!" Annie tried to get close to me but I bitch-slapped her away.
"Listen to me, Annie. I don't know what you two are fighting about. But I'll be damned if I let you risk your life for it." I stated. I then showed my back to her and took two steps forward and in the direction of Adrian.
"I will be the one to end this. Right here and right now."
Adrian chuckled at this. "Ahh. You came all this way just to save her. How romantic"
"Adrian Meyers, is it? Secondborn to a family that is not so fortunate. Disappeared in your teen years and now, here you are." I unveiled.
Adrian looked at me silently with a stoic expression. He listened to every word I said. I made my digging and I have figured out who he really is and that took him by surprise.
"I can never understand what either of you has gone through. But I sure as hell am not letting you kill Annie for it. Annie is gonna live whether you like it or not."
"Gonna live? Why don't you check your power level, hero! That bitch slap nearly cleaved my head clean off!" Annie commented.
"Noted." I replied to her.
"If I beat Eren, then by default I beat you, Annie. What do you say?" He asked her.
"You know what? You two fight it out. I'm just gonna lie here and... Watch this paint rust."
I stared at Adrian and cracked my knuckles.
"If you survive this righteous beatdown, You'll leave us be and never show your face again. Capiche?"
"A word is a word. But I'm not gonna lose to the likes of you."
We then both charged at one another fists colliding. I then punched him in the stomach faster than he could react. He tried to punch back but I grabbed his fist and twisted it before punching him in the face."
I step-slid forward and hit him right shoulder with a palm strike. Then I moved his arm away to the side and hit him with a punch to the solar plexus. Then I lifted my foot, did a cross step and hit him with a thigh-kick on his right leg and knocked him off balance. After shuffling forward and trapping his right hand down, I hit him with the backhand chop, disrupting his balance once again. Hitting his right hand twice with both hands, I stepped forward and punched him in the jaw, with a corkscrewed fist, knocking him down and nearly knocking him unconscious.
He got up immediately and tried to sweep my legs off the floor but I jumped and kicked him in the face. I then tried to punch him but he grabbed my fist and pushed it aside. He then punched me. I struck him with an uppercut. He kicked me and I kicked him back.
We went back and forth with the punching and kicking until our punches finally collided. The force of the collision was so powerful, it sent us flying in opposite directions. Annie was just watching in amazement we beat each other up.
"This does not concern you, Yeager. It has nothing to do with you." Adrian stated.
"Remember when I told you 'May we meeteth again some other time. We wilt duel to the death at which hour the time cometh'?" I asked.
"I do."
"The time hath cometh. And thy time is ov'r. Reflect on thy life decisions."
"Oh, it is not over yet. I am not gonna go down this easily!"
He charged at me with a superman punch in mind. But I grabbed his punch and when he landed on the ground, I punched his stomach. He tried to kick me in the head, but I blocked his kick with my wrist and then pushed his foot away.
He tried to punch me once again but I grabbed his fist and struck his arm with my elbow. Next, I tried to kick his chest away but he grabbed my foot and tried to counter the attack with a handful of punches, only for me to start evading every single one. We tried punching each other at the same time, only to have our arms interlock with one another.
"Is it really that bad?" I asked.
"Is the thing between you two really that bad that you want to kill each other over it?"
"You know nothing about it."
"Fair enough. But I'm not gonna let you kill her for it!"
"It's not for you to decide!"
I then broke the punch by kneeing him in the stomach.
"Yes, it is, you fucking asshole!"
I punched him in the face and he punched me back. We continued punching each other until I got fed up with it and grabbed his last fist. He stared at me with rage in his eyes, knowing that I am a difficult obstacle that stands between him and his ultimate goal
I released his fist, only for him to try to punch me with the other. I dodged his second fist and retained my posture. I then tried to hit him with a punch but he held his arms against his face, trying to block the incoming fist. However, my punch was stronger than he anticipated. I started to push my fist against his arms and in the end, my fist managed to strike his face.
After another brutal exchange of fists, I decided that I should wait for the right opportunity to strike him. When he threw a fist at me, I stepped to the side and kicked the back of his leg. When he started to trip and fall to the ground, I raised my foot up and brought it down on him.
As soon as he hit the ground with force, he tried to hit me with a leg sweep. I dodged it and watched as he tried to get up and strike me again. He tried to punch me but at the same time, I came at him with a flying kick. Neither of our attacks landed.
I then tried to punch him again, but I dodged. I did the same to him but he dodged as well. I tried to grab him by the neck, but when I did he punched my hand away and then attempted another punch, only for me to dodge it.
"Is this everything you got? Man, I've heard you're a good fighter. Honestly, I expected more." I stated.
"Well, I'd certainly hate to disappoint!"
He rushed towards me with a series of fists, some of them succeeding in hitting me while others were easy to dodge. That's when I noticed an opening for a severe counterattack. When he tried to punch me one last time, I grabbed his head and start smashing it against my knee repeatedly. And with the last one, I released his head and kicked it to the ground.
When he got up, Adrian charged at me with a fist, only for me to dodge it and counterattack with my own. However, he was able to dodge my fist and then slam me against the handrail. He tried to punch me again, but I dodged to the side and elbowed him in the head and tried to grab him. He then used all of his strength to throw me at the handrail once again.
As the ship was in a severe state of neglect and disrepair, it was rusty and easily falling apart. The handrail portion where my back was lying split apart from the rest of the thing and fell to the deck below. Adrian tried to kick me down there as well, but I grabbed his fist and pushed it away, then I followed my attack with a punch to the face.
He tried to hit me with the back of his hand, but I had had enough of him and his constant bullshit. And so I grabbed his fist and struck him with an uppercut that sent him flying a few feet in the air. I jumped after him and there, I started to rain down on him with unrelenting and unforgiving series of punches.
Then I finished the fight with one final punch that had my fist become engulfed with the lightning energy and my eyes once again glowing green. That punched sent him flying down to the floor, bloodied and beaten. The floor beneath him collapsed and he fell down a level or two.
I went to Annie and gave her a hand. She gladly took it and smiled as I helped her up. As soon as she got on her feet she pressed her soft and lovely lips against mine. When she finished, she parted her lips from mine and released me.
"What was that?" She asked.
"Honestly, I don't know." I replied.
"Whatever." She said, chuckling. "Take me home, my love."
We both descended from the ship and to the port itself. Mikasa, Noctis, and Levi were all waiting for us. I noticed that none of Adrian's goons were present. Not even Natalia herself.
"Where are the others?" I asked.
"The other freakshows? Well, there's this big pile of brawns with no brains knocked out inside of the cargo holds." Levi stated.
"I've seen a pair of twins leave the area all by themselves." Noctis mentioned.
"And has any of you seen a redhead girl sporting a faux-hawk hairstyle with bangs covering the side of her face?" Annie asked, referring to Natalia.
"No." Mikasa answered. "She wasn't even present when we arrived."
"Anyways, let's get back home. I want to take a nice, long bath." I stated.
"You guys came here to save me, so pizza's on me." Annie said.
"That's music to my ears! Whaddya say, Eren?" Noctis asked.
"Yea, I have time." I replied. "But let's go to the hospital and check on Sasha."
And with that, we all left the sad, wrecked and abandoned port and went to the hospital. For me, this was a day that I will never forget. I'm also baffled by what I just discovered, buried deep inside of me. As to what Annie is keeping a secret, that's for me to discover in my own time.
As one adventure ends and the next begins, I decide to enjoy life for what it's worth, alongside those that are near and dear to me. And as I wait for what's to come next, I'll strive to better myself and be ready for the future.
We arrived at the hospital and entered Sasha's room. We decided that it's best to bring the pizza to her as well and have us all celebrate together. I called the pizzeria and ordered it to my address and then we took them from there.
When we entered Sasha's room, she was staring at her phone and was probably reflecting on what our fates will be.
"Cheer up, Potato Girl! We're all back in one piece." I said as I entered the room.
Seeing us drew a big smile on her face, especially Annie. The blonde girl then went to hug her ailing friend.
"That guy right there has called you 68 times!" Sasha said.
"Wait, what?" Annie exclaimed as she checked her phone.
"Oh my lord, Eren! I knew you're a pervert, but..." Levi said.
"Oh come on!" I exclaimed.
"Typical of Eren Yeager to do such a thing." Mikasa said, backing them
"Seriously?" I asked.
"He also said he likes to do the last one 'In Person'." Sasha said while making hand quotations.
Levi and Noctis started laughing uncontrollably. Mikasa was trying not to chuckle under her breathed so she cleared her throat instead while hiding a smirk with her hand.
"Okay. So when you guys calm down I'll return." I said before opening the door and getting out.
"Is she awake?" A familiar voice said to me. When I looked at the person who spoke, I was surprised to see Natalia staring back at me.
"You're here!" I noted.
"Of course I am. She's my friend and so are you. Besides, I feel partly responsible." She said before looking down in shame.
"Listen. You may be partly responsible, but at least you tried to do the good thing by attempting to stop Adrian." I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Plus, you can make it right by going in there and apologizing."
"That's when I intend to do." She said.
Annie suddenly got out of the room. "Eren? We're about to eat the pi-" She was cut off by the sight of Natalia in front of me.
"Eren, you know her?" She asked.
"Yea, from a while back. When She and Adrian came to our school?" I stated.
"Oh." Annie said, shocked by this revelation.
"I'm here to apologize. I won't take much of your time." Natalia told Annie.
"Oh, no no no! Do come in! You have a right to see Sasha as much as I do!" Annie said, welcoming Natalia in and closing the door behind her, leaving the two of us to chat alone.
"Have they calmed down?" I asked as I peeked through to see, only to hear Levi scream 'pervert' at me.
I closed the door and got back to Annie.
"So, how are you feeling?" I asked.
"Better than ever." She replied.
"So... I don't mean to butt in like this, but when are you gonna tell me about Adrian and you?" I asked. She looked down and then back at me.
"I... Look. I know you've gotten yourself roped in all of this and you deserve some answers. But please. It's hard for me and I need time. But hey, I promise you that at the right time, I'll tell you everything. But please be patient." She said.
"Alright. I'll hold you onto that."
She then kissed me on the cheek before entering Sasha's room.
"I guess I have to see with my own eyes. I'm done waiting." I said before I followed her inside.
"Don't you even think of starting without me!" I said before I took a slice of pizza.
And then we celebrated together, finally free from Adrian's threat and able to enjoy life and all happiness that comes with it.
I cannot wait until we're done and so I can have my girl in my arms once again, feel her soft, gentle and beautiful lips against mine. And what makes it even better is the joy of knowing that I will get to see her genuine smile once again after so long.
I know this sounds very cheesy, but that's how I like my pizza.
Ending A
(Max's POV)
I arrived at the location where Eren, Annie, and friends defeated Adrian in a battle of titan powers that somehow did not destroy the ship they were on.
I made my way to the bridge of the rusty, derelict ship that was deteriorating at a faster rate due to the fight that occurred an hours ago. I started to look for Adrian. When I was only one floor below where he supposedly crashed, I started to hear the grunts and moans of a person in pain. They were faint and low. Echoing throughout the ship like a ghost haunting the remains of a vessel that once traversed the sea, now trapped and rusting away on an abandoned port.
I arrived at the bridge and witnessed Adrian, his body riddled with shards of metal and barely able to move. His blood tainted the grounds where he was lying and unable to move a muscle.
"How horrible is it to be stuck here for hours, bleeding and regenerating all night long. It's 2:30 AM. You must be carving death right now. Either that or revenge. Trust me, you're getting neither."
All he could do was moan and grunt. I would've felt pity for him but knowing who he is, I'm not surprised why I don't. I got on one knee while in front of him to examine his body.
"You know... When Annie told you she didn't have the titan serum, she wasn't lying. It was me who gave it to her as bait to lure you here." I revealed. The look on his face was priceless.
"It was my employer who tasked Annie with getting to your mentor's place and stealing the serum. We needed it so we can manufacture an enhanced titan serum for another Eren from a different timeline." I stated. "A timeline where Eren had his heart broken and is fixing it himself. Oh and that Eren killed your brother Jason from that timeline."
"Shocking, huh? I'd love to hear your opinion on this but I think it's best for you to shut it, and so I'm gonna leave those shards of glass in your throat. And now I'm taking you to see my employer. You're gonna rot in a cell next to your boss."
I picked Adrian up and took him out of the ship. There awaited a black ambulance vehicle and a fancy black Mercedes-Benz car. Two men in black took the bloody and shard-ridden Adrian away from me and placed him in the black ambulance.
My employer, Jad, who was leaning on the back passenger door of the Mercedes, stood there and clapped as Adrian was moved to the ambulance.
"What now?" I asked.
"Now, you stay here and help this Eren and Annie against an incoming threat. Oh and Mikasa needs some 'company'. I'm sure you don't mind attending to her needs and provide."
"And what about you?" I asked.
"I'm off to the other Eren's aid. It seems like it's time for him to get into the action." Jad stated.
"Wouldn't it be mentally exhausting for him to be on the battlefield?" I asked.
"That's why I'll be there." He said before opening the door and getting inside. But before he closed the door, he looked at me and said: "Godspeed."
WOOOOOOO! WE ARE DONE! Finally! Ending A of the book is complete. Did you like it? Vote and comment your thoughts!
Congratulations on making it all the way to the end! This is Ending A. There is more to come from this book where the story of Eren, Mikasa, Annie and the rest takes a completely unexpected turn. Stay tuned and don't forget to Keep On Reading!
In the meantime, check out my original work :
I will continue when I finish writing my book. Support me by reading it and voting. And if you can, please share it with your friends. It would be greatly appreciated.
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