(Annie's POV)
The day after Eren and I went camping, I decided that I should stop waiting for a miracle to happen and go on the offensive. The time has come for Adrian and his gang to get a taste of their own medicine.
I decided to wait until Friday to do some digging on him. When that day came, I made my way to Krista's meeting location after calling her to have a discussion. What took me by surprise is her enthusiasm to meet me. I expected her to be very busy or maybe agree casually and set a date, but she immediately said yes and arranged a meeting place at a local sushi restaurant.
It irks me to even think that she is working with Adrian in the first place. But what is more irritating is the fact that Ardian must have done a whole lot of research about me to find out that a girl with a rich father who has a modeling agency studies in the same location as I do. His dedication to his cause is scary. At least I know I've done a good job telling her not to bring someone into this "meeting" of ours. I don't intend on her showing up with Adrian or one of his buddies.
When I arrived, I spotted her nearby, waving for me to take a seat. I made my way towards her and found her already looking at the menu and deciding on an order.
"Hey." I greeted.
"Hi, Annie! Nice of you to want to see me!" She replied cheerfully.
"Yes, it is. I believe there is something important I want you to tell me, and you know me, I prefer to do my business in person." I informed.
"Oh yeah? And what is this important thing?" She asked.
"I think it is painfully obvious. That kid who you made a mode at your company."
"Oh! Do you mean Adrian?" She asked. "Well, I kinda stumbled upon him one day. Long story short, I was carrying ice cream and walking down the street and we accidentally bumped into each other, making the ice cream spill on my shirt. He wanted to make up for it so he took me around and bought a new one for me. Then we spent the day together. I saw he had good looks and offered him a gig, that's all. Now he works with us." Krista explained.
"He's been causing all sorts of trouble around if you haven't noticed. Namely picking fights with Eren." I stated. It has been the third time this week, and I have the belief that they are not gonna stop anytime soon.
"Hmm... I know about that, but what is more interesting is that you an Eren are now friends! Yaaaay!" Krista exclaimed.
"I wouldn't call it friends, but that's not the point." It's not a lie, obviously. We aren't friends we're more than that. I just want her to think we're less than that. "What I want to know is all that you know about Adrian."
"Why are you so intrigued by him?" She asked.
"I just want to know who he is, how did he show up out of nowhere, and why exactly."
"Well... Honestly, I don't know much about the guy. He told me he came from Ukraine not long before he and I met." She explained. "I know he has a rough past, but no details on it. He usually keeps his past out of every conversation. But for me, it doesn't matter since he is a nice guy, and one of the hottest dudes I've met."
"Did he tell you why he's here?"
"He said something about meeting someone"
I instantly realized who he was referring to... Me.
"Did he tell you who?"
"No. He said it was important for him that no one knows who this person is. I didn't want to bug him about it so I decided to leave it at that.
"Now you need to tell me why are you obsessed with hi- Oh! Does Annie like someone? Hmm?" She teased.
"I don't. Quite the contrary, actually. HE keeps bothering me. And I want to see if I can try and get him out of my hair." I stated.
"Oh, okay. I can talk to him about that if you want." She suggested.
"That would be much appreciated, thanks."
"Want me to call him right now?" She asked. My spine froze upon her suggestion.
"Nonononono! It's best if you tell him in person. Plus I don't wanna see his face. I'm already feeling sick."
"Oh, come on, Annie! I'm sure he's not that bad!" She opined.
"Trust me, he is. He probably doesn't act like this around his employer, for obvious reasons."
I ordered my sushi and waited for her to order. When she was done, we returned to our conversation. However, we did not continue the talk about Adrian, instead, we started talking about Eren.
"You know, I asked Eren to model for me once." I already knew that. I chose to act surprised because I was not planning on letting her know that Eren told me. Although I've heard enough from Eren, I never heard her side of the story.
"Oh yeah? Tell me about that. What happened?" I asked.
"Annie, be honest with me. Eren is hot, isn't he? Like, really hot!" I started to blush once I heard that.
"Y-Yes. He kind of is."
"Kind of? He IS HOT! Anyway, I wanted him to model for me. Actually, it wasn't just me." She stated. "My father too wanted Eren to model for us."
"Interesting..." I said with a curious tone, showing my genuine feelings towards her story.
"Remember that party that I invited you invited to?" She asked.
"You are aware that Eren was there as well, right?"
I was more than aware.
"I saw him there, yes."
"I invited him, not just because he's a close friend, but because I wanted for him to see the high life of modeling and all of that." She revealed.
"So you were there, trying to slowly and carefully coax him into the modeling business?" I asked, finally understanding the reason he was there.
"Not just him..."
For some reason, I felt a little uneasy by the way she said it and then ate a sushi roll. It was obvious she had another motive in mind.
"I also want you to model for us, Annie!" She said, making me nearly choke on the food.
"Yeah, you! Look at you! A gorgeous face, alluring eyes, a sexy body... Don't think no one noticed that nice rack of yours! And don't get me started on your juicy ass!"
"Stop it!" I barked out at her.
"Oh, come on! Haven't you at least thought of it? I see your photos on your social media! You're like an Instagram model! You have it in you!" She asked.
I kinda did once, but that was when I needed money for water and electricity, but back then, I did not have a nice body like I do today. But I stopped thinking about it because I, for some reason, started doubting everything about myself. Possibly due to my depression.
"Yes, I did. But not now." I replied.
All of a sudden, she stopped looking at me with cute dog eyes, trying to implore me to work for her and started to trail off somewhere while looking at the table with her hand covering her mouth as if she was thinking deeply. Then she looked at me with a smile and snapped her fingers.
"Listen, Annie. I have a proposal you cannot, in your right mind, refuse!" She stated with enthusiasm.
"And what's that?" I asked, chills coming down my spine.
"If you work for me, at least for ONE shoot... I'll force Adrian to stay as far away as possible. Whaddya say?" She proposed.
"Hmm... You drive a hard bargain..."
"I will make sure no glimpse of him will ever pop up in your field of vision." She said, and what a weird way of saying it.
"Okay, Krista. I'll do this gig for you, but ONLY if you get that asshole out of my face." I said.
"Consider Adrian's 'Restraining Order' in effect. But first things first." She pulled out a pen and paper and placed them in front of me.
(A/N) Please keep in mind that this contract is FAKE and is a sample taken off the internet. It does not represent or is meant to represent a real agency or model. The locations were blanked out for that purpose.
I was overcome with a feeling of anxiety as I started to read through the contract.
"Uuh..." I was not able to muster a single word.
"It's all stuff that is meant to make sure you and our agency work in tandem and that you don't go out there with no one to watch your back." Krista explained.
"You came here with this contract?!" I asked. At that moment I finally understood why she was felt with enthusiasm and was overjoyed when I told her we need to meet and talk. She was waiting for the golden opportunity to ask me and was eager to see me once that opportunity was given to her.
"Haha, yes! Honestly, I did not expect that the topic of discussion will involve this! The stars truly shine upon me these days! Annie, please accept! I beg you! Come on!"
"Calm down and let me read through this!"
"Alright, Alright. To be honest with you, I always carry this exact same contact around with me at all times. And now I finally mustered the courage to ask you about it." She revealed.
"I always had this feeling that you wanted to ask me something, but not this!" I stated.
I finally decided to submit and sign it. I knew full well that this cannot fully stop Adrian, but I also knew that when Krista decides on something, she gets it done. Hopefully, she can stall Adrian for as much as possible until I can come up with a plan.
"YESSSS!" She shouted.
"Oh, calm down! I only signed the contract! Just take it and get me a gig!"
"I already have one set up! Let's go!" She said, jumping out of her seat and booking it to the exit. Only one problem, she didn't manage to even move an inch away from me as I grabbed her arm and shoved her right back at her seat.
"We'll go once I finish my food. Oh, and it's your treat."
Once I finished and we both made it to the shooting place, I was overwhelmed with a sense of extreme panic knowing that I will be placed on magazines or online for millions to see.
"I'm not gonna model naked, am I?" I asked.
"No, honey! Since you accepted my offer, I decided to repay you by making sure that your first gig is the thing you're known for wearing!" She said before throwing me a white hoodie.
I became instantly relaxed upon knowing that. I let out a sigh just to show it. I switched from my own hoodie to the way softer, nicer and cleaner one that I was to model with. I then realized how nice Krista's brand is.
"How do you feel?" She asked.
"Like I'm in heaven!" I replied, making her chuckle.
"That's the spirit! Now get in there and give me your sexiest poses!"
I walked into the white area and started posing sexy. It was surprisingly longer than I expected, especially that the photographer was only going to take a portion of the overall photos.
"These are phenomenal!" He stated. "I can't believe you have never modeled before!"
"I'm telling you, she's a natural!" Krista added.
"I hate the fact that we can't use all of these! I want them all out there!" The photographer stated.
I took a look at the photos and was slightly surprised myself. They were better than I expected. Suddenly my thoughts went into the 'What if Eren sees this' part of my mind. The good side of it. My heart started to beat like a machine gun.
"I don't even have to edit these! Well, besides the lighting and stuff like that." The photographer stated.
"See, Annie? You can do this!" Krista then hugged me. "Thank you..."
"Now, about Adrian."
"Already taken care of!" She replied.
"I'll send these photos to you as well! Once I finish my thing, though." The photographer said.
"Thanks! Anyways I gotta go." I said before leaving and heading towards my own place.
A few hours later, the photographer sent me the photos, and true to his words, he did not change anything but the lighting. However, he did not send me every single photo, he sent the best ones. I cannot blame him since we took way too many photos.
"Oh my god... Is this really me?" I asked.
Then he sent me a text message saying he will have someone drop a CD with all the photos on it to my address. A short while later, I was bombarded with notifications on my phone. It was too much that I had to activate the 'Do Not Disturb' mode. looking at the notifications, they were mostly unknown accounts following me on Twitter and Instagram. I instantly went on all apps and deactivated notifications.
"Oh god..."
Not long after, I got a call from Eren.
"Annie..." He said
"Eren! I can explain! I-I"
"These photos are astronomical! Wow! I did not know you have it in you!"
Hearing him praise me made my heart go mad. I was going to cry tears of joy upon hearing his voice say all those beautiful and encouraging things.
"Can I swing by? Or is Annie the model no longer available to speak to the peasants?" He joked.
"Nonono! Please come!"
"Wow! Just look at your social media! Every time I refresh your Instagram, you get 5k followers!"
"What do I do?!" I asked, panicking.
"Breathe in. I'll be there in a sec!"
Eren then arrived a few minutes later. I rushed to the door the second I heard his bike close by. When I opened the door, I accidentally stumbled into him, hitting him in the chest. He immediately held on to me and made sure I don't fall back onto the ground.
"Whoa there! Calm down, babe! Why are you so troubled?" He asked.
"Seriously?! Why wouldn't I be?! I now suddenly have a large following online! I'm not used to be on the spotlight!" I said. "And how can I be?! I knew this was a bad ide-"
Before I could finish, he shut me up by placing his lips on mine. His lips were so smooth and addicting to me that the managed to pacify me and end the terrible feelings in an instant. All I could do in that instant is subdue to his passionate love and kiss him back.
"Thank you... I needed this." I said, calming me down.
"Now... Let's see how we can calm you further." Eren closed the door with his foot and then proceeded to pick me up and take me to the living room couch, all while we made out passionately.
When Eren sat me down, he paused to unlock his phone and pull up my picture from the website and social media account of the brand whose hoodie I was promoting. He just started to scroll through them silently with a smile on his face. The look he gave the photos showed a sense of being proud and happy for me. That alone made my heart beat fast and loud. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me towards his shoulder where I laid my head and watched as he scrolled through all the photos.
"Wow... I never believed that you'd do something like this... Amazing." He said.
"Krista promised me that if I do this gig, she'll make sure that Adrian will leave me alone."
"Oh... Interesting. I was scrolling through Facebook when I got a link from Armin. He just sent it and didn't say anything. When I clicked on it and was greeted with your angelic face, I was shocked. The good kind. Oh, and you better expect lots of eyes on you on Monday. LOTS of eyes."
"Honestly, Eren... I'm starting to regret ever doing this shoot." I stated.
"What? No, don't say that! You did a great job and I'm proud of you! I kinda want you to do more!" Eren asserted.
"Don't get me wrong! I am sure you'll be even better than now, and then-"
"it's not about doing good or bad! I just can't handle the fame!"
"Well, I'll be there to support you whenever you need me." Eren said, pulling me further into a hug.
"That is good to hear."
Eren kissed me on the forehead and then continued to scroll through the photos. Hearing his words of encouragement makes me want to do more modeling gigs. Not because of fame or money, but because I get to make him feel happy. Krista texted me an hour before Eren called and told me that she will set up a gig for me whenever I feel like it. Knowing that I am not bound to a schedule made it more liberating to be a model. The only barrier for me was fame. I am an introverted person and I barely speak with people. And now you expect me to have thousands upon thousands of social media followers?
Finally, the dreaded Monday came and it was time to face the music. I entered the hallways of my school and as expected, I was greeted with all the eyes I could ever dream of having to look at me. I tried as hard as I can to ignore everyone and head to my locker. I took the books that I need and made my way to class as fast and as early as I could.
When I arrived, I was surprised to see Eren himself. He arrived even earlier than I did, and that is a first. I sat in front of him and decided to bury my face in the subject book. But before I can do that, Eren tapped m shoulder. I looked at him for the first time publicly without the fear of people getting a hint, now that we are officially: 'Not Enemies'.
"How's it feel to be the main topic of discussion today, and possibly all week long?" Eren asked.
"You're not helping!"
"Since I am popular-well, less popular than you, now-at school, I'm in a lot of discord groups. And all of them are talking about you. They all ask me what I know about you and if I can ask you for a few autographs." He said.
"What part of 'You're not helping!' didn't you understand?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, it's just so overwhelming! I can't begin to comprehend how it feels to be you right now!"
"Trust me, you don't wanna know."
At lunch break, I did not see a glimpse of Adrian at all. I knew he was at school, I just didn't see him. I guess the 'Restraining Order' worked like a charm! But it was still uncomfortable nonetheless due to all the eyes that were on me.
Luckily, Sasha arrived and took a seat in front of me. "Heyaz, Annie the model! What's up?"
"Oh, finally you made it! I am very uncomfortable! I wanna leave!" I stated.
"Okay then. Let's go!"
Sasha and I then left and went to the school rooftop where we sat without any eyes laying on us. Primarily me.
"Whew! I've never felt so weirded out in my life!" Sasha stated
"Oh man... What have I done..." I spoke my thoughts out loud.
I then explained to Sasha what I've done and why I've done it without even being prompted to. I felt like I needed to tell someone my thoughts before my brain explodes. I held my face in my hands, sighing while doing so.
"Was it really a good idea to have Adrian leave me to be temporarily? Because honestly, I could take him being in my mind all day, but not fame! I have doubled my troubles... Sasha, can you do something?"
"Uuh..." She managed to utter.
"Ah, forget about it. It's my problem."
"NO! I can't let you face this all by yourself!" She shouted.
"Stop screeching."
"If I let you go through this without any support, what kind of friend would I be?!"
"Sasha. Let me handle this all on my own. Now, both of us, we got Adrian to be worried about. I really wanna go on the offensive. I'm trying to find a secluded place for him and me to settle this."
"Annie, you've seen what his gang can do. You can't do this on your own." She stated.
"Obviously. But I don't have a choice. Also If I brought you into this, you'll probably be killed too. And I can't let that happen, can I? No. So the plan is, we find a place where we can fight him without having the eyes of the public on us."
"I can start looking around for a few places that fit this criteria. It won't take me long, so start preparing what you need to prepare and practice as hard as possible."
Sasha's voice as she spoke was faint, quiet and sounded somewhat depressed. When I looked at her, I was horrified to see that tears were flowing down her eyes. I quickly pulled her face towards mine.
"Why are you crying?!" I asked.
"Look at you, Annie. You have made peace with the fact that you might die. Plus, seeing what this Adrian and his group of hooligans can do, I don't know if you will survive! All of that accompanied by the fact that I am helping you see this suicide mission to completion... I... I can't!"
Sasha got on her feet and made her way towards the exit, but before she can reach that, she was stopped by someone when she hit them and fell on the floor. However, the other person did not.
I stared at the girl who stood before me, instantly recognizing her from her looks. Her black hair, her cold, dead eyes, her imposing yet threatening posture... It was obvious. The person who stood before me is my own match, maybe even outclasses me in many fields. Seeing her directly in front of me like this made me feel even more threatened than facing Adrian. From what I heard and seen, her skills in martial arts and hand to hand combat severely outclass mine. The only edge I have over her is my powers, but who's to say she can't beat me regardless of my powers? Who's to say she doesn't have powers of her own?
"Annie." She spoke. Her voice was soft and gentle, yet cold and threatening at the same time. "There is a matter I need to settle with you."
"This is the first time you and I have ever met in person." I stated. She nodded in response. When people claimed I was emotionless, I can now see what they were talking about. Except this is on a whole new level. Her lack of emotions on that face was extremely eery and spine chilling.
"Evidently. However, I am sure you know of me." She stated with her cold voice, her eyes staring into mine directly, not even moving an inch.
Someone once said: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And the embodiment of fear stood before me.
She stood there, Idle. Not moving a muscle, and yet she was so menacing while doing it. I started to feel my blood freeze. I knew right then and there that I was staring death in the eyes.
Sasha was still on the ground, looking horrified by the sight of the person that stood in front of her.
"Of course I am. Who on this campus is not aware of the legendary... Mikasa."
OH MY GOD! THE SUSPENSE! THE TENSION! CAN YOU FEEL IT? CAN YOU EVEN WAIT?! Comment down below what you think and don't forget to vote, share and Keep On Reading!
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