After one long battle, I decided to reveal myself as alive and close this mystery once and for all. Working with Mikasa on that was very fun. We planned for 2 hours straight on what to do. And we were able to pull it off. I was welcomed back into the land of the living a champion. A survivor. A hero.
In their eyes I was part of the group of three who stopped Ernst and put an end to his schemes. That group being me, Mikasa, and Spider-Man. And they ate it up so easily and simply.
Only three people know my real identity. Annie, Mikasa, and Keith Shadis. All three swore not to tell anyone, and I doubt they will. Shadis himself even felt guilt over what he did and now owes me favors.
What am I doing now, you ask? Lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling while wearing my new white spider suit. Thinking about the large battle that happened two days ago. I still cannot get it out of my mind that multiple realities exist. I couldn't bring myself to comprehend any of this.
Suddenly the door knocked. I immediately jumped out of bed and placed a cloak over my body and approached the door cautiously.
"Eren? It's me. Mikasa." I sighed relief and opened the door.
"Hey. How's it going?" I asked, hugging her.
"Nothing. Just came to say hi. Anyways are you ready for your big day tomorrow?" Mikasa asked, mentioning the return of me to the trainee corps.
"Ha. I am. Though I'm kinda sad to leave the district and superheroing behind." I stated.
Mikasa placed a hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye. I had never realized before how gorgeous she looks. I wish I did.
"Look. Everything will be fine. The garrisons have started training harder and harder and maintaining better control over the district. And it's all because of you. You inspired them. You made them strive to become better and more effective. They look up to you." She explained.
"They look up to Spider-Man." I replied.
"You are Spider-Man. You're the hero they look up for." She said. "Now listen. Get some sleep, I'm gonna-"
She couldn't continue as she was interrupted by a sound of gunshots out in the distance. We both made our way to the balcony only to see a large cloud of smoke coming from the far end of the district. I took off my cloak and placed my mask on.
Mikasa looked at me with a smile. "Always ready for action, huh?"
"Haha! Yeah. You could say that. Now let's go!"
Mikasa and I jumped out of the balcony and headed towards the location. I swung as fast as I could and with style while Mikasa trusted her own way and sped up as fast as her gear can take her.
Finally we arrived on the scene and spotted from mid-air a bunch of thugs, armed to the teeth. There was a large group of them, all armed and focused on the garrisons who were struggling to return fire.
"Hey guys! Don't worry! The cavalry is here!" I announced as I kicked one thug with a swing of my webs and then webbed another. Mikasa landed with her blade, cutting one goon's rifle in half.
"No killing, Ms. Ackerman, please." I asked nicely.
"Right." She replied.
"Great! We make a nice team!"
I webbed a goon and started swinging him around in a circular fashion to hit other thugs that were trying to box me in. Then I jumped and web-zipped myself to another guy and punched him in the face. My punch was so strong it pinned him to the ground instantly.
As I fought, I got more and more excited. I started some banter with the goons I was fighting.
"Hey guys! So do you still hang out at that bar I wrecked your other goon pals at? Or did you find a new place? You know what? I think you don't! You have some sense of fashion! For a bunch of thugs, I mean."
"Will you shut up?!" Someone said before Mikasa hit him in the back of the head with her elbow.
"Ah, Ms. Ackerman! We're such a dynamic duo! Oh, sorry! That name's already taken! What should we call our team? How about, The Amazing Spider-Man and the Breathtaking Taskmaster!" I exclaimed.
"Breathtaking? Is that how you see my fighting style? I'm flattered."
"Uh, yeah! That too!"
"But the name is too long."
"You're right! I was thinking the Fantastic Duo or something."
"You know what? We'll discuss this later."
Suddenly I spotted a group of them leaving the scene with what appeared to be some precious cargo on a cart with horse riders circling the cart to prevent it from being hijacked.
The group that was fighting us was easy pickings, but by the time we'd finish the cart would've already escaped. So Mikasa went after it on her own and I stayed to finish off the rest of the goons.
Suddenly another cart arrived at the scene. I stared at it and watched as one big man jumped out of it. He was wearing an all black armor with white painting at places like the chest and helmet. But what caught my eye was the pair of gauntlets he was wearing. They looked mechanized and outfitted with guns and probably grenades as well.
"Spider-Man, is it? It's great to finally meet you!" He stated.
"And to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"The name's Crossbones. And I'm afraid it's gonna be the last name you'll ever hear!" He said before readying his gauntlets and unleashing a flurry of bullets at me.
As I started to dodge him, I immediately begun to try and web his weapons and prevent him from firing but he was way too quick and he was able to move out of the ways of the webs.
As I was dodging, one of the goons got a lucky shot and hit my abdomen from the back. I fell from the sky down to the ground and landed on my chest. I looked at the individual who shot me and fired back with a thick web that stuck him to a nearby wall.
Crossbones started walking towards me with his gauntlets loaded and ready to fire. He started laughing maniacally the closer he got.
"Hahahahaha! Who knew that the spectacular Spider-Man would be so easily defeated? Any last words?"
Before he could fire, his face was webbed and his hands were webbed together. But not by me. The person who did this heroic act of saving another superhero then kicked him in the face and landed on a nearby roof.
"I cannot believe the spectacular Spider-Man needed saving! You owe me now, hero!"
I looked at the person who saved me, only to have the sense of pain replaced by a sense of joy.
The person who saved me was none other than the one I trained and share my powers with.
"No, I think we're even." I replied.
I then got back on my feet and made a web slingshot and fired myself at crossbones. Then Spider-Girl attached a web to him and started swinging around him while attached to his armor. She then landed and grabbed the web before launching him in the air.
I immediately then made another spider slingshot and fired myself at him before Spider-Girl did the same thing. Then I started swinging him around before throwing him on the ground before pulling myself downwards and hitting his armor with my feet.
I then sat on his chest and unmasked him. What I saw was nothing but another thug wearing high-tech armor.
"What's your name, princess? I'm Spider-Man."
"The name's nunya."
"Oh, come on! Be original with your insults! You thugs should leave the quips and jokes to me, ok?"
"Hey, web boy!" Spider-Girl called.
"It's... web head. Anyways what?" I asked.
"Go check on the other group. Leave this guy to me."
"Alright! Don't harm him too much now!" I said before swinging away and tracking the cart with Mikasa on their tail.
I found Mikasa fighting what remained of the group of thugs who were with the cart. The rest were piled up all around her unconscious but alive.
"Oh great! You did listen to me!" I said as I swing-kicked the last goon.
"You took your time." She replied.
"Yea I had a run-in with a guy called crossbones but don't worry. He's been dealt with."
"Did you make sure to disarm him?" She asked.
"Yes." I replied.
"Did you make sure he's tied?" She asked.
"Yes, Mikasa." I replied, getting annoyed by her questions.
"Did you at least-" I didn't let her finish.
"Yes! I also fed him, changed the diapers, sung him a goodnight song and then laid him to bed. Everything."
She sighed and shook her head as she looked at me.
"Enjoy your last moments..." one goon on the ground said.
"Excuse me. We're having a conversation here. Wow! You guys are so rude!" I replied.
"What do you mean?" Mikasa asked.
"The boss is coming..."
"The boss?" I asked.
All he did was point to the wall before Mikasa knocked him out with a punch. We then immediately got up to the top of the wall to see whoever the master was.
It was midnight by the time they started this fight so that would explain the lack of soldiers monitoring the cannons. But there was also a lack of 'A boss'.
"Was that goon talking out of his ass or..." I asked, confused.
"I don't know. Maybe."
Before I could say anything else, two giant metal tentacles rose up from the other side of the wall and slammed the ground with force. Then an additional third tentacle rose up and hit me before I could react.
Mikasa rushed to my side but she was pushed away by a fourth tentacle.
"You are strong, but you're not immortal. You bleed. You can be killed. And that is what I am going to do." A person said as he rose up, showing that he was the one controlling the tentacles who came out of his back.
When I looked at the face my mind went blank out of shock. My heart sank after it skipped a beat. My eyes were definitely deceiving me as the person who controlled the tentacles could not even possibly think of harming a soul. Especially not me or Mikasa.
It was Armin.
"Arlert?!" I exclaimed.
"You know my name." He stated.
"What have you done to yourself?!" I asked.
He grabbed me with the tentacles by the neck and lifted me off the ground. All I could do is try and fail at freeing myself.
"A major improvement. But that doesn't matter. How does it feel to finally lose?" He asked.
"S... Stop this..." I pleaded but to no avail.
"You've hurt so many of people who were only trying to stop a lunatic who was causing havoc in the districts. All of those are my friends. Some of them are still recovering to this day. But what hurts the most is all the people cheering you on. Believing this facade and forgetting how much chaos you cause."
"I... I try my best... at saving those who need saving and... fighting for those... who cannot fight for themselves." I replied while choking.
"You think what you're doing is right, but you only end up hurting those who are dear to me. You tried to sabotage the kidnapping of my friend, you've hurt my other friends, you've caused enough damage to the very foundation of this society. And yet you call yourself a hero?" How many shops, homes, restaurants, bars, etcetera have you wrecked while having fun with those you fight, with no care for the damage that has to be fixed because of you? What about the soldiers who put aside their duties to guard humanity to chase you around in a cat and mouse game? And those who you do not run away from, you send to the nurseries nearly dead. You're no hero. You deserve nothing but a dishonorable death."
Armin then slammed me with his tentacle multiple times and threw me on a canon before grabbing said canon and trying to crush me with it. I grabbed it with my hands and tried to push it away but he used one of his three other free tentacles to strike me in the chest area and then smashing the canon on me.
He then lifted me and threw me upwards before grabbing me and slamming me once again into the ground.
Before he could do anything else, Spider-Girl arrived and kicked him off the walls. Armin used the two bottom tentacles to grab onto the walls while Spider-Girl was on his chest punching the hell out of him. He grabbed her and threw her away but she managed to land with an awesome three point pose. He tried to slam her but she grabbed the tentacle and tried to push it off.
While Armin's focus was on her, I immediately got back on my feet and webbed myself towards him, kicking him in the face so hard that the force itself pushed him off the walls. He tried grabbing the walls with his tentacles but he couldn't reach the edge.
Rather than fall to his death, Armin grabbed the walls by slamming his tentacles into them and grabbing the holes. I just stood on the walls with my feet.
And then the exchange of fists, kicks and tentacle... attacks has begun. With no sign of anyone coming out victorious in a fight of brawn, I had to use my brain.
I webbed myself towards him and grappled onto him. Then I attached webs to his two upper tentacles and slammed them together before slamming him with them. He used his lower right tentacles to try and grab me but I jumped out of the way and webbed it to the wall, getting it stuck. I then webbed the last tentacle and pulled it out from the wall and hit him with it. Armin then fell to the grounds of the once human land of wall Maria. Before he could hit the ground he used his tentacles to try and slide down the wall. After he reached the ground he left.
I got back to the top of the wall only to see Mikasa unconscious. I ran up to her and tried waking her up. Spider-Girl requested we take her to the garrison headquarters to check on her.
After we placed her in the care of the nurses, Spider-Girl and I went to the roof where we unmasked and took a breather.
"That was... Well, that was unexpected." Annie said.
"Armin... what have you done?"
"I remember seeing him back at base after you and Mikasa took down your evil self—a story which is quite unbelievable if you ask me—and he was not the Armin we both know. He was angry, and no once dared to talk to him. He got even more pissed off when word of Jean being the Scorpion guy came in."
"Did he make this tech?" I asked.
"I don't think so, no. It seems he found it in Ernst's lab base thingy."
"He... He didn't look that angry about Spider-Man when I met him after the whole reveal thing. In fact, he was never really obsessed about Spider-Man and didn't even care for that matter." I said.
"Actually. He even went as far as to convince Mikasa you're a good guy. He even told her that you might be a good guy and that maybe you didn't kill you." Annie explained.
"But he seemed really angry about me fighting, Mikasa, you, and the rest of the Anti-Spider squad."
"I guess that's what got him riled up. I'd say you'd do the same if Mikasa or him were in this situation. Well, I mean Mikasa is in it now, knock on wood, but you won't think about seriously injuring your friend."
"No, I won't. But that doesn't mean I should let him continue with this. I should put an end to his madness."
"Tomorrow he'd be returning to base like nothing happened, I'm sure of it. He doesn't know who any of us are, I'm pretty sure he didn't tell anybody-otherwise he'd be immediately removed from the trainee corps—and most of all he'd be the first to welcome you back."
"Exactly." I replied.
I heard Annie sigh as she scooted over to me and grabbed my hand. She then laid her head on my shoulder.
"Hey, when we get back to base, we act like nothing ever happened, ok?" I said.
"Of course. But let's talk about something else for a second. How's that bullet wound?" Annie asked.
"It healed." I replied.
"You're lucky you can heal like clockwork." She stated.
"You can do that too."
"Oh yeah?"
"Well, in theory. You have all my powers, I guess. But I don't want to test that theory."
"Neither do I. Unless you want to do some kinky stuff in bed, I wouldn't mind."
"Now's not the time, Annie." She chuckled after I said that.
Wow! We're back, everybody! New book! The long awaited sequel is here! Vote, Comment, Share with all your friends and Wattpad buddies and don't forget to Keep On Reading!
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