The End
(Mikasa's POV)
A Beep.. A Beep.. A Beep.. And then another Beep.
I slowly opened my eyes to find myself lying down on a soft bed. As I was doing so I saw an IV pole with a bag containing a blue liquid attached to it. Looking at my left arm I saw the injection needle thing plastered to my arm.
The beeping sounds were those of the heart monitor.
Suddenly the door opened and a nurse came through. As she approached me she realized that I'm awake.
"Oh hi there! You're awake!" She exclaimed.
"I'm Petra, the nurse in charge of you. How are you feeling?" She asked.
I instantly got the feeling she's the fun and energetic type. The one who's always this happy and smiling and does their job perfectly while also having a fun time and enjoying it to the fullest.
"Seen... better days." I replied.
"Well trust me, you'll be better in no time." She reassured
"How long was I out?" I asked.
"A few hours at most. It's only 3:30 AM." She replied.
I looked at the liquid I'm being injected with and then back at her.
"What is this thing?" I asked.
"This? This is an antibiotic liquid. It's for-"
"Okay I get it. Who's the doctor in charge of me?"
"That would be Doctor Jaeger."
I nearly jumped out of my bed when I heard his name. Petra quickly rushed in and sat me back down.
"No, don't get off your bed this soon. You've only just woke up."
"I get the feeling you know Dr. Jaeger?"
"Yes. Yes I do, he's the father of... my ex."
"Oh... I, uh... I'm sorry to hear that." She stated.
"Is anyone here to see me?" I asked.
"Of course there is! There's your mom, dad, and friends! I'm gonna go tell your parents to come in, okay?"
Petra went and called for my parents who rushed in.
"Mikasa!" My father exclaimed. "Oh dear I was so worried!"
"What happened to you, sweetheart?" My mom asked.
"I don't know." I lied. "I... can't seem to remember."
"Thank goodness you're okay, that's what's important." My dad stated.
"More important than your work?" I asked, confronting him about the fact that he was not there all summer.
"Of course it is. You're my daughter. Nothing, and absolutely nothing is more important to me than you and your mother." He replied.
I got the sense he was telling the truth. He was always there for me when I was in my best of times and my worst of times. But he's been leaving for lots and lots of business stuff that I do not bother to care about.
"Who told you to come?" I asked both my parents, clearly confused as to who contacted them.
"It was a guy with a deep voice yet he sounded quite familiar." My mom said.
"So he didn't tell you who he was..." I said.
"No. He only told us that you were in this hospital, not as a visitor, but as a patient. He gave us the address and that was it." My mom stated.
"Who could he be?" My dad asked. "Do you know, Mikasa?"
"No idea."
"Anyways what's important is that we're here for you. Listen. Your friends want to see you, so we'll be back later, okay?" My dad stated before going with my parents away.
Jean and Annie then walked in. Jean was holding a bouquet and placed by my bed.
"Thank god you're alive..." Annie exclaimed before sitting next to me.
"She's a fighter." Jean stated.
"Trust me. You don't need to tell me" Annie said before winking at me, referring to the times we fought.
"Who brought me here?" I asked.
"Do you remember who saved you?" Jean asked.
"A guy wearing an all black uniform of sorts." I replied.
"Yea he's the one. He took you to the hospital in a black Camaro." Jean exclaimed.
"After injecting you with whatever this is." Annie said before pointing at the liquid in the bag.
"I remember that..." I said to myself out loud.
"Yea by the way, he saved each and every one of us from certain death too." Annie stated.
"He did." Jean continued. "He saved me from the guys I was fighting at first and then him and I went to save the others. He did all the work of course. All I could do is watch. Damn, he has some moves."
Suddenly I started to remember some cage memories of me being transported on a gurney and taken to an operating room or something. That mysterious guy was there. But he was... unmasked.
The problem is I could not tell his face. His eyes were very familiar.
I then saw him sitting next to me on the chair, his face down. Then he said something that intrigued me.
"I shouldn't have left you... I'm sorry."
"He then told us to come and see you here. And that whe-" Annie was cut off by Sasha storming in the room.
"Mikasa!" She charged at the bed.
"Thank goodness you're alive!!!!" She exclaimed right before bursting into tears.
"Heh... likewise Sasha." I replied.
"Hey, get off the floor!" Annie yelled at Sasha. She then went and picked Sasha out and dragged her outside the room.
"NOOO!!! I WANT TO SEE MIKASA SOME MORE!" Sasha yelled as she was dragged out.
"Connie is still being treated. Jason beat him up pretty bad. Probably as a result of the time he tased him." Jean stated. "I think I gotta go. The others want to see you."
Jean then went and exited the room, and Ymir entered along with Krista.
Krista started to cry on my bed while Ymir sat down and just looked sad.
"Stop crying... I'm fine." I said. She did not listen.
"I've told her to control herself when she sees you. Guess she cannot even do that." Ymir stated. "Anyways how are you doing?"
"I'm fine. Just injured enough. Let's just hope I don't have to stay here for long."
Ymir then looked even sadder. I got confused.
"Mikasa. I'm afraid they didn't tell you..."
My heart started beating real fast and my got really nervous.
"What?" I asked.
"They had to chop off both your legs." Ymir stated.
My heart sank. I quickly removed the bedsheets and to my shock and horror, my legs... were still fucking intact and working. I couldn't feel anything because I'm still recovering.
I looked at her with a death stare to see her burst out laughing.
"Fuck. You." I exclaimed.
"Hahahahaha! That... was... hilarious!" She exclaimed.
"I don't see how that's funny." I replied.
"Ymir! That was not funny!" Krista yelled at her friend.
"Ha! See? It made you stop crying!" Ymir said, pointing at her blonde friend.
"It did." I confirmed.
"Sorry Mikasa." Krista said. "I just can't bear to see you like this."
"Relax. I'm only recovering. Let's just hope..." I paused "And for real this time!" I exclaimed while glaring at Ymir. "I'll be out here in no time."
"Be cheerful, Mikasa." Krista said.
"Says the girl who was crying her eyes out a moment ago."
"Hey! I'm quite emotional, okay??!" She exclaimed.
"Whatever you say." I replied.
"Okay Krista come on. We have to go." Ymir said as she got off from the chair.
"What? We just got here!" Krista exclaimed.
"It's very late. We need to return home because we can't stay here all night long. Mikasa needs to rest." She explained.
"Who got you here?" I asked.
"Jean did. Now we're gonna go and see if he's ready to go. We don't have a place to stay here. I'm sorry, Mikasa." She explained.
"No worries." I said before they left.
And then, after a few minutes of silence. He came in.
I read the name and I realized who it was.
It was Grisha Jaeger. Eren's father.
"Hello, Mikasa! Long time no see!" He exclaimed.
"Hello Dr. Jaeger. How are you?" I asked.
"I'm great. The question is, how are you feeling?"
"I've been better."
He started to do his medical mumbo jumbo and whatever. He started to ask me questions about my motor functions and started doing some tests to see what parts I can move and how much I can move them before triggering any sense of pain.
He then checked the dosage of whatever this liquid is, which I'm pretty sure is not an antibiotic.
"Your friend Connor has been beaten up pretty badly and he's dozing off right now. He'll be out here in no time. He just needs some time to recover from his injuries before he could get out of bed. Other than that, he's quite fine." Grisha explained.
"When will I be out, Doctor?" I asked.
"Two days, tops. You have to relax for now and recover. I'll come back every once in a while and check back on you. For now I have to go see my other patients. Try to relax and sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." He said before he left.
I decided to close my eyes and sleep, since I have nothing else left to do.
The next day in the morning my mom brought me breakfast to eat since she doesn't like hospital food that much. I still ate hospital food regardless, it's not that bad.
My mom also brought me some fresh clothes for the time that I'll get out.
As I was eating breakfast, the door open, and I was shocked to see who it was. Connie has got up and was escorted inside by Petra.
"Hey." He said with a tired smile on his face. He sat on the chair to my right.
"How've you been?" I asked.
"Good." He replied.
"It's over, Connie. It's done. There's nothing more to fear." I stated.
"Yea... thanks though. For saving me. I thought I was doomed."
"You're welcome."
"Jason's Dead." He stated.
"He is?" I asked.
"That operative killed him." He confirmed.
"Do you have a hunch on who he is?" I asked.
"No. Not the slightest of ideas." He answered. "Though I did notice the emblem on his right shoulder. It consisted of a white wing in front of a blue wing. With the letters W, O, and F below the logo."
"Oh... some sort of organization or something."
"Yea. You know, I'm tired of all this." He stated.
"Same here."
"I think I'm gonna take a long break for the rest of the summer. Probably sit back, play video games and have fun."
"I'm thinking of going on my bike, exploring and taking my mind off everything. Probably come back by the end of summer."
"Now that's a plan."
"It is."
"I'm already cleared to go. But I'll stay for a while until you're ready to go as well. By the way. Annie took your bike back for the mansion. She told me that today. On text."
"Yes. Now I'm gonna go back to my room and get my stuff ready. I'll see you later, okay?" Connie said as he left the room.
Petra then came back and did some medical things and asked a few questions and later she left me alone to relax.
I looked at the IV bad and saw that they changed the liquid into something more... normal. Probably I was no longer in need of that thing.
Dr Grisha came back once more to check on me.
"Hello Mikasa." He said.
"Hey Doc." I replied.
"I'm here to tell you that tomorrow you'll be clear to go. There's no more medical procedures or anything. Just wait and relax. I've talked to your parents and they agreed to let you do anything you please so long as it doesn't become an obstacle towards your physical and mental state." He explained?
"Great news. But can I ask you something?" I asked.
"Ask away." He said.
"Where's Eren?"
That question seemed to hit him out of nowhere as he looked shocked to hear it.
"He's... I don't know. We've had a falling out as of late." He stated.
"Yes. I cannot tell you why, as I feel it's something only he can explain, if you can talk to him. He blocked my phone number and I can't seem to find him whenever I get the rare chance of free time to talk to him."
"Okay..." I said while looking down.
"I'm sure he'd be willing to talk to you."
My head shot up.
"Really? You... you mean it?! Can I have his number?"
"I was planning on giving it to you anyway."
He gave me a piece of paper with Eren's number on it. I then only needed a phone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next day I was cleared to leave. I got myself dressed in proper clothes. A pair of regular Jeans and a black T-shirt with short sleeves. My mom picked those since she knew I was into black outfits. It's a mood thing, really.
I had already finished getting ready when Connie entered the room with a phone in his hands. The look on his face showed extreme excitement and happiness.
"Mikasa! A call. You won't believe who it is!"
I grabbed the phone off Connie's hand and placed it to my ear.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hello Mikasa, I missed you."
That voice... even though it was very different I still can recognize it anywhere. My eyes started to tear up.
"Eren?!" I asked.
"Hehe... you can still recognize me. I'm astonished." He said. "How are you?"
"I'm... I'm..." I was going to cry my life out.
"Don't cry... please."
I started to cry.
"Ah, jeez."
"Where... where are you?!" I asked.
"Alas... I'm far away from you right now. I have lots of important things to take care of. Matters unsettled, loose ends, that kind of stuff."
"When can I see you?!" I asked.
"Soon. But I myself don't know when. But that's not what I'm calling for. I want to say I'm sorry."
"Sorry? For what?" I asked.
"Sorry for letting you go. Sorry for leaving you, especially in your greatest time of need. I'm a fool."
"No. No you're not! It's my fault! Not yours!"
"Hehe... I guess we're both in the wrong here..."
"We are..." I replied smiling.
"I see you've met Jad, right?" He asked.
"Yes. Yes I have."
"He's been helping me all along. I wanted him to take care of you and protect you while I was gone. You were in good hands, but I can't wait to take you in mine."
"I... I miss you!" I cried.
"I miss you too."
"Don't be long!"
"I won't. I gotta go now. I'll keep in touch. The phone I placed for you in my room, keep it. It's a gift."
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A few hours later I returned home. I packed my stuff with me. Including my two phones, Some clothes, cash, all my equipment from the adventure I had, and the necklace.
"I'm pretty sure you're leaving and never Coming back." Connie said, who was next to me in my driveway and was the last to come and say their goodbyes.
I chuckled and said: "Don't kid yourself. I'll be back."
"Yea don't take too long or you'll get used to being away." Connie stated.
"Alright, you have my word. Bye now."
I started my bike and rode away. Somewhere far. Somewhere I can forget. Try to explore the lands I come across on my journey to self discovery. It'll also give me a bigger, clearer perspective on the world around me.
Maybe having enough time to think might bring back my total sanity. No more would I suffer from Pawn's Bliss, or Devil's Blood or anything.
My journey would start by me leaving this place. And then continue wherever life may take me. I'll keep journeying on and exploring until I get a longing for home, but I'm pretty sure that'll take a long time. And I'm willing to enjoy all the time I have on my hands.
This adventure I had, where I got to meet good people, fight bad people, discover a secret my family kept hidden for generations, and finally having revenge on the ones who broke me and shattered my life to pieces, this adventure taught me that this world has many secrets to discover. That my life may yet have a purpose, even if it's still unclear.
I have been beaten, destroyed and lost so much. But with the help of friends I learned that I can get myself back up and fight on. And for what they've done I am eternally grateful. But friends can only help you so far. It's up to you to persevere and achieve your goals and accomplish your dreams. And for what they've done I am eternally grateful.
And now I might just start a brand new adventure. All alone and without anyone or anything to worry about. I have yet to find out who the Ackermans really are, what the true purpose of this necklace really is and what's its true potential. And any more secrets this cruel, yet beautiful world may hold.
Eren... Maybe I'd get to see you again. Hopefully soon enough. And I want for us both to get to make up for the time we lost. I am so sorry I was deceived and let you go away, never to return, but I am certain we could start anew. You and I alone.
I broke your heart... And I want to fix it for you.
The End
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