Our common goal
(Mikasa's POV)
(Finally we're doing these again!)
And after all I have done to try and find Eren myself, everyone now has tagged along and have something to do with Eren.
Why can't I be the only one who wants to meet him. If he really saw us all together, they might believe that they have tagged me along by force and would not accept my apology!
But am I taking this too far?
Maybe they just miss Eren and want to see him again. But not as much as I do. And I have already made myself clear on that one.
I was in the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking an orange juice carton and pouring some of the juice in a glass cup. I grabbed the cup and started to gulp on the juice as fast as I can so I can relax my nerves. I needed to get the stress out of myself somehow and I was a little thirsty.
"What's bothering you?" I heard Connie ask me as he entered the kitchen.
"The usual." I replied, but it seemed that he didn't believe me. I knew that from the look of his face.
"It's pretty obvious it is not the usual. If it came down to that, you'd be sitting on the couch, having a vietnam flashback or something." He stated, but I didn't reply. I kept drinking.
"It's them... isn't it?" He asked. He realized he guessed right when I placed my glass cup on the table.
I didn't look him in the eye, instead my entire left side was the only thing visible to him. He knew at times like this I shouldn't be disturbed, but he's the only one I think I can trust.
"I know how you feel, believe me. We were making so much good progress and now they all want to tag along. They came out of the blue. I don't believe there's anything they can offer, instead, they'll be a burden. And I don't intend on carrying that burden." He said, placing his arms at his side.
"Exactly... But it's too late to kick them out now." I replied, still not turning my body to face him and instead leaning on the counter.
I started tapping my fingers on the counter. Connie only stared and stood silent watching me do so. We were both tired of all the searching for these elusive clues. Eren had hid them so well it would have taken an entire group of spies to decipher all of his hidden codes and messages. But we did the best we could and came back with excellent results.
Eren counted on the fact that Connie knew him too well. We both knew that. But Connie needed me to help him navigate and search with him. I am not dumb. I knew where to look for anything I wanted.
Both of us made for an interesting duo. But now we have a bunch of useless people we have to drag along. Why? Just because they all want a piece of the prize.
But I still can't rob them of the satisfaction of seeing Eren face to face again, despite me being the most obsessed with him. I'm not that greedy or cruel.
"We need to get a common ground with them. Something more solid. Just the fact that we all want to see Eren isn't going to be a driving force of cooperation and teamwork." I stated, still leaning on the counter, face down.
"What do you suggest?" Connie asked.
"We kneed to know why. That is what we need. Why do they want to see Eren? What has every individual want with Eren and why do they deeply seek him so much? We need to all share if we need to be able to work together." I continued.
"You're going to have to share too. And I know that that is something extremely difficult for you." Connie said, his voice showing sadness and concern.
"I know... I just..." I paused, trailing off.
"I'm gonna have to go through with this. No matter the cost. I'll tell them my story. I don't know what they'll think of me after this... But I can't know if I don't tell them." I said, with confidence as a driving force.
"Alright... but first, they have to give us a reason to trust them." Connie stated after he poured himself an orange juice as well.
"Alright then. I'll go set up a meeting and I'll see you in?"
When the time came I entered the living room and saw everyone inside waiting for me. I took a seat on the sofa next to Connie and then ask the three else to take a seat. Connie brought extra chairs to everyone else.
"I see that you've all came here for a common reason. And that is to find Eren. Although we all know him quite well, I do not know why you three are trying to find him. I know I have my own reasons, Connie here as well, and I'll share mine with you in a bit, but I want you three to give me a reason to trust you. I want to know if you can provide helping hands, or be a drag."
"We're here because we know you two are scheming things. You're trying to look for Eren, and so do we. When we found out you two are working together, we decided that we'd like to tag along. I know it seems like too much to ask, Mikasa, but please. Let us join you both." Jean said.
"We need to trust you if we're willing to work together. If you want to be in this 'group' then you have to make me feel that you deserve a place with us." I explained. "Krista, we'll start with you."
"Eren and I... well... I knew Eren ever since kindergarten. We've been very close friends since. I knew I could rely on him as much as he knew he could rely on me. I've... I've been through dark times in my life, okay. And Eren's the one who... he always brought me back to my feet. He never left my side when I needed him the most. He's my friend, Mikasa. No, he's a brother. And I don't know if I can stand it, knowing that someone I care about is so far away from me, and I'm not able to see, hear or speak to them." She paused. "Please Mikasa. Let me be with you."
I knew all about Krista and what she went through. Especially her parents not giving too much attention to her and just letting her live alone, while they live in a mansion. She's, like me, a girl from a rich household, her family has influence everywhere. And seeing her living and struggling all in her own is very heartbreaking. I knew what Eren did to her. It was too kind of him. He was always there for her and never failed in lending her a hand when she needed it the most.
Jean was next. And I hoped he'd have anything 'insightful' to say.
"Where can I start, I... like blondie over there, I too knew Jaeger from kindergarten. But unlike blondie I wasn't so much of a friend. In fact we hated each other for a while. Until one day where we... played basketball together. You see... I had made a bet with people... two years ago. For money, the usual. But it was a large sum of money. Money I stole from my dad's safe. I was losing that bet and the team I put together wasn't that good, to say the least. It until Jaeger came in. I didn't want him in, but the rest insisted. And I was left in shock by his basketball skills. We were able to cheese that match that day... and I can't forget how happy I was. Eren and I became friends that day, and our friendship grew until he, Armin and I were a trio of bros. I want us to be a trio again. I want my friends back, you hear me, Mikasa. I feel alone and miserable. So let me tag along, you won't regret it."
Jeans speech was... moving to say the least. He made me feel that he was genuine about getting to Eren and really wanted to help us in this. I was not going to send him off after what he just said.
"Okay, now we're down to one. Ymir. Would you like to share?"
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