Mutual benefits - It goes deeper than this
Mikasa has searched for many ways and worked tirelessly to get to Eren but she was unsuccessful time and time again. She sought the help of someone she never knew before and was not sure she can trust.
(Mikasa's POV)
"So... You're Eren's friend?" I asked the person who sat in front of me and went by the name of Connie Springer. A bald teen who was around the same age as Eren and I. I can't seem to tell if he's younger or older though.
Sasha told me how to find this guy. He is said to have been a friend of Eren for a while but she's the only one who seemed to know that.
"Yes. Yes I am. Or you could say I was. He didn't contact me in months. But I haven't forgotten about him. Not yet at least. Oh and one more thing. From now on call me Con." He explained.
"Why would I do that?" I asked.
"We would need to work together without letting anyone know that we do. So I suggest we use codenames. No one expects someone to be called Con, do they? So call me that from now on." He explained.
"Okay. Anyways can you help me get to Eren?" I asked. "I really need to see him."
"If we work together, we could achieve our mutual goal. I need Eren for my own reasons and you need him too. So we're partners from this point onwards." He said with a quick smile on his face that disappeared the second he made it.
I looked deep in his eyes and tried to figure out what type of person I am dealing with. The way he talks to me suggests that he is interested in finding Eren as much as I am if not more. But for different purposes. And whatever those purposes may be, it seemed to me that whatever they are, they could mean that there is something else for Eren's relocation other than me.
"So how can you help me find Eren?" I asked. "Because I'll need to find him quick. And you're supposed to help me do that."
"First of all, let me clear this out of the way." He said raising his tone in a manner that signifies he was getting annoyed. "We are BOTH working TOGETHER to get to Eren. I am not HELPING you nor vice versa."
"I don't care what you want with Eren. You are just helping me find him and that's it." I replied.
"Oh is that so? Think again honey because I am not prepared to help other people who do not share my interests in the same goal and who are not willing to cooperate and form a partnership." He stated.
"Keep that partnership for yourself. I just want to find Eren and deal with my situation. So will you help me or not? We'll discuss your payment further down the line." I replied. "And if you are not willing to help me, than I'm off."
"There are more important stuff going on. More important than the lost cause you call a 'RELATIONSHIP.'! Your ARROGANT, ego-driven brain and your no good brawn will NOT suffice you if you are looking to reach the END of your STUPID fairy tale and live HAPPILY ever after!" He shouted at my face. "Your goals are stupid!"
I got up to his face and looked him in the eye.
"Listen here. I love Eren, Okay?! I will not let you mock everything I am trying to restore back Into my life! You do not know what happened to me! I have been tricked, deceived, shunned, spat at, bullied and hated for something that I unconsciously did under the influence! I have tried so hard to cope with everything but I failed every time! So show some respect!" I yelled at Connie who got up as well.
"And I expect you to show some cooperation as well as respect! We're supposed to be partners. Not use each other for whatever purpose we want! You want Eren and I want Eren as well!So sit down and let's be civil about it!"
After a few seconds of staring into each other's souls, we both sat down. And looked at the ground in silence.
"Look. I'm sorry." Connie said. "I shouldn't have disrespected your relationship. I have been needlessly cruel." He said
"And I was also cruel. Crueler than you were. I'm used to people being cruel to me. You just don't know a thing about how it feels to betray your significant other." I stated, not averting my gaze off the ground. "Spitting on their love and throwing them away."
"Actually I do." He said.
I barely lifted my head and looked at him just to say: "Oh yea?"
"Yea... Long story. In fact, it is similar to yours, but it did not involve drugs, I did what I did to myself on purpose but I still did what I did, not knowing the consequences. And I still hate myself for it." He said.
"So you do know how it feels, eh?" I asked.
"Yea. Yea I do. Eren was the only one who was forgiving so he befriended me and did not tell anyone about me. I felt happy again by his side. He was truly like family to me." Connie explained. "But I know for a fact that your relationship with him was far more deeper than that. It was more about love than anything else."
"You're right..." I said, still feeling ashamed by what happened between Eren and I. And knowing Connie's story, I know felt relatable to someone. We both know how each other feel and I felt even more heartbroken than before. But at least someone now knows how I feel.
"Anyway... let's put these bad memories aside for the time being and focus on our objective." He said, feeling more energetic and less sad than before. He got up and pulled his hand out for me to shake.
"Partners?" He asked.
"Partners." I replied.
"Okay. So what do we need to know?" I asked.
"The night Eren left the house, I went and searched the place." He said.
"What? Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I found out that Eren did not fully empty the house as it may have seemed like. Eren's mom seemed to have packed only the clothes, Eren's stuff, most but not all of hers and lots of files and other items of importance. And she seemed to have packed in a hurry because she left lots of drawers open and some stuff lying around everywhere. That's how I found my clues." Connie explained.
"She sure doesn't know how to cover her tracks." I stated.
"And that's not all." He said
"What else do you know?" I asked.
"Well let's go to the kitchen. I'll tell you while making coffee for the both of us."
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