Mikasa's Dreams
"Some diseases can be cured, some will get a cure in the future. But Selfishness? That's a disease that only one's self can cure."
- Jad Awada
(Mikasa's POV)
It's been a year since Eren left me. The only person I care about. Life is cruel. And the only time you will ever know how much a person is precious to you, is when you lose them.
I lost Eren. And my heart is still broken. Not because he left me, but because I broke his own heart.
Even though it was unintentional, and mostly Jason's fault, I was the one responsible.
I was the one who decided to stick with that prick and let my love for Eren drift away into the realm of the lost memories.
But not anymore.
I want to feel Eren's love again. I want to kneel down in front of him and beg for forgiveness and cry on his feet. It's the least he deserves from me. After all, I... Shattered his love.
After the incident with Jason, I started to work out. I went to the gym, worked my ass out and started to get a muscly body.
I want to be strong. For Eren and Eren alone. I made the biggest mistake of my life and that is that I lost my childhood friend, no, a childhood crush.
Yes. I fell in love with Eren ever since he gave me his red scarf and made me feel safe around him.
I kept the scarf ever since he gave it to me. And if he wasn't around, the scarf kept us close together. His scent is still on it to this day.
I cry in my bed every night because I knew I lost him. It's like I destroyed the entire world with everyone and everything I know and love on it.
He kept me motivated and always stayed by my side whenever whenever I felt emotionally stressed and weak. I felt his love ever since the day he confessed.
I could still remember what he used to tell me
"No matter what, I'll always be by your side. I believe in you, Mika. I always do."
"If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win!"
His words always repeated themselves in my mind over and over again. His voice was clear as day.
His face is stuck in my mind like a painting of a deity. Drawn by the very brushes that painted this universe and gave it it's colorful beauty.
Eren, to me, is the angel I needed and always will need. The only thing I can grasp to stay in this world.
But I'll fix this.
I'll set everything right.
I will never give up.
I promised myself I'll find Eren again and I'll explain things to him. But it's better late than never.
I know someone who knows where I can find Eren's address. And I know exactly how to get it from her.
"Eren. I promise you, I will make everything right."
(Time Skip)
"Oh, Kriisaa! Ooh, Kriiiiistaaaa!" I sang "where are youuuuu?"
Krista was nowhere to be found. But before I left, I heard a bang coming from Krista's room. I sprinted all the way there and there she was. Hiding under the bed.
"Oh there you are!" I said as I pulled her out of there.
"Please! Please Don't hurt me Mikasa!" She pleaded.
"I won't hurt you. I just want Eren's address."
"Sorry, no can do."
"Eren's Orders."
"What? You mean you've been in contact with him?"
"Yes... BUT briefly! I never talked to him again!"
"And why am I not allowed to get his address?"
"Because of the things you did."
"You know very well that I didn't do that."
"Well Eren still thinks you did and would not hear me out. Or anyone else for that matter! He made sure you're not the only one who's not allowed to get his number. Annie isn't allowed as well." Krista Stated.
"What? Why Annie?" I asked.
"Because everyone knows you're close."
"Who else knows?" I asked.
"Jean. He's the other person who knows." Krista said. "But you can't get it from him because he'd do anything to protect Eren's address."
But suddenly, we heard a ding sound coming from Krista's phone. I went to the end table and grabbed it.
Jean Kirstein: Krista! Annie knows Where Eren lives now!!!! Sorry!!! She held me hostage and tickled the answer out of me!
I looked at Krista and said: "Uh Oh."
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