Her sins reflect upon her
Mikasa and Connie walked to Mikasa's High School, trying to look for Eren's clue that, to Mikasa's belief and hopes, may or may not be where they decided to look. Arriving there at midnight, knowing that no one will be there.
Connie, had this firm belief that the "Y" on the secret box he found in Eren's house, might stand for Yoghurt. An idea that seems far fetched for any normal person, but being Eren's closest friend, he knew Eren better than anyone. He believed that Eren had placed clues based on plans he came up with a few years ago
Mikasa was one of the people to believe that Eren would do such thing. Seeing that she, as well, was very close friends with Eren, in fact she was more than that. She was his lover. She would know the way that Eren behaves. To her, Eren is a nice guy, a loving person who cares about everyone in his life and would do no wrong. But to Connie, Eren is far from being such person. To him, Jaeger is a mad prankster, a guy who would go to as far as it would take him to create and execute the masterpiece of a prank.
Reaching for the main entrance door, Connie realized that it was locked. Pushing or pulling the door didn't do anything as the door wouldn't budge.
"Stop Connie. It won't budge." Mikasa said, as she walked away to look around.
Connie stopped and looked at her, and said:"Do you know of some other method of entry? 'Cause I can't think of any right now."
"I would suggest the janitor's room, in search for a key, but I won't suggest you use said key on the front door." Mikasa said as she crossed her hands and looked at the ground in boredom. Soon she zoned out.
Connie walked to Mikasa and tapped her on her shoulder, making her snap out of her imagination.
"Huh?" She said, confused.
"The back door?" Connie asked as he walked in the direction of the dormitories without waiting for Mikasa to answer.
"Wait!" Mikasa said as she followed him towards the dormitories building were the janitor room is located.
Connie and Mikasa both walked into the dormitories building and walked towards the janitor room. Mikasa reached out to the door handle and pulled it down but the door turned out to be locked. Mikasa sighed and walked away from the door. Connie then, who was waring a leather jacked, unzipped it and pulled out a tension wrench, a lock pick and a rake.
Mikasa looked at him with surprise. Her eyebrows raised as her gaze laid upon the tools.
"So you came prepared?" She asked as she watched Connie pick the lock of the janitor room door. She started to focus on Connie's hands as he twisted and turned them. She examined the way Connie focused on the lock and how he was lock picking so she could memorize a thing or two.
The task of lock picking was completed and the lock clicked, Connie opened the door.
"Tada!" He said as he walked inside the room and started to look for a set of spare keys they could use.
"Nice lock-picking skills." Mikasa said. Complimenting Connie. "You seem to know what you're doing."
Connie looked at her with a smile and said: "Thanks, Eren taught me."
Hearing that made Mikasa freeze in her place. She looked away from Connie and sighed as she remembered Eren once more and the pain she caused him. Hearing anything about Eren, whether she already knew the information she heard or not would immediately trigger a sense of sadness, guilt or regret to her.
"Yeah... Eren..." She said, not taking her gaze off the ground.
"Aha! Found 'em!" Connie exclaimed as he grabbed the set of keys and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. His voice once again snapped Mikasa out of her imagination.
"O-Okay. Let's go." She said as she walked ahead of Connie to the school entrance.
Connie opened the door and they both walked inside the dark hallways of the high-school, heading for the roof top. Connie walked on the tips of his toes and looked in every direction. Mikasa, on the other hand, she walked at a normal pace, maintaining a normal walking stance and casually walking alongside Connie.
Connie stopped in his tracks and looked at Mikasa who looked back at him confused.
"What's wrong?" She asked. Connie looking in front of him and then back at her.
"Security cameras!" He said. "Why didn't you tell me anything about that?!"
"I thought you knew!" She replied.
Connie sighed and looked at the camera. He turned back to Mikasa and said: "Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. You head to the roof while I try to disable the security cameras. Meet you up there in 10."
"Alright. Don't take too long." Mikasa said before they both split up in two different directions.
Mikasa made her way up to the roof. There, she walked to the spot overlooking the school entrance. She looked over at the streets below and started to think about what a waste of time coming to school on a Saturday night is.
"*Sigh* Connie, you're an idiot." She said to herself before looking at her own feet.
But then, with her peripheral vision, she notices that, on the ground to her left, were two boxes of Yoghurt.
"Huh?" She said in surprise as she examined the two boxes of Yoghurt. One of them was empty and clean, with no traces of Yoghurt, while the other one was closed. Mikasa grabbed the second box and sensed that there wasn't any Yoghurt inside, but rather a piece of paper. She opened the lid, and pulled out the paper.
On the piece of paper, was a letter, which was addressed to Connie. It was apparent, that Eren was the one who wrote it.
Connie arrived a few minutes later, and once seeing the letter in Mikasa's hands, he said: "AHA! Told ya! Always believe win what Sensei Connie has to teach!"
Connie then realized that Mikasa was frozen in her place, tears dripping down her cheeks. Her eyes wide open and her mouth open in shock.
She let go of the paper, letting it fall down to the ground and walked away, barely managing to hold back the tears.
Connie's smile faded off immediately as he watched Mikasa cry a few feet away from him. He then picked up the paper off the ground and started to read the letter.
'Dear Connie.
I knew you would find this letter sooner or later. I also knew that You're the Only one who would be able to find this letter of Upmost importance. That's why I hid it. I am writing this letter literally minutes before I leave, so sorry for the Really bad handwriting.
I apologize for leaving so suddenly without telling you anything. I'm sorry, I really am.
But I didn't feel like talking to anyone or even grabbing the phone. That Last night in that place I felt pretty devastated and heartbroken.
Betrayed, Shunned, Cast Aside, Swept Away...
Any phrase, word, sentence that could describe what i'm feeling can be put here, but frankly, I don't have enough time and I'm too tired to think.
I have to move because my mom got employed in some new job Outside of town, in the city where my father works. Though I do not regret the decision of leaving this shitty town.
That good for nothing, backstabbing, unloyal, filthy, traitorous, Cheater, that goes by the name of Mikasa Ackerman, has broken my heart, with cold blood.
She Killed Me.
For weeks I have been suspecting her of cheating on me with a certain 'Jason' guy. I kept searching for clues, and I was always successful. Every time I found something new, my love faded away more and more. I did Everything, from pictures, to audio recordings, to analyzing her patterns of behavior... even the way she talked to me these past few weeks was just off.
She was... cruel.
And the cherry on top was when I finally caught her with my own eyes. And heard her with my own ears. Everything I saw and heard was poison to my soul. She identified me as a worthless piece of crap, a simple means to an end.
I do not want to Repeat her words. I'm already devastated enough.
I gotta go now.
Just remember that I hate her, I despise her. I never want to see her, hear her or even hear someone mention her ever again.
I want her out of my life from now on.
Take care, Connie.
Your closest friend,
Connie folded the paper and placed it in his pocket. He sighed and looked at Mikasa who was sitting on the ground, curled up into a ball, her back leaned against the ledge, crying.
Connie decided to stay silent and just calmly walk up to her and sit beside her.
For minutes, Mikasa cried on and on, not even getting tired enough to calm down and take a deep breath. Connie decided to wrap his arm around her and calm her down.
"Shhh... calm down. We... We'll figure this out, don't worry." He said. Mikasa didn't respond.
"You know... I have never seen Eren this angry, let alone feel his rage in the words he wrote. He must've been a little too angry at you. But I believe that once you explain everything to him, he'll forgive you and welcome you back into his arms." Connie said, trying to calm her down.
"I... I destroyed him!" Mikasa cried. "I ended my one and only true love! I'm an idiot! How Can I undo the acts of my sins?! How Can I find redemption?!"
"Shhh... calm down. We'll fix everything. Together. You just have to keep it cool and focus. Once we get all the clues and piece them together, we'll find out what Eren is hiding in that box." Connie reassured Mikasa as he patted her on the back.
"Now why don't we leave this building and go back to my place. We can have some noodles if you want. Or we can order a pizza. So... Whatcha say?"
"S-Sounds like a great idea."
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