Alter Ego
(Mikasa's POV)
Half asleep, in my bed, staring off into the night sky... what else am I gonna do? Sleep? No. Not after everything that's been happening recently. Having an illegal bounty on my head, getting myself attacked in my own school in the middle of the night, searching for what secrets Eren buried there.
I feel like I should give up the quest to find him, since I already know now that that quest would be ultimately pointless.
He said he cannot see me, even if he wanted to, though I do not know why. Whatever the reasoning behind this is, I must find out. But should I?
Then when I'm suddenly close to falling asleep, I heard a sound coming from downstairs.
With my instincts kicking in, I jumped out of my bed and ran straight into the living room. Only to see that there really was no one there. But the lights were on...
Then I heard sounds coming from the kitchen.
I waltzed right in there as if I'm ready to face whatever it is that's inside.
And to my shock... I witnessed the unbelievable.
Closing the fridge door, was none other than myself.
"What the..." was all I could say.
"You didn't leave any orange juice in there? And you have the audacity to put the empty box inside the fridge? How could you?!" The other me asked.
"Who... what are you?!" I asked.
"I'm you." She... I replied.
"Cut the bullshit! How and why do you look and sound like me?" I asked.
"Because, I am you. I've told you that just now." She replied.
"But I'm me! And so if that's true, then who are you?!" I asked again.
She wasn't wearing what I was, my black tank top and some shorts. Instead, she was wearing an exact replica of my biker outfit. Leather jacket, black t-shirt, leather pants, everything. And she looked exactly like me.
"Listen. You don't wanna wake mom up, right? Sure you don't. I'm not here to cause any trouble, just to give you an advice. Don't stop looking for Eren, because without him, you literally have zero reason to continue walking on this earth. You hear me? Zero!" She said the last part as she made a circular shape with her finger.
"Why give it to me now? Why at all? Really what's your purpose here? Are you even real?"
"Aw, Mikasa! You struck a nerve there! Well, who knows about the last part, but I'm already not gonna stay here and answer more questions. Like I said, keep looking for Eren. You'll find lots and lots of secrets just waiting to be uncovered! You'll have a blast!"
"I get it now..." I said slowly. "You're an illusion. By those drugs that asshole Jason injected into me. You're not real."
"Or am I?" My doppelgänger... or illusion me replied.
"Well, you are my spitting image, but how can two copies of one person exist? Especially since you wear my clothes, look and sound exactly like I do... And you sure don't look like a fake" I exclaimed. "This is weird."
"Let me ask you a question. What is your name?" She asked.
"What? What do you mean?" I asked.
"What is your name? I mean it."
"Mikasa Ackerman!" I said.
"And do you know the origins of your last name?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" I replied with a question of my own.
"Go to the nearest libraries you can find and search through all the history books. Since you'll find nothing online about it."
"What are you talking about."
"Ackerman. It's not just the name of a rich family... it goes way deeper than this." She stated.
"So there's more to my name than I know, big deal! What I want to know is what are you and why you are here!"
She started to chuckle a little bit.
"Oh, you sure are naive. There's more to your name than you know. Why do you think there's a bounty on your head?"
"Because I'm a rich girl, so?" I asked.
"Then why try to kidnap you now of all times? Why not when you were little? Huh? What's so special about now? Why does every gang and mafia in the whole area want a piece of you? I told you. You have to look it up. It's for your own sake." She stated. Then she looked at the door through the exit before looking back at me.
"Who. Are. You?" I asked.
"Ever heard the term, "doppelgänger"? Everyone has two personalities in them. One of them is a persona for everyday public life, and the other is the exact opposite. The personality lurking in one's subconscious is referred to as the "Shadow" in psychological terms. The Shadow negates it's symmetrical opposite. The "Light" persona." She said.
"And in some cases grows into the same level. If it manages to grow large enough, it takes on it's own shape, separate from the body..." she stated.
"And can walk around on its own." She finished.
"What are you..."
"And that could be why we're both here." She said.
"So what you're saying is that you're another me? Impossible!" I said.
"I am you."
"Then how did you grow large enough? How did you become your own separate, sentient entity?!" I asked.
"Who knows? Maybe I'm here to serve a purpose. A purpose you're not meant to know of."
"Bullshit!" I exclaimed. I then grabbed a large kitchen knife and pointed it towards her.
"I can lodge this knife into your chest and you'll be dead! End of story!" I stated.
"But so will you." She replied. "Go ahead. Do it."
I stayed silent for a moment and didn't move. She looked once again at the door, this time she walked towards it.
"By the way, what if you're the "Shadow" and I'm the "Light"?" She asked.
"How would you know?" I asked.
"I don't know. Do you?" She asked. "Anyway. I'm leaving. I've came here to do what I needed to do. Don't forget. Go look for your ancestry. Find out who you are and what's your purpose in life. It'll be for the best of both of us. In the end that's why everyone is after your head." She said with her back facing me and her head just slightly tilted to the left.
"Why can't you tell me?" I asked.
"It's best for you to find out yourself. Then again, would you believe me if I told you?" She said as she walked out of the door and closed it behind her. I ran after her and opened the door, only to find that nothing was there.
I closed the door and headed back into the kitchen, fixed myself some cereal and decided to relax my mind by eating them.
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