Chapter 16: The bullet
Mikasa's POV
My head throbbed with pain as I woke up. Once my cision was clear, I looked around. This was not my room at all. There was a large window looking out to the city and I layed in a white big bed. Besides the bed there were two small tables one on either side of the bed. There were some paintings over the bed frame.
I was still in my short revealing red dress from last night. I was just sitting upright on the edge of the bed trying to remember what had happened last no night and where I was.
Then the door opened revealing a tall muscular body. I saw it was Rin and smiled. He smiled back. He made his way to the bed and sat on the egde with me being only a foot apart. He handed me a cup of coffee. I thanked him and sipped on it. I put it on the small table.
"So umm...what happened last night?" I asked
"Well you sort of cried yourself to sleep in my chest and I brought you to my house. I had brought you to my house because I didn't want to wake you up."he replied
"Oh well then thanks, I'm very lucky to have such a nice and handsome best friend like you."I said smiling and blushed slightly. He also blushed.
"And I'm very lucky to have such a beautiful and kind friend like you."said Rin. I blushed more my face heating up.
At this point we were both leaning in closer and closer. Till our noses touched. We were about to kiss phone rang. We pulled away and I saw it was Eren.
"Better take this." I said. He nodded and left the room.
Eren: Where were you last night?
Mikasa: Why do you care? You probably spent the night with Annie.
Eren: Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Mikasa: Ok Eren I know that you and Annie clearly kissed, no need to rub it in.
Eren: No Mikasa I didn't mean to kiss Annie.
Mikasa:vThen why did you kiss her?
Eren: She forced me to.
Mikasa: If she forced you to then why did it seem like you enjoyed it?
Eren: I'm being honest Mikasa, please believe me, I love you and I don't want to let you go.
Mikasa: Eren...I don't love you...but I don't hate you. Your gonna have to earn my trust again.
Eren: Ok Mikasa thanks for giving me a second chance, I won't ruin it...I won't ruin us.
Mikasa: I never sa-
Eren: Don't worry Mikasa I'll make it up to you no matter the cost.
Mikasa: *sigh* Ok Eren but you have to earn my trust again. But this doesn't mean we're a thing. Got it?
Eren: Ok Mika, I love you
And with that Eren ended the call
I then decided to go outside. I held the heels in my hand and straightened my dress. Rin was on his white couch watching the sports channel. He then saw me standing behind him. "Do you want me to drive you home?"he asked sarcasticly. (Remember she lives across the street from him) We both then started laughing."Well I don't think I really need you to drive me but you can walk me."
He then put on his jacket and we headed out the door. Rin walked me across the street . I was about to go inside my mansion when he held my hand and pulled me around,facing him."Mikasa."
"Can I do something I've been wanting to do since the day I met you?"
"A-and what is that?"
"This." He pulled me closer, his hands on my waist. He was leaning in closer and I was too. His bright pink lips crashed onto my soft red lips. I put my arms around his neck caressing his hair. This kiss was tender. It made me think of my times with Kirito, I really missed him.
We were having a long and passionate kiss till I heard someone.
"Oi, let go of my girl." I recognized that voice. We both pulled apart and saw Levi.
"How is she your girl shorty?"
"What did you say?!"
"Shorty, i said shorty."
"You wanna fight me, then come up and fight."
"Pfft like I would fight anybody, I'm too much of a gentleman to fight someone I barely even know."
"So are you just gonna walk away coward. Come on and fight me."
"I have better things to do then fight some spoiled rich brat."
"Hey don't say anything your more rich than me."said Levi angrliy
"Just let it go Levi." I said. Rin turned towards me.
He opened the door for me and I waved goodbye to him. I saw him walk home through the window. Just as he was gonna open the door he fell on the doorstep unconcious. Someone had shot him! And I think I knew who it was...
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