Chapter 13: Rin Okumura
Mikasa's POV
Eren and I had been out for quite a while now and everything was going smoothly till Jean started flirting with me constantly and it would always end in a fight. But I always ended the fight before it got more violent.
Right now was morning and I was just sitting down on a bench reading waiting for the bell to ring. Jean walked up to me for the fourth time this morning.
"Hey there Mikasa, you look beautiful today."
"Umm thanks Jean."
"No problem. So are you doing anything tommorrow?"
"Actually I'm not sure but I know I don't wanna spend my Saturday with you."
"Aww come on, it will be fun. Fine if you don't wanna spend it with me at least come to your ex's party tommorrow with your boyfriend."
"Umm I'm not sure."
"Oh and what do you say to a date on Sunday?"asked Jean
"I said No."
"The lady said no."said a voice I had never heard before. I turned around to see a hot boy with messy black hair, sparkling blue eyes and a small cute smirk. Jean turned around to look at him.
"And what do you have to do with this, Rin ? All you are is a clumsy bastard that can't do anything right." Jean stated. I was still wondering who this Rin guy was.
"Well at least I give girls space and they actually want me unlike you."said Rin.Jean growled.
"Aaahh I'll get you one time Rin Okumura." Jean growled and then walked away.
"Sooo... Hi I'm Mikasa Ackerman. And you must be Rin Okumura. Am I right?" He looked shock."What's wrong?" I asked.
"Um-umm n-nothing it's just that y-your the famous model Mikasa Ackerman but don't worry I will attend to whatever you need."I just laughed.
"No one has ever given me such a special offer like this but I'm sorry I can't take it."I said."Actually could you do one thing for me?"
"Of course my lady, what is it?" I laughed when he called me my lady.
"You can just call me Mikasa."I said
"Can I call you Mika?" Rin asked
"Of course and can I call you Rinmura?
"Sure. So what was it that you wanted to ask me to do?"
"Can you be my friend? I mean if you want to."
"Of course, I would lov- wowowo"said Rin as he tripped on his shoelace. I gigled.
"I guess you really are clumsy." The bell them rang
"Well I guess I'll see you later Rinmura."
"And I guess I'll see you later Mika."
We both waved at eachother and went to class. Wow he's nice and cute. Wait I'm happy dating Eren. I can't think this. I shook my head trying to forget him.
Rin's POV
Mikasa was so beautiful, so stunning. I think I'm in love. I saw her go into my first class. I guess we're in the same class. The teacher told me to wait outside for a while." Ok class we have a new student in our class. Please come in Rin." I saw Mikasa gasp as I went in. She smiled and waved. I smiled and waved back. Mr.Erwin saw this and said "So Mr. Okumura stop signal flirting with Ms.Ackerman and go sit over there in front of Mikasa."
I nodded and went over to my new seat. I looked behind me and saw a guy with brown hair, and green eyes give me a cold glare. I turned around and Mikasa smiled at me. I smiled back.
Mikasa's POV
Rin's smile makes me so happy. It makes me feel safe but I'm with Eren and that is the only thing that matters.I love Eren with all my heart.
Eren's POV
I saw the Rin guy and and my Mikasa smile at eachother, they looked so comfortable together. I kept glaring at him signaling him to back off. He seemed to have trouble figuring out the problems.
"Rin could you please come up to do number four."asked the teacher. Rin seemed worried. When he was up at the board he was sweating. I saw Mikasa whispering the steps to him. I got furious at this."Good job Rin, I just hope next time you don't need help from your girlfriend." He looked at Mikasa "S-she i-isn't my g-girlfriend sir." He said blushing.
"Who cares just go back to your seat." He went back to his seat and whispered at Mikasa "thank you" She smiled and he smiled back. What is going on?
Mikasa's POV
After my last class before lunch I saw Rin walking as I ran up to him. "Hey there Rinmura."
"Hi Mika."
"Do you want to sit with me and my group for lunch?"I asked
"Sure I have no other friends here, I'm a loner." He made the L signal with his fingers on his head. I laughed "That's the sign for loser." We both started laughing. Eren then came up "What's so funny?"he asked glaring at Rin
"Nothing." Said Rin quickly.
We all then walked to the cafeteria. I then started introducing him to everyone." Guys this is Rin my new friend" I put my arm around his shoulder and smiled. I saw him blush, "Ok Rin this is Connie he eats a lot, This is Sasha, she also eats a lot. This is Annie, don't steal her from Armin, their a couple. This is Christa, she's really kind, this is Ymir, Ymir protects Christa a lot so don't get too close to Christa.Hannah, Franz, their also a couple although they don't want to admit it, Reiner, he's tough so don't try to fight him, Berthodt, he likes Annie-" "N-no I d-don't." "Whatever. Jean, he flirts with me a lot, and this is e-"
"Yeah I'm Eren and you don't want to mess with me."said Eren glaring at Rin.
"Hahaha, Eren likes to joke a lot."i said
"But I wasn't-"
"Hi guys I'm Rin Okumura. Mikasa's special friend, am I right Mika?"
"Yes you are right Rinmura." We sat down. I was in the middle of Eren and Rin. Eating lunch was uncomfortable because they kept glaring at each other every minute.
Rin's POV
I saw Mikasa walking home and I walked up to her.
"Hey Mika."
"I like the new nickname."she said
"Something I came up with along the way. So want me to walk you home."
"Sure Rinmura."
"So where do you live?" I asked
"That big white builing over there."she answered
"No way! I live across the street in that big caramel brown house."
"So I guess we're neighbors. I thought that you would live in a dorm."
"No my parents decided that to become a more famous singer and guitar player that I had to have my own mansion."
"So you live by yourself?"
"I guess so."
"That's funny because I also live by myself. Wait Rin Okumura, Rin Okumura, Rin Okumura! I know you now. Aren't you also a model?"
"No wonder I recognized your name from somewhere. I hope I can work with you someday."
"Me too."
"Well this is my home. Thank you for walking me here Rinmura."
"No problem Mika." She hugged me then waved as she went inside her mansion.
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