Clover POV
"There! By the statute!" I shouted, pointing to the spot I had described. Leo's aim was flawless. The rocks smashed two clay giants to mud.
Alice was on my far left, staring at the machine Leo had asked her to control. I could see why she was.
The machine looked like someone had sat on it. With it's crushed box looking shape, with a few levers and buttons, even I didn't know what it did other than the most important thing of all:
Protecting the catapult from attack.
"How do I control it?" Alice asked in Ancient Greek. I went around Leo and Calypso so I could show her what I knew about it.
"This, I think, turns on the intercom," I said, pointing to a lever.
"Why do I need an intercom?" Alice asked.
"We need to have Calypso's voice be amplified," I explained.
Calypso was next to me, singing in that hypnotic way he does. Her voice was so soothing and beautiful, I had to block it out before I fell asleep.
Man… Sleep sounded like such a good idea...
"How will that help?" Alice asked.
"Truthfully, I don't know. Leo and I have the catapult under control, so you help Calypso." Alice have me a determined nod.
"Clover," Leo said, his voice tight. "I need your help here." His hands were gripping levers that appeared similar to ones on construction vehicles, so tightly, his knuckles were white. I walked around Calypso to his other side and rested my hand on his.
"There," I pointed. "Left of the pine tree." I could feel Leo's grip slack on the controls a little bit as he aimed the catapult. He used his left hand to press the button between the levers and the rocks shot through the air. They sailed high into the sky before crashing down on top of the enemy.
“That was perfect,” I complemented. Leo gave me a proud smile.
“ALice, turn on the intercom,” he instructed, yanking his levers and righting the catapult. ALice did as she was told and handed Calypso the microphone. Leo and I covered our ears as her voice was blasted across the battlefield. Even through my closed ears, I could vaguely hear her changing in Ancient Greek. It was beautiful and soft, and caused my legs to buckle underneath me. I was almost jealous of Leo, who was sitting down.
“Look!” Leo shouted. He motioned his head out the window I followed his look and gasped. The Roman soldiers were dropping like the gravity had increased. Our army, including Grovers troops, were fine, unaffected by Calypso’s singing.
Then, things went wrong.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a spark fly from Alice’s machine. I quickly jerked my head to face the machine. Steam and smoke began to rise from the controls, as if the whole thing would-
“Alice!” I shouted. “Duck!” She looked over at me, then noticed the machine reacting. She yelped, uncovered her ears, then rolled into a ball on the floor.
“Leo!” I exclaimed. “Get down!” I grabbed his shoulders, allowing the music to penetrate my brain for only a minute. I was about to pull Calypso down, but the machine exploded! I could feel an intense blast of heat before my vision went black.
Groaning, I rubbed the back of my head. I could feel something wet, and when I looked down, my hand was red. I winced as I put my hand back on top of it, then looked around.
Leo was laying next to me, knocked out cold. I shook his shoulder with my free hand.
“Leo! Oh please… Please get up!” I shook him harder before I heard him moan. His eyes fluttered open, and I could see the power behind them ready to either destroy anyone or break down crying.
“C-Clover…?” He stuttered. I smiled through my pain.
“Yeah, it’s me.” Leo sat up, with my help, and looked around.
“Wh-what happened?” He asked squinting at the damage.
The floor was littered with pieces of blown up bits of controls, walls, and even the ceiling. I could tell how rushed we had been when building the war machine. It had only took us 30 minutes to accomplish and now, both Leo and I knew that we had needed to have spent more time on it.
“Where’s Alice and Calypso?” Leo asked. I scanned the wreckage.
“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “Alice ducked before the machine exploded and-” I noticed just then the hole in the wall behind us. On the grass a few hundred yards away, I saw a tattered white dress. “Calypso!” I exclaimed. Leo shot to his feet, the bandages around his broken ankle snagging on the jagged metal. I stood and caught Leo before he could faceplant the grass. I helped him down and we both ran toward Calypso’s broken body.
“Oh Calypso…” Leo sobbed as we rushed toward her. “I am so sorry…” We both knelt next to her, Leo on her right and me on her left. Her dress was torn in multiple places, and where her skin was exposed, at least one cut was present.
“Rick,” Leo muttered desperately under his breath. “What do I do..?” Leo ran his dirty hand over Calypso’s bloody face. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I reached to take her pulse. After a few minutes, I sighed.
“She’s still alive… but just barely…” I looked up at Leo. “Has Rick said anything?” Leo shifted his gaze toward me, sadness built up in his brown eyes, like an overflowing water dam.
“H-he said…” Leo cleared his throat before continuing. “He said that only a true love’s kiss can save her….” He looked down at her once more. “And I don’t love her like I used to…” I could feel a lump in my throat.
To save Calypso, we needed someone who would love her forever, and I had stolen Leo from her…
“I’m sorry Calypso…” My voice cracked, but I continued. “I treated you horribly…” I touched her chest sadly, resting my hand on her stomach and feeling it slowly rise up and down unevenly. Leo placed a hand on top of mine.
“It’s okay, Clover,” He said softly. “She would forgive you.” I looked up and he ran his other hand along my cheek. He wiped my tears with his thumb, then leaned toward me. I followed his example, closing my eyes, and we kissed.
It was just a single, simple touch, but I could feel my body filling with incredible heat, as if a sun was growing inside of me. I deepened the kiss, wanting to express how much I loved my Repair Boy. He didn’t stop me. The heat intensified until it felt like I would explode. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his.
For a long moment, we stayed in that position, listening to the other breath softly. I finally opened my eyes and looked at Leo. I yelped and sat up taller.
He was glowing!
“What the-?!” Leo exclaimed, looked at me as if I were the one glowing.
“What?” I asked, then looked down. I yelped again.
I was glowing!
“What’s happening?” I asked, frantic for answers. I looked down and noticed Leo and I were still holding hands on Calypso’s torso. I looked up at Leo, hope filling my expression.
“Leo,” I said. “It’s a true loves kiss!” I grabbed his other hand and placed it on top of our other hands. “Give Calypso our love!” Leo’s expression turned immediately from despair to hope.
“Let’s try,” he said, then leaned in again. I wasn’t hesitant in the least. I leaned in and our lips touched again.
This time, instead of thinking about Leo and me, I thought of Calypso. I pictured her goddess-like beauty, her amazing voice, and all the amazing fan art I had seen over the years.
What? I was a fangirl!
As I continued to think of her, our kiss turned supernova. Literally. We were both glowing so brightly, I could see the light through my closed eyes.
Our kiss deepened. I was tempted to think of Leo, but I didn’t. I had to keep my thoughts about Calypso. I decided to think about how jealous I was of her instead.
When I had first gotten the book on my 16th birthday, I had thought it would at least mention me, but it didn’t. Then, the day I had read about Leo falling on Calypso’s island, I had thrown the book across the workshop. I was so upset about it, but I didn’t know how to get my anger out about it. As I read on, I was slightly comforted by the fact that they hated each other. It was until Leo left the island, had I blown my top completely.
She had kissed MY Leo! How dare she?!
I was afraid that Leo would always choose her over me, but this kiss was proof that it wasn’t true.
I came up for breath, but came at Leo again. I wasn’t done. He seemed a bit surprised, but didn’t stop. This was a good reason for breaking the no passionate kissing rule.
Leo was mine, but due to my selfishness and jealousy, Calypso had been brought into the problem by Rick. I now understood her role, at least in my world:
Don’t doubt your own power and will.
Underneath mine and Leo’s hands, I felt the warm, charged love between us filter into Calypso’s broken body. I decided that we had done everything we could for her.
I broke away and exhaled shakily. Leo lifted his hand from off Calypso’s chest and put it against my neck. We locked eyes and I gave him a small smile. He returned the expression. Inside, my heart did a somersault.
Underneath my hands, I felt Calypso stir. Leo and I looked down at her. I lifted my hands from her chest and rested one on her shoulder.
“Calypso? Can you hear me?” I asked carefully. Calypso’s eyes fluttered open.
“W-w-what…?” she stuttered. Leo exhaled in relief.
“Oh Calypso, we thought you were gone for good,” he said, a sort of softness to his voice. I had thought I had already gotten rid of my jealousy of Calypso, but it all came rushing back in that one moment.
“W-what’s going on…?” she asked, her voice scratchy, like a staticy radio station. Maybe the wet grass had affected-
“Oh no,” I said, a realization dawning on me. I shot a look at the battle behind us. Rain was down pouring on top of them. Around us, though, it was completely dry.
Probably from our heat, I thought.
“We need to find Alice and stop this war,” I said, looking at Leo. He nodded, then bent down and wrapped his arms under Calypso’s body.
“I’ll take her to the sick bay on the Argo II. Maybe some ambrosio and Tylenol will fix her,” Leo said. I laughed and stood.
“Leo, I doubt Tylenol is gonna fix all of her wounds.” Leo cracked his usual witty smile before standing up, Calypso wrapped tightly in his arms.
“How dare you doubt the power of Tylenol?” He accused in a sarcastic tone. I laughed and punched his arm playfully.
“Go on, my Repair Boy. Fix a couple friends for me.” He laughed.
“I’ll never let down my Fangirl.” I smiled at the nickname, but before we could exchange any more sarcastic comments or jokes, the sound of a hunter’s horn blew across the valley. My smile grew wider.
“Reinforcements are on their way! I cheered. “Hurry Leo. get to the Argo II before the element of surprise is lost!” Leo heard the urgency in my voice and he nodded.
“Be safe,” he said, then kissed my cheek before running off. I watched him charge toward the Argo II before I rushed back toward the destroyed catapult with one goal on my mind:
I needed to find Alice.
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