CH. 35
CH. 35 (Elle)
Jasper had me exercise my gift almost daily.
We tested strengths and weakness' as well as distance.
So far nobody was able to attack me mentally or physically no matter how far or close they were.
Much to my own displeasure Jasper suggested we let the kids learn how to fight.
My babies were already the size of four year olds.
They were beyond intelligent and extremely gifted.
After much discussions Emmett and I agreed to tell the kids what we were up against.
After we explained the Volturi Jasper sat the kids down and showed them a few fighting attacks.
But we branded into their brains that they were only to fight If someone tried to harm them first.
If the Volturi did in fact come and it looked like we were losing then Katrina was to use her gift.
Carlisle and Jasper had conditioned her perfectly, she could now teleport with others as well as into other places.
She just had to be shown a very vivid picture, and then she could take you there.
She never teleported alone now.
Emmett wrestled with Killian to test his strength, and Edward guided Kellan in mind warm ups and how to project his minds voice to further distances.
After a while we calmed down a little.
We were all sitting outside one afternoon.
The ice on the lake was starting to thin out, and the sun was out more now, giving an almost warm feel.
Alice was mindlessly dancing around when suddenly she lost her footing.
Edward was the fastest and reached her first before she fell into the lake.
Her eyes were empty but horror struck, Edwards face mirrored hers exactly.
"They're coming." They whispered simultaneously.
We were all around them in the blink of an eye.
Emmett and I had our kids pressed against our chests and everyone was looking around nervously.
"Call everyone, they will be here in exactly four days from now." Alice said. "We're fighting at night" Alice hissed.
I looked up at my husband sad and worried.
He gave me the same look then kissed my forehead as we squeezed our children just a little tighter.
We quickly headed inside and all of the men pulled out phones and were calling people in a heartbeat.
I didn't let the kids move from my side for a second.
Esme made the kids, Nessie, and Jake Lunch and the Denali's as well as the Lycans showed up.
"We'll have to hunt." Bella said as she worriedly stroked her daughters long copper hair.
We all nodded.
"Red and I will hunt the night before." Emmett informed everyone.
"Alice and I will join them." Jasper said.
"As will Katie, Tanya and I" Garrett put in.
Carlisle & Esme, Carmen & Elezar, Bella & Edward. Were scheduled to go right before us.
"When do they come?" Maks asked as he and Cole looked at the calendar.
"Alice saw them coming Four days from now, but they won't approach us until night fall." Edward responded emptily.
Everyone seemed so zoned out, worried about our possible outcome.
Would we all survive, if some died who would survive.
Emmett and I know our children will be looked after by the rest of the family as well as the Denalis and our friends in the Irish coven who had taken a liking to us.
But it hurt to think that there was a possibility that I would be seeing my babies for the last time in four days.
Jacob contacted his old pack and arranged it so that he, Renesme, Maks, and the triplets would be sent to his hometown.
They would be taken Care of until someone was able to collect them.
Jacob and Maks had also agreed that if none of the vampires survive Maks would take my kids and hide in London. They would have to move every few years with their rapid growth but they would be alive.
"That's the night of the full moon." Cole announced in a panic rushed voice.
His words sliced through the already tense room.
All Of the Lycans looked at us frightened.
"We know you won't hurt us." Carlisle said breaking the silence.
Cole shook his head, his eyes were now glossy with fresh tears "the problem is we don't know that we won't hurt you. Our monster takes control, we've never tested the theory and we don't have the time now."
Tanya ran to Cole and buried her face into his chest.
"Well on the upside, Aro and the rest won't be able to sense the Lycans until they actually shift." Jasper said.
This was true.
Cole and his siblings smelled like humans.
You would have to be extremely close to them (like Tanya was with Cole) to smell there was something off with their blood.
It was a Lycans best defense mechanism in their human form.
If a vampire ingested lycan blood it could be deadly.
Of course a vampire wouldn't just walk up to a lycan and bite them, but if all they smelt was human blood they would bite and drink before they even realized their blood was tainted with the "curse."
"Everyday we fight with our own monster." Carlisle said "I believe that if you look within yourself you will find your humanity, you will remember right from wrong. Don't let the monster define who you are, I believe in you son."
Cole stood up a little straighter and nodded.
I too believed that the Lycans had it in them to not harm us but instead fight next to us.
"It'll definitely scare the shit out of them to see all of you phasing." Emmett said with a deep chuckle.
It felt good hearing his low bass level laugh.
Soon the sun was setting and the Lycans decided they wanted to stay near me and the kids, so Emmett and I opened our home to them.
"I'm scared Emmett." I quietly admitted as we walked back to our house.
For once we were alone, Cole and Tanya had taken the children ahead with the rest of the Lycans.
"Don't be Babe, I won't let anything hurt you or our children. We will beat them easily, and we will all go back to normal. Then soon enough you will be complaining how bored you are." He said lightly as he kissed my hand.
"I love you Emmett McCarty." I said still emotional over all of the possibilities.
"I love you Elleen McCarty." He said giving me my favorite wide smile with deep dimples. "But we're Cullens...and this is what we do."
I nodded, "and I'll stick with you Forever and always." I finished.
"Forever and always." He finished, he stopped and I stopped with him.
He turned me around so that I was now facing him.
He kissed me passionately, if I could cry I know I would be streaming tears right now.
This kiss was desperate and sad, like we didn't know when we were going to be able to do this again.
I was sad for my children, I was sad for my new family, I was sad that I didn't get a longer time with all of them.
Four days isn't enough!
I was angry and I wanted to kill the people who threatened to take away all I hold dear to my heart.
How dare they.
Someone needs to set them straight and I think I just might be the vampire to do it.
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