CH. 26
CH. 26 (Emmett)
I waited a few minutes just admiring my beautiful wife as she slept.
But I knew we would need clothes and stuff of that sort so I got out of the bed, put on the day old tux and went for a quick hunt.
After I drank my fill I headed to the house, everyone giving me mixed emotions.
I noticed Bella and Edward were no where to be found, Nessie and Jake as well.
I think everyone felt the same as I do about having a baby.
They want Red to have a baby but don't want to put her life in danger.
I went into the house and straight up to my room. I changed really quick and then Alice found me with a change of clothes for Red.
Carlisle approached me as he came down the stairs.
"Is she...alright?" He asked professionally, although I could hear the concern in his voice, he was also asking If she is pregnant already.
"She's good I guess, a little bruising here and there, she'll probably be sore, but she's still alive. I wanted to thank whoever put pillows in there, they really came in handy when I started to lose control and had to bite something." I admitted.
He chuckled "ahh, that would be Edward, you'll have to thank him when they get back from Forks." Carlisle informed me.
"I'd better take these to Red before she wakes up." I said holding up the fresh clothes.
Carlisle nodded with a smile. "Come and find when she's up and dressed so I can check and see if you two have conceived or not."
I nodded and made my way back into the woods.
As I had hoped Red was still fast asleep.
I walked over to her and kisses her cheek gently.
She stirred.
"Good morning Mrs. Emmett Cullen." I said, I couldn't help the smile on my face.
She smiled and then opened her beautiful eyes.
"That is, Mrs. Emmett McCarty Cullen sir."
I kissed her lips gently.
"Forever and always babe."
"Forever and always." She repeated.
She turned her body fully on her back and I instantly noticed the very prominent bulge where her flat belly should be.
My eyes went back up to hers, judging by her still drowsy state, she hasn't realized it yet.
"What's wrong baby?" She asked worriedly.
I smiled, "nothing babe, but I think we're parents."
She gasped and threw the blanket off her.
She looked down at her sizable belly and gently ran her hand over it.
She looked back up at me with tears and a smile on her face. "We're gonna be parents!" She squealed.
I helped her get dressed and then I carried her bridal style all the way back to the house.
. . . . .
Emmett finally put me down when we got to the second story of the House and were in Carlisle's medical room.
"Carlisle." Emmett said, soon enough Carlisle came into the room. He took one look at me and his eyes widened.
He quickly composed himself. "Well it looks as if you two are expecting after all."
He put on some gloves and then began measuring me and taking notes.
"Judging by what I can see an have deduced from all of the books I've read, you seem to be pregnant, with twins."
Hy heart wanted to burst with happiness.
"Twins" Emmett said in an excited whisper.
"Yes son, it seems that your beautiful wife is going to be giving you twice the blessing." Carlisle said smiling.
Then his smile fell and he got serious once more.
"As you both can see, you are fairly far along, your pregnancy seems to be going double the speed of Bella's when she was pregnancy with Renesme. Judging by that, I would like to perform a Caesarean in fifteen days."
My heartbeat was out of control and I began to panic "FIFTEEN DAYS?!" I shouted.
"Elle honey, Bella only carried Renesme to 30 days, sure it was accidental but judging by Renesme's birth height and weight she was born full term. And seeing as you seem to be 'baking the buns' at half the time Bella did. Fifteen days seems very reasonable." He informed me.
My heart began to calm down.
"Plus, this is the best way to turn you as well. While you're under the anesthetics we can remove the babies, fix you up and then Emmett can turn you, when you wake up you'll be a brand new vampire with two beautiful babies." He assured.
Emmett grabbed my hand and gave me a chaste kiss on the forehead.
I smiled and then Nodded.
"Now, nothing strenuous, no sex, or heavy lifting, no running around, and you will HAVE to start consuming blood as well as your normal human diet."
I was awestruck.
Carlisle chuckled a little, "from what I remember, Bella seemed to really enjoy the blood while she was pregnant, it is something that is vital for the baby or in your case, babies. If you don't ingest the blood, they will start taking your blood and you will die before we can even deliver the babies".
At that Emmett growled, I looked over at my angry husband.
"I'll drink the blood." I assured both of them.
Once that was settled Emmett took me to the living room where half of the family was.
Everyone congratulated me, Esme's eyes were glazed as if she were going to cry.
"Carlisle thinks its Twins." I informed them.
Esme and Alice began to jump up and Down with excitement and Emmett held me lovingly.
Soon enough everyone had settled down and then Carlisle had brought me a black thermos.
"Here you go honey, drink this." He said, judging by the 'on edge' looks everyone was wearing, I knew it contained blood.
I took a deep breath then put the thermos to my mouth.
I let the thick liquid slide down my throat.
After I removed the thermos away from my mouth I sat for a minute or two before I had the craving to drink the entire thing, so I did.
I tilted the mug back all the way and let it pour down my throat greedily.
When it was gone I pulled it away and pouted.
Everyone laughed and Carlisle gave me more.
After three more thermos' I was finally sated.
"Let someone know when you need more, we will not hesitate to bring it to you." Esme said stroking my hair.
I smiled and agreed.
I yawned and Emmett saw it.
"Come on little Red, lets get you some rest." He said.
He picked me up once again and carried me up to his bedroom.
He laid me on his giant bed and then cuddled next to me.
He bent down and kissed my stomach and then came back up and kissed my mouth.
He wrapped his arms around me and I quickly found sleep.
. . . . .
I can't believe how amazingly lucky I am.
A wife who loves me as much as I love her.
A family who cares about me and my beautiful soulmate.
And now not one but TWO babies.
I held Red's sleeping body in my arms.
I was so overjoyed with my life right now.
There was a knock on the door and I told them to come in.
It was Edward and Bella.
"We just got back and Esme told us the fantastic news." Bella said smiling widely.
I couldn't help but begin beaming.
"Congratulations brother, you'll make a great father." Edward said.
"Thanks man." I said noting the tight smile he wore.
"If she needs anything I will be more than happy to help her." Bella said genuinely.
I nodded and then they left.
I couldn't help but wonder about Edward. Is he mad that Red and I decided on getting pregnant? Or Is he just plain jealous that he and his wife aren't the only ones that can have a kid.
Whatever his problem is he better keep it to himself, because if he hurts my wife I will hurt him in return.
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