CH. 20
CH. 20 (Cole)
"I'm home!" I said happily.
I was anxious for Ellie to meet my family.
She is the first person I've ever really told about my curse, well other than other lycanthropes.
It was no secret that I had feelings for her, she's gorgeous and so full of life, but the night of the party I could feel the magic surrounding the new couple.
I knew better than to try and separate them, I could love Ellie and protect her as a friend.
I knew she wasn't my Mate, I only hoped that one day I would find someone as beautiful and caring as her.
My siblings all stopped what they were doing and came forward.
"Everyone this is the girl I told you about, Elleen Finnigan. Ellie, this is my family." I said lovingly.
Just knowing she accepted us wholly and without judgement, my siblings had already liked her.
Even still I could feel her nerves.
"Everyone this is Ellie, Ellie these are my siblings." I said and then introduced each one to her personally.
After the introductions she eased up considerably.
She then spoke with us about random things, trying to keep the conversation light.
I knew she wouldn't delve too deeply as the heavier things would be discussed tonight.
She soon fell into the topic of relationships with the girls.
"How can you date a vampire?" Charlene (Alphonse's Mate) asked.
"Yeah, aren't you scared he'll bite you one day?" My sister Denise asked.
Elle just smiled and answered them.
"I don't have any prejudices against anyone. And I can date any guy as long as he treats me with respect and kindness and loves me unconditionally." She said "and if Emmett wanted to bite me, I simply figured he would've done it the second he met me."
Her reasoning made us laugh, we knew she was right but the way she spoke so lightheartedly about it lifted our mood.
"Have any of them EVER tried to take a snap at you" Ollie (Denise's Mate) asked.
Ellie sighed, "yes, once." She admitted and all of us growled in anger.
She held her hands up to quiet us, it worked.
"It was an accident caused by carelessness."
"Explain." I commanded.
She looked up at me, her big blue orbs gazing at me through her thick lashes.
"As I was telling everyone bye one day, Jacob, the shifter was playing with a football in the house. He threw the ball up but it veered off his desired track and so he leaped to catch it. Only he leaped without looking and bumped into me sending me through one of the glass doors." She said then I felt her mood change to a thick layer of sadness.
She continued, "Jasper let the sight and smell of my blood cloud his normally calm demeanor and he lost control he wanted to attack me so bad but Emmett carefully held him back and then removed him from the house. Renesme also lost control for a split second, but because she's half human she was easier to handle."
We all gasped and she rolled her eyes.
"Ugh the story of Nessie is just too complicated so i'll just let her parents tell you." She said confusing us.
But I caught on quickly then filled her in.
"Ellie we aren't shocked that Renesme is a half human/half vampire. We're shocked because once a vampire experiences the blood lust it's said that NOTHING can stop the vampire from obtaining the blood."
"Oh, we'll Edward says Emmett's the strongest known vampire but its no biggie." She said waving her hand in the air as if to wave it off.
"Ellie, that is a 'biggie'." I said, "look, Lycans are very strong, stronger than new born vampires only by a little and definitely stronger than shifters. But even I think your Emmett could give a lycan a run for his money if he doesn't flat out beat him." I said.
I could tell she wasn't really grasping the situation.
"Ellie, when we phase into our Lycans we are viciously primal. There isn't a nice thing about us, and if there is anything with a heartbeat near us we rip it to shreds without hesitation. We lose ourselves entirely to our beast. Even your vampires and the shifter still have their conscience while in battle, where as we do not. If we feel you're a Threat we will attack. It's just that simple. That's why every full moon we all chain ourselves up away from the outside world."
She had sadness on her face again.
"But you have Emmett, and me and all of us to protect you from anything." I said while the others nodded.
"Yeah, you may not be a Lucan but your still a cool Chick." My (twin) brothers Maks & Alphonse said.
She had sadness for us, monsters.
The girls hugged her and she cheered up a bit.
As she promised her Father, she left shortly to eat dinner and talk with her Vampires.
A few hours later Ellie called to give me the address to the Cullen covens house.
We all rode in my hummer and pulled up to the grandiose house.
"I guess the movies got some things right." Maks said.
"Yeah, flashy over the top vampires." Alphonse answered.
"Maks, Alphonse! Remember who you are" Denise scolded them.
The guys straighten themselves out and before I could knock on the door, it was opened for us.
We were greeted by a friendly women who welcomed us into her home graciously, I knew instantly she was the matriarch and her mate that stood near her was just as kind and welcoming.
"Thank you for reaching out to us, every since I heard of you I have wanted nothing more than to meet you, but Elle figured we would all need some time to adjust." The leader of the coven spoke.
I nodded and smiled. "Yes, Ellie is very thoughtful that way."
"Forgive me, where are my manners, please let me introduce myself. I am Carlisle and this is my wife Esme." He said and we all shook their hands.
"I believe you met most of my kids and Our friend Jacob Black but the two you didn't meet are my daughter in law Bella and my grand-daughter Renesme."
The girls walked up to us, I remember Ellie mentioned Renesme earlier and my eyes went to the girl who resembled both the girl I figured to Bella and the vampire who spoke to me last time.
"Hello. I am Bella, I'm Edwards wife And Renesme mother." She said very stiffly.
I could sense she was uncomfortable around us.
Then I felt something or maybe it was someone interfering with her feeligs as I suddenly scenes a wave of calm wash over her.
"And I'm Renesme but please call me ness or nessie." She said in a beautifully happy voice.
"How about 'may'" Maks sounded "as in maybe you'll call me later?" He finished with a wink.
Renesme blushed and giggled but was soon flanked by the shifter.
"Maks, leave her, she already has a mate." I said and Maks backed away.
Then we were introduced to the Denali coven.
"I'm sorry, not all of us are here. My sister Tanya is out of town at the moment but she wanted us to give you our warmest welcome." The girl I now know as Kate said.
Then we stood back and I introduced everyone to my family.
"Well I am Cole Hendricks and these are my siblings, Denise, Alphonse, & Maks. And this is Ollie, he is Denise's Mate & husband. And this is Charlene, Alphonse's mate & fiancée."
We all sat and stood and talked about the myths that followed our creatures and If they were true.
Then we got into the heavier topics.
"Why are you interested in befriending us?" Edward asked.
Every since the first night I found him listening to my thoughts I have had my mental wall up and I could tell he was irritated.
"Our maker, though cursed with this beast we all share, was a peaceful man In The sense that he wished for equality among all." I said.
I could see Esme, Ellie, the woman Carmen, her husband Elezar, and Carlisle all nodding approvingly.
"He once told me about his mate, she was killed by humans for witchcraft, but instead of hating them he pitied their narrow-mindedness and vowed that he would teach people that we are as normal as anyone else, everyone human or otherwise has their flaws and their own demons they battle, so why are we labeled the monsters." I continued.
"His dying wish was for us to carry on his works, find people unlike ourselves, get to know them become their friends and just live an open minded lifestyle. He always said 'open your eyes, Because if you live your life with clouded vision you'll never know what your missing'."
"He sounded like a great man, it would have been an honor to have met him." Carlisle said genuinely.
"He would have been happy to know you and your family." I said smiling.
Soon enough everyone was talking to everyone.
Of course Denise and Charlene disappeared with Kate and Alice to look at clothes, Maks and Ollie went upstairs with Jacob to play some video games, while Edward and his wife took their daughter home for bed.
The Denalis also left, sans Kate and her husband Garrett.
I spoke with Carlisle more we were both so fascinated with each others species.
He also told me some of his children have gifts, although I picked up on Edwards mind reading and Jasper's emotion control and Ellie told us about Emmett's strength.
I told him of our own gifts.
" I can sense someone's mood similarly to Jasper but I can not control it. I can also do mind control, I hardly ever use it as I don't like taking someone's will away from them. The twins can control elements. Maks our resident goofball unfortunately can call upon fire while Alphonse can call upon water. And Denise inherited our makers telekinesis abilities." I informed him.
Emmett left to take Ellie home for the night.
And soon after we also went home.
We had become instant friends with the Cullen's and the Denali's.
Our maker would have been proud.
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