CH. 15
CH.15 (Emmett)
Time stood still as I watched Jacob's body slam against Red's and her light frame went through the glass doors with ease.
I was beyond pissed and I was fucking ready to murder the mutt.
I growled but it was drowned out by the snarling that I heard from behind me.
I turned in time to brace myself as Jasper was getting ready to attack.
I went to grab his lunging body but he twisted and snaked his way out of my grip.
I tried again and this time he dodged.
Enough of this shit!
I stood in front of Him and his body barreled into mine with a loud crash.
I finally had a decent hold on him. But it was killing me to have my back to Red.
So I angled myself so that I could now see everything.
As I held onto Jasper who was fighting me very hard to get to her. I watched as my spaced out Red mindlessly withdrew a chunk of glass from her arm.
Unknowingly adding fuel to this fire.
Jazz snapped and began to snarl wildly, Carlisle came running down stairs to help me restrain him.
Red's sad face looked up at Jasper for the first time and that's when i saw her eyes flicker with hurt.
I noticed Nessie's face contorting as she was now fighting the urge to attack my Red.
'No Nessie please don't.' I thought.
Then Edward looked in his daughters direction and before you know it he's yelling at a leaping Nessie ferociously growling.
Jake of course grabbed Nessie with ease, She was only half a vamp so she was easier to control, but still she was a flight risk and needed to go
"Get them out of here!" Carlisle yelled.
I watched angrily as the mutt carried my niece out of this house, this was all his fucking fault. If that idiot wouldn't have been playing inside the house like a damn child none of this would have even happened.
"Now Emmett!" Carlisle said snapping me out of my internal rant.
"I don't want to leave her." I admitted sadly looking up at Red for the first time since i got a hold of Jazz.
"You're the only one strong enough to restrain him for the time being." Carlisle admitted.
I let out a loud and unnecessary sigh because i knew i was defeated, I picked up Jasper and took him out of the house using the front door.
Once we got into the woods, Jasper and I fed on some Elk then he calmed down.
He wouldn't look me in the eye.
I knew he felt like shit.
Again, this was all Jake's fault.
"Hey man, you ok?" I asked as calmly as i could.
"I'm So Sorry Em, " he said finally looking up at me with pure agony written across his face. "It's just i smell it then the sight of it and i just lose it. I never wanted to hurt her, you now that. Hell she's the first Human i've been close to in centuries. I wasn't even that close to Bella." He admitted.
It was true, i had seen how well Jazz was with Red, she was special, she had a gift that got most people to like her.
"I know man, it's not your fault so please don't beat yourself up over it." I said clapping his back.
He gave me and forced weak grin and then we heard Alice's voice.
"Jazz! Oh My gosh Jasper, i'm so sorry guys i didn't see it happening until it was too late, because Jake was involved i couldn't see it happening, all i saw was Carlisle leading Elle upstairs to remove glass then i pieced it together and came as soon as i figured it out."
Alice said, if she could cry she would be bawling. Red was like her best friend, they were practically sisters already, plus she didn't like to see Jazz upset.
"So now what?" Jasper asked.
"She knows." Alice and I said at the same time.
"How?" He questioned.
I knew Alice hadn't seen this part in her vision so i had to explain.
"It happened right before Nessie lost control. Something happened and i could see it in her eyes. Even though she was looking at the scene before her she was also spacing out, thinking about something else. Then it happened, something clicked. I don't know what triggered it or what she put together in her head but then she began crying." I finished.
"Well her futures still the same, nothing has changed," Alice said trying to comfort us. "Maybe this was how she was SUPPOSE to find out." She said with a shrug.
"Just have Alice tell you her future so you can stop worrying so much." Jazz suggested.
I sat on a fallen tree trunk And put my head in my hands.
"I can't."
"Why?" the each asked.
I sighed, "because it COULD always change, I don't want to get my hopes up." I confessed.
Alice gave me a sympathetic look but nodded. "That makes sense." she agreed.
"Carlisle should be close to finishing up now." Jazz said.
We all got up and made our way back to the house.
Bella was sweeping up the glass while Eddie was mopping up the area with pure bleach.
Nessie was curled on the sofa crying into Jakes shoulder.
"Uncle Emmett, I'm super super sorry, I swear I didn't mean to do that." Nessie cried.
I walked over to her and kissed her hair to reassure her I did not blame her, nor was I mad at her.
Jake on the other hand got my worst death glare and he didn't even try to act tough about it.
He knew he fucked up royally.
We all situated ourselves around the sofa and chairs and then Red and Carlisle started descending the stairs.
I wanted nothing more than to go up to her and pull her into my arms, kiss her lips, and tell her everything would be alright.
Now I don't know if she thinks we're monsters.
Our secret is finally out, this is NOT how I was suppose to tell her!
I noticed Alice fidget slightly and then everyone started saying their sorries all at once.
But it was Jazz who's voice carried loudest because he sincerely felt like this whole thing was his fault.
"Elle darlin' i'm so sorry." he said, his voice full of pain and regret.
She stood there trying to figure out what to say then out of no where she began to cry, and it wasn't a soft cry either.
Her body shook with sobs.
"How come nobody told me?" She choked out sadly.
I knew her well enough to know she was hurting.
Her words shocked all of us.
After she had just witnessed all of that she still wanted to be part of this life.
My mood lifted a bit.
I stood up, "will you let me explain everything?" I asked.
She looked up at me with watery eyes but she still snapped back at me.
"I w-w-wish s-somebody would." She stuttered as her cries jolted her body still.
I walked out into the backyard, she followed me without any delay.
Alice and Jasper went to The Denali's to tell them what happened.
Because of Jacobs mistake now we either have to change her or kill her, either way she now leads a life of doom.
I hate him so much!
I stopped when we got next to the lake that divided our houses.
"So, um. I'm not quite sure how to go about this so I suppose I'll just out right tell you." I said running my hand through my hair in frustration.
"My family and I are Vampires." I said waiting for her to start screaming her head off or tell me to quit joking and be serious. All natural reactions upon hearing this.
"I KNOW that, what I don't know is why no one told me. Even more so you! You're my Boyfriend Emmett, did you ever stop and think 'hmm maybe I should tell my girlfriend I'm a vampire' were you ever going to tell me?" she asked tears threatening to fall again.
"Babe I swear on everything in this world I was going to tell you. Honestly that's what the family meeting was suppose to be about tonight. Then that idiot mutt had to throw you through glass. Jasper isn't so well around blood, and Nessie, well she's kinda new to this."
"So how come you all didn't try an attack me?" She asked.
"Well we're sorta different, we survive off of animal blood." I informed her. "But don't be mistaken Babe, there are some bad vampires that DO drink human blood."
She just nodded.
"So Kate and Garrett and Tanya? Are they..."
"Yes." I answered.
"I've always liked vampire romance novels." She said more to herself than anything.
I took this as my chance to put things back to normal.
"Now's your chance to live one." I said smirking and snaking my arms around her waist.
She laid her head against my chest.
All of my worries lifted and I sighed contently.
"I'm still mad at you." she said snuggling deeper into my arms.
"I can accept that." I said with a smile.
We stood In each others arms for some time until I broke the silence.
"I love you Elle."
"I love you more Emmett." She said looking up at me with a loving look in her eyes. Then she laid her head back on my chest and finished her statement. "Obviously I do, otherwise I'd be running and screaming."
I laughed a deep laugh.
If this was my future I would be just fine.
I love Elle and she loves me, even though she knows I'm a vampire.
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