New Friends
Applejack continued down the road with Winona following from behind, she had been traveling for an hour so far.
Applejack: Phew, how long is this road? Twilight never said how long it would take to get there!
After a little longer of traveling, Applejack came across a corn field, there was nothing but corn and a scarecrow. It looked like someone she knew.
Applejack: Huh, I feel like there's something familiar about that scarecrow...oh well.
She continued her journey.
?: BOO!!!
Applejack jumped and turned around. The scarecrow was alive, but she recognized it to be...
Applejack: Pinkie Pie?
Pinkie gasped, surprised.
Pinkie: How'd you know my name? Are you psychic?
Applejack: I just know who you are. We were at Twilight's house, remember?
Pinkie: No, I don't think I've ever visited anyone before.
Applejack: Sure, ya have!
Pinkie got down from where she was hanging.
Pinkie: What's your name?
Applejack (thinking): This may not be the Pinkie Pie I know. (out loud) I'm Applejack.
Pinkie: Nice to meet you, uh...
Applejack: I just told you my name. How can you suddenly forget it?
Pinkie: Yeah, I don't have a brain. I'm only a scarecrow, all I do is scare birds.
Applejack: Well, you just scared me earlier.
Pinkie: I did? *sigh* I wish I had a brain. Perhaps the Wizard of Oz could give me one. I'd go ask her, but I don't know how to get there.
Applejack: Well, I'm just heading to go see her, why don't you come with me?
Pinkie: Really? You mean it?
Applejack: Sure, I'll betcha that she can give ya a brain of your own!
Pinkie: Hot dog! I'm in! Let's go, uh...
Applejack: Applejack.
Pinkie: Right. Let's go, Applejack!
The two continued the journey together, however, on their way, they had an encounter with the Wicked Witch.
Applejack: Trixie?
Pinkie: You know her?
Applejack: I recognize that look on her face anywhere!
Trixie: Hello, dear. What gorgeous shoes you've got there.
Applejack completely forgot she had the green emerald slippers on.
Applejack: Oh no! You're not getting these shoes, Trixie! No matter how hard you try!
Trixie: Oh really? Snips! Snails! Retrieve the slippers!
?: Yes, boss!
Then came two familiar dragon-like buffoons.
Pinkie: Whoa, boy.
Snips: This'll be fun!
Snails: Yup!
The two chased after Pinkie and Applejack.
Pinkie: Run for your lives!!!!!
Due to the slippers, Applejack had a hard time running and tripped.
Snails: Gotcha now!
Applejack: Uh-oh! Help!
Just as the two were about to strike Applejack and steel the slippers, Winona jumped in front of Applejack and attacked them, scaring them away.
Applejack: Winona!
Winona barked happily and jumped into Applejack's arms.
Applejack: Good girl!
Trixie: Humph! I'll be onto you, my pretty! Just you wait, I'll get you!
Then, Trixie stormed off. Applejack began to feel a little spooked but, the girls kept going. Later, they came across what looked like a tin girl, she couldn't move. Applejack recognized her, too.
Applejack: Flu-Fluttershy?
Pinkie: You know her, too?
Applejack: Well, not exactly.
Fluttershy tried to talk, but she couldn't.
Pinkie: you need something?
Applejack noticed a winder upper on her back.
Applejack: I think we need to wind her up.
She turned the winder a few times and Fluttershy began to move and talk.
Fluttershy: Phew, thanks. I feel better now.
Applejack: Sure thing, Fluttershy.
Fluttershy: *Gasp!* Do I know you?
Applejack: Probably not, I'm Applejack. You just remind me of one of my friends at home. She has the same name as you.
Pinkie: By the way, why were you just standing there?
Fluttershy: My winder upper stopped. Oh, I've been living like this for as long as I can remember.
Applejack: Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Fluttershy: I just wish I had a heart so I wouldn't have to live like this. I hear a heart is how you humans keep functioning.
Applejack: Well, the Wizard of Oz might be able to help you.
Pinkie: I'm already going to get a brian!
Applejack: Brain.
Pinkie: Brain!
Fluttershy: Really? She could give me a heart?
Applejack: Sure. Plus, maybe you wouldn't keep stoppin' all the time.
Fluttershy: Then I'll go with you. Can you show me the way?
Applejack: Just follow us and you'll be fine.
Fluttershy nodded and joined the party, the three continued together.
Fluttershy: So, Applejack, right? You don't look like you're from around here.
Applejack: I ain't.
Pinkie: Really? Where are you from?
Applejack: Canterlot. My family and I own an apple farm and I go to school there.
Pinkie: No kidding! Where's that?
Applejack: Uh, I can't answer that 'cause I was knocked out on the way here.
Fluttershy: Oh, are you okay?
Applejack: I'm fine now, no worries.
As everyone continued talking, they ventured deep into a jungle.
Fluttershy: Oh, this place gives me the creeps.
Pinkie: Spoooooooky!
Applejack: What's so scary 'bout it? Ain't it just a jungle?
Fluttershy: But it could be filled to the brim with lions...
Pinkie: ...And tigers...
Both: And bears!
Applejack: Oh my!
Both: Lions and tigers and bears!
Applejack: Oh my!
Both (faster): Lions and tigers and bears!
Applejack: Oh my!
Both: Lions and tigers and bears!
Applejack: Oh my!
Both: Lions and tigers and bears!
Applejack: Oh my!
Both (even faster): Lions and tigers and bears!
Applejack: Oh my!
Both: Lions and tigers and bears!
A lioness suddenly appeared, freaking Pinkie and Fluttershy out. Applejack wasn't scared because she recognized her right away.
Applejack: Nice try, Rainbow Dash!
Rainbow: ...You know me?
Applejack: I recognize that raspy voice of yours anywhere!
Rainbow: Raspy voice? I don't have a-
Applejack glared at Rainbow Dash and smiled.
Rainbow: I guess I, what's your name?
Applejack: Name's Applejack! I'm from Canterlot.
Rainbow: Canterlot? Where's that?
Rainbow: Just far?
Applejack: Uh...
Fluttershy: She was knocked out on the way here, so she can't say more than that.
Pinkie: Yes, she can! She can say "More than that!"
Rainbow: Uh, Applejack, right? Why weren't you scared when I startled you?
Applejack: Cause back where I'm from, you try to startle me all the time and you never get away with it. Typical.
Rainbow: Typical? I was at your home?
Applejack: Uh...sorta.
Rainbow: Man, it's so hard to scare anybody!
Applejack: Wait, so everyone ain't afraid of ya?
Rainbow: Those two are the only exceptions. I want everyone to be scared of me and actually respect me for one!
Fluttershy: Well, I respect you. You scared the living daylight out of me.
Rainbow: But what about everyone else? I just feel like a laughing stock!
Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and turned away.
Applejack: Well, why not come with us?
Rainbow: To where?
Fluttershy: To the Wizard of Oz, we're going.
Applejack: Perhaps she can give ya the respect you deserve.
Rainbow Dash's eyes widened at the statement.
Rainbow: You really think so?
Applejack: Yeah.
Rainbow: Well, I'll go with you then!
Pinkie: Yay! More friends!
The four continued together. Meanwhile, Trixie was spying on them, using her enchanted orb.
Trixie: I can't let her get to the Wizard! She's already gone too far!
Then, Trixie pointed her wand at the orb, a patch of pink and red flowers appeared on the path to Emerald City.
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