Chapter 8
Fluttershy received a text from Rainbow Dash:
Guys, help me! Dumbbell and Lightning Dust have gone mad! I'm in a dark room in which I'm sure is Dumbbell's basement! Hurry!
- Rainbow Dash
Fluttershy gasped in fear.
Pinkie: What's up, Shy?
Fluttershy: Read this.
The others read the text and gasped, Rainbow Dash was in deep trouble!
Lightning Dust untaped Rainbow Dash's mouth.
Rainbow: Ow!!!
Dumbbell: We have ways of making you talk, Crash!
Rainbow: *Gasp!* What do you mean?
Lightning: You and your friends' magic! How do you do it?
Rainbow: ...I'll never tell you! Not in a million years!
Dumbbell untied Rainbow Dash and levitated her, hanging her upside down.
Dumbbell: Guess you'll have to suffer until you talk.
Rainbow: You're not getting me or my friends' magic! There's no way that that's happening!
Lightning: Fine, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way!
What these two didn't know was that Rainbow's friends were watching and hearing everything.
Pinkie: What do we do?
Twilight: We wait for the right moment.
Pinkie: Boring!
Sunset: Shh!
The girls were surprised when they saw that the two had something so familiar, something they thought was gone.
Twilight: Is that my spectrometer???
Fluttershy: I thought you got rid of that.
Twilight: Me too! How'd they put it back together?
Lightning Dust opened the spectrometer, the magic in Rainbow Dash began to drain from her. Her eyes glowed white as this happened.
All: *Gasp!*
Rainbow: *Grunt* What're you doing?
Lightning: Taking your magic away! We might as well take it and figure out how it works ourselves! And we're coming for your friends' magic, too!
Rainbow: H-How did you-
Before Rainbow Dash could go on, her magic was now completely gone, her geode was now dull and colorless like an ordinary stone. She collapsed on the ground, unable to move or use her magic.
Rainbow: No...!
Dumbbell: Yes!
Quickly, Applejack busted the window and Twilight levitated Rainbow Dash to them. Lightning Dust and Dumbbell were too busy gloating to notice what was happening. Applejack held Rainbow Dash in her arms.
Fluttershy: It's okay, Dashie, we got you.
Sunset: Rainbow Dash, what happened???
Rainbow: They...they...they stole my...magic.
The girls glanced at each other, then back at Rainbow Dash, her dull geode said it all.
Rainbow: They're...wearing...what looks like a...split necklace.
That was the last thing Rainbow Dash said before passing out, Sunset thought about those eight words she said. A split necklace, red eyes, dark magic, this could only mean one thing!
Sunset: *Gasp!*
Pinkie: What's up, Sunny?
Sunset: Those two...they have the Alicorn's Amulet!
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