Chapter 15
Rainbow: *cough, cough, cough* H-Help...!
Fluttershy: What do we do? Dashie's trapped with no way out!
Pinkie: I'll tell you what we're gonna do!...Panic and scream!!!!
Pinkie started to panic, but Applejack grabbed her by the skirt.
Applejack: I've got a better idea. If Rainbow Dash can't get the spectrometer, then we'll just have to bring it to her!
Sunset: That's not a bad idea, Applejack! But, how? The shadows are blocking the way.
Twilight: Well, Applejack's got a good idea!
The girls then ponied up.
Twilight: That'll only happen as long as those two are still controlling them.
Sunset: So...all we have to do is distract them...and the shadows'll open!
Twilight: Exactly!
Pinkie: I gotta say, Applejack, you're a genius!
The girls split up, the shadows continued to compress.
Lightning: In just a few minutes, you'll be gone forever, Crash!
Rainbow Dash was in a full blown panic!
Rainbow: Somebody help me! *cough, cough, cough*
Pinkie suddenly jumped on Lightning Dust, covering her face. She grabbed the spectrometer.
Lightning: Hey! What gives?
Pinkie: Peekaboo! Guess who! Applejack!
Pinkie tossed the spectrometer to Applejack.
Dumbbell: Come back here!
Dumbbell chased Applejack, she stopped and punched him in the stomach.
Applejack: Rarity!
Applejack then tossed it to Rarity.
Rarity: Looking for this?
Lightning: Give that back!
Rarity shielded herself with her gems.
Rarity: Fluttershy!
She then tossed it to Fluttershy.
Dumbbell: Oh, you're easy to deal with! Just give the spectrometer to me and we'll call it a day.
Fluttershy looked around and whistled, a bunch of bats appeared and attacked him.
Fluttershy: Sunset!
She tossed the spectrometer to Sunset. Lightning Dust approached.
Sunset: If you take this, I'll look at your private thoughts.
Lightning Dust stepped back, the shadows began to open from the top.
Twilight: Sunset, pass to me! I'll bring it to Rainbow Dash!
Sunset: Okay, go long!
Sunset tossed the spectrometer to Twilight, she flew above the shadows.
Rainbow: *Gasp!* Twilight!
Twilight: Rainbow Dash, take this!
Twilight tossed the spectrometer to Rainbow Dash, she smashed it and the magic escaped. It swirled around Rainbow Dash and she was lifted off the ground. Moments later, she escaped the shadows and ponied up. Her magic had been fully restored!
Rainbow: Yes!!!
Lightning Dust and Dumbbell: NO!!!
Rainbow: C'mon, girls, let's kick some butts!!!
Rainbow Dash flew down to her friends, they had a quick group hug and sprang back into action.
Lightning: This can't be!
Rainbow: Hey Lightning, did you really think you could get rid of me? I'm unbeatable, unbreakable, not defenseless, awesome, 20% cooler, I always get back up, I-
All: Okay, we get it!
Rainbow: ...Sorry.
Rainbow Dash flew swiftly in circles around Dumbbell and Lightning Dust, making them dizzy.
Pinkie: Gee, I sure missed you, Dashie!
Rainbow: I missed me, too!
The girls joined hands and a rainbow light came from them, it flew straight to Dumbbell and Lightning Dust, surrounding them. The Alicorn Amulet began to crack. When it was all over, everything stopped, the Alicorn Amulet, along with Lightning Dust and Dumbbell had vanished. The girls turned back to normal.
Pinkie: Woo-hoo! That was fun!
Applejack: I'll say, we sure showed those two who's boss!
Pinkie: And, best of all, Dashie got her magic back! I knew she could do it!
Fluttershy: Speaking of which, where is she?
The girls looked around for Rainbow Dash, she was lying in the soft grass, fast asleep.
Fluttershy: Aww...look! She's sleeping.
Indeed, she was sound asleep like a baby.
All: Awwww....
Twilight: Guess she's just tired after that whole experience.
Perhaps she was, after all of that, she deserved her rest.
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