Chapter 9
Rainbow: It's like this bracelet...took Applejack away from us.
Perhaps this bracelet was the reason for Applejack's change in personality, and if it really is magic, then it might be trouble.
The girls found Applejack grouching at the park.
Rainbow: Hey Applejack.
Applejack: WHAT?!?!?
Fluttershy hid behind Twilight.
Fluttershy: Um...we think something's wrong with you.
Applejack: And what makes y'all think that?!?
Rarity: You're not acting like yourself, this isn't like you.
Applejack: What are y'all talking about? I've been like this for as long as I can remember!
As soon as Applejack stopped yelling, she held her chest and fell to her knees, worrying her friends.
Rainbow: Applejack! Are you okay?
Applejack: Get away from me!!!!
The bracelet was now a deep red.
Rainbow: Jackie, I'm worried about you, I think the bracelet's making you like this.
Rarity: Just listen to her, darling.
Applejack struggled to get up.
Applejack: I don't need your help, I'm fine!!!
Pinkie: Sheesh, what's with all this yelling? She's gonna lose her voice.
Applejack: ENOUGH!!!!!
The girls flinched, as soon as Applejack yelled that one word, a bright red light came from the bracelet.
Pinkie: Ooh! Here it comes, I'm so nervouscited!!!!
Rainbow: Pinkie! I'm getting to the good part, why are you interupting?
Pinkie: Oops! I'll be quiet now.
Rainbow: Thank you, as I was saying...
Applejack fell to the ground like ashes and screamed in pain. Her hat flew off her head.
Rainbow: Uh...Jackie? Are you sure you don't need help?
No response, the red light surrounded Applejack and she was lifted off the ground.
Twilight: Oh no!
Rarity: Not again!
Fluttershy: Oh my goodness!
Rainbow: Applejack!
Things were looking bad, the bracelet was taking Applejack over, the girls could only see her silhouette in the light.
Fluttershy: What's happening to Applejack?
Sunset: I dunno, but it doesn't look good!
Applejack: *Gasp!* Seriously Rainbow?
Rainbow: What?
Applejack turned to leave.
Applejack: I can't believe this!
Rainbow: No, Jackie, stay!
Applejack: *sigh* I don't even care about the rest of it.
Applejack blushed.
Rainbow: C'mon, I've got two chapters left! I want you to see what happens next!
Applejack: *sigh* Okay, fine.
Pinkie: Yay! Can't wait! EEEEEEE!!!! This is so exciting!
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