Chapter 7
Twilight: A horseshoe bracelet? Where did you find that?
Sweetie Belle: Applejack's locker, we thought we showed it to her.
Apple Bloom: We were...just gettin' her homework for her when we saw it.
Scootaloo: This weird, but cool, thing happened, it's like that bracelet is some kind of force field, it knocked her to the ground as soon as she touched it! So cool!
Apple Bloom: Except...she hasn't been actin' like herself since then.
Twilight: You mean, you three noticed, too?
The three nodded.
Twilight: I was wondering why Applejack was acting so...temperamental lately, she was yelling at us a lot and scolding Rainbow Dash the past few days. Perhaps that bracelet might be magic.
Sweetie Belle: It's magic? Dreams do come true!
Scootaloo: Wait a minute, Applejack was scolding Rainbow Dash?
Twilight: Yeah, she was saying a lot of mean things to her.
Scootaloo: That doesn't sound like her at all!!!
Twilight: I know, we wanna get to the bottom of this whole thing. If that bracelet's making her that way, then perhaps getting rid of it will change her back.
Twilight then got a text from Sunset:
Hey Twilight,
Come quick, it's Rainbow Dash! Meet us at the park!
- Sunset
Twilight: I gotta go, you three wait here.
Twilight left as quickly as she could.
Pinkie: Cliffhanger!!!
Applejack: I'm guessing it's something I did.
Rainbow: Maybe...
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