Rainbow Dash hurried to meet with her friends at the mall with a gift in her hands.
Twilight: Glad you could make it, Rainbow!
Rainbow: Yeah, I wouldn't miss gift exchange for the world! I got a gift before getting here.
Pinkie: Ooh! Who's yours for?
Rainbow: You'll see!
All the girls sat down and exchanged gifts:
Applejack --> Rainbow Dash: New Daring Do book
Fluttershy --> Rarity: Fancy Santa outfit.
Twilight --> Applejack: Tool Box
Rainbow Dash --> Pinkie Pie: Cookbook
Rarity --> Twilight: School Agenda
Pinkie Pie --> Fluttershy: Bunny Cage
Fluttershy: What about Sunset?
Sunset: That's okay, I've worked on gifts for all of you! I even made something extra special for you, Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow: *Gasp!* You're so thoughtful!
Applejack: Well, actually, we all pitched in.
Rainbow: Wait, really?
The girls showed Rainbow Dash a large collage with pictures of all the adventures they had together. In the middle, it read: "Merry Christmas, Rainbow Dash, we love you." Rainbow Dash was speechless.
Pinkie: Well, what do you think, Dashie?!
Rainbow Dash felt tears welling up in her eyes.
Rainbow: You guys are the best friends a girl could ever have!
They all got into a group hug. Pinkie took a camera out.
Pinkie: Say cheese sandwich!
A picture was taken and put in a photo album, at the bottom, it said:
"Merry Christmas to everyone!"
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