The next day, the girls went back to Rainbow Dash's house to talk to her, she was in her room, fast asleep.
Fluttershy (whispering): Dashie, wake up.
Rainbow Dash shifted and opened her eyes.
Rainbow: Hmm?
Twilight: We need to talk.
Rainbow Dash sat up.
Rainbow: About what?
Applejack: About you, sugarcube, you ain't okay. Just tell us what's on your mind, okay?
Pinkie: You missed out on a great party yesterday!
Rainbow Dash was nervous to admit the truth, but she did have to explain why she had no Christmas spirit.
Rainbow: I...I burned down a Christmas tree last year.
The girls glanced at each other in shock.
Sunset: You did???
Rainbow Dash nodded sadly.
Rainbow: It was an accident. I was just looking for gifts for you guys at the mall, then I saw the large Christmas tree and took a selfie in front of it. When I was leaving, I think my purse hit a lantern and it burned the tree down. I got banned from the mall for 3 weeks. 😔
She rested her head on Applejack's shoulder.
Sunset: That's no reason to just give up on Christmas.
Rainbow: Is, too. That happened on Christmas Day!
Rainbow Dash was now sobbing.
Twilight: Rainbow, that was an accident, okay? You'd never do such a thing.
Rainbow: But everyone thought that I hated Christmas.
Twilight: Rainbow Dash, look at me. You didn't mean it and you know that.
Rainbow Dash continued crying until she went back to sleep.
Twilight: Um, girls, I think we need to help her get her spirit back.
Fluttershy: How?
Rarity: What exactly do you plan on doing?
Twilight: I think I have an idea.
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