Chapter 9
It didn't take long to notice how Rainbow Dash was behaving towards certain things. Watching certain movies such as Sci-Fi movies made her hyperventilate and nearly pass out. History classes also terrified her for some reason.
Pinkie: That's only because she hates history! Also, the Sci-Fi movies don't usually scare her, and-
Pinkie: Sorry...go ahead.
Anyway, Rainbow Dash went from daredevil to meek, the things she normally enjoyed, she wouldn't go near. She mainly stayed in her room with her door locked. Almost as if she was trapped in a closed area. She cried almost everyday, letting her fear take control. It was awful to see her feel so closed up rather than open to her friends like she always is. They had to find out the truth and they were gonna do it one way or another.
Rainbow Dash sat alone at lunch as per usual, her friends sat with her.
Applejack: Rainbow, you've been hiding this for too long, we need you to tell us what happened so we can help you.
Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and told her friends what happened.
Rainbow: *whispers* I got kidnapped before I could even make it home, and she left false evidence all over the city to throw everyone off, such as a fake diary entry and she left my backpack home to make it look like I was already there. I was taken away and forced to stay in a basement 24/7. Sometimes I barely ate or drank and she often threatened me if I ever complained or made any noise. *puts head down* She's almost as bad a Sombra...I don't like to remember it.
Sunset: Wait, where were you taken.
Rainbow: I dunno, it might've been the outskirts of Canterlot or a different town, so I couldn't get help from anyone. She even threw away my phone so I couldn't call the police, so I was left alone and in the clutches of a predator. I managed to escape weeks later but I was too sick and tired and I fainted. Next thing I knew, I was waking up seeing you guys' faces. She might still be after me.
Twilight: But wait, what about what you wrote that day?
Rainbow: I lied, I just didn't want to tell you the truth yet. I got too scared to even think about it.
Rainbow Dash looked down, fighting her tears, her friends couldn't believe how much she went through the last few weeks they were searching for her.
Pinkie: Waaaaaaaiiiiiitttt a minute! Who's this "she" you're talking about?
Rainbow Dash bit her lipped and reluctantly told them.
Rainbow: It's...It's...Queen Chrysalis.
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