Chapter 6
Okay, all you readers may want to be careful, because when Rarity interrogates, she goes too far. So, just a heads up for all of you.
Rarity: *turns lamp on* Tell me, where were you on the day Ms. Dash disappeared?
Twilight: I was at the library...
Rarity: Or were you?!
Twilight: What's that supposed to mean?
Rarity: Admit it, Ms. Sparkle, you weren't really at the library! You slithered like a snake, followed Rainbow Dash on her way home, ambushed her, pushed her into your car and drove off!
Twilight: Whoa! That is a huge assumption! That doesn't sound like anything I would do! Plus, do you really think I'd right a scary entry?! That's not even my diary!
Rarity: Fair enough.
Uh...Rare, don't you want to try interrogating other people? I'm pretty sure Twilight's clean.
Rarity: Very well.
Rarity: I need you to tell me everything.
Pinkie: Everything?
Rarity: Everything.
Pinkie: Okay! *inhales deeply* When I was 5 years old, I threw my very first party and my whole family was there for it! And I lied to Dashie just a few weeks ago about her parents telling her that they had were throwing a big party for her and she didn't talk to me for 10 days! And in 9th grade, I pranked my Spanish teacher by putting a whoopee cushion on her chair! I never understood what she said to me! I tried to make it up to her with a party, but it didn't work! And in 5th grade, I cheated on my math test and got 6 weeks detention! But the worst thing I've ever done was in 3rd grade when I told Dashie that Soarin thought she was ugly! I was only joking with her, but she cried for days! And this one time-
Rarity: Stop! I've heard enough, you're clean!
Lesson learned, never tell Pinkie to tell you everything.
*hours later*
Rarity: You're all clear, darlings.
Twilight: Um...yeah, we were all together when Rainbow disappeared. Plus, why would any of us want to hurt her?
Rarity: You've made your point, Ms. Sparkle. But someone is responsible, and I won't rest until I find out who!
Applejack: I don't think that's necessary, Rare.
Rarity: Are you implying that I can't do my job?!
Applejack: N-No, not at all!
Girls! No arguing! This is a very serious case and Rainbow's life is at stake!
Pinkie: Oh, we know! Arguing is just fun!
Ugh...why do I even try?
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