Chapter 1
As soon as the last school bell rang, that was the sound everyone loved.
Rainbow: Yes!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YEEEEESSSSS!!!! SCHOOL IS DONE!!!!
Pinkie: Yay!!! *fires party canon* Summertime!
Twilight: Pinkie, it's the middle of March
Pinkie: Then END OF THE DAY TIME!!!
Everyone laughed.
Rainbow: Anyway, my parents have a big surprise for me, I really gotta jam.
Pinkie: Awwwwwwww can't we hang out?
Rainbow Dash smiled, it was hard to fight Pinkie's puppy dog eyes.
Rainbow: Okay, sure, maybe for a bit.
Pinkie: Yay!
Later that day, everyone hung out at Sugarcube Corner.
Rarity: So what's the big surprise, darling?
Rainbow: If I knew, then it wouldn't be a surprise. But I'm hoping it's a new Daring Do book, a chance to meet AK Yearling, a surprise party, tickets to a soccer game, a road trip-*gasps* Maybe even a yacht!
Twilight: Why would they buy you a yacht?
Rainbow: My dad owns a business in case you forgot! Do you know how much money he makes?!
Twilight: Uh...
Rainbow: I'll spare you the details! 60K a year!
Pinkie: Oof, now that's a lot of money.
Rainbow: Exactly! I tried to beg him to move us into a penthouse, but he said it was too expensive and we don't need one! I mean, we're rich! How can it be expensive?!
Applejack: Alright, calm down, we get the idea.
Rainbow: Anyway, I can't wait to get home and find out what they did.
Pinkie: I'll bet it's incredible!
Rainbow: *covers ears*...Yeah, me too.
Later on that day, Rainbow Dash said bye to her friends and headed home, but....
She never made it home.
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