Chapter 9
No reply from Rainbow Dash for a while, everyone knew she was okay now, but where was she? Normally, it's not like her to just magically disappear, unless of course she didn't tell her friends where she was going or if she was in a rush.
Pinkie: Dashie, where are you?!
That was when they saw something odd; Rainbow Dash was possessed again! They gasped at the horrifying sight.
Rainbow: This time, you're all giving me your geodes!
Fluttershy: D-Dashie...why do you need our geodes?
Rainbow: Doesn't matter? Give me your geodes and I won't hurt any of you.
Of course, they knew that this was Sombra's doing, and they weren't gonna give up that easily. Applejack approached her slightly.
Applejack: Sugarcube, it's us, your friends.
Rainbow's eyes turned magenta for a minute before turning green again.
Rainbow: You shut up! If you came to give me your geode, I'll gladly take it! *holds hand out*
Applejack: Rainbow, you don't have to listen to him, he's usin' ya.
Rainbow: Oh you're just jealous of my new powers! I'll be able to do whatever I want with them!
King Sombra was able to speak to Rainbow through her head and give her instructions. (Kind of referring to Miraculous Ladybug here)
Sombra: Grab her geode, now's your chance
Rainbow Dash screamed and held her own head.
Applejack: What's wrong?!
Rainbow: You're torturing me! I don't know what to do! Too many choices!
Her eyes turn magenta again for a few seconds and turned green again.
Sombra: Did you not hear what I just told you?! Grab her geode!
Rainbow Dash looked up at Applejack who offered her hand. Rainbow Dash had tears running down her eyes.
Applejack: It's not too late, sugarcube, remember what I told you, you can fight him off. Just be stronger than him.
A tiny whimper was heard from the struggling teen.
Applejack: You can do it, just resist it.
Sombra: No! Don't listen to her! Grab her geode, now's your chance!
Rainbow Dash looked up at Applejack then back at the ground. She gently grabbed Applejack's hand.
Applejack: See? I know you can-
Rainbow Dash suddenly threw Applejack across from her causing her to hit the ground hard and she attacked her! Applejack struggled trying to reluctantly fight her. She held her back with her strength
Sombra: Why would you do that?! The geode was right in front of you!
Rainbow: Because I have other plans!
Applejack: What plans?!
Rainbow: That's none of your concern!
Applejack pinned Rainbow Dash down, trying to stop her from fighting her.
Applejack: Stop fighting, Rainbow, resist him!
Sombra: Her geode! Distract her before she overpowers you!
Rainbow Dash smirked, she grabbed Applejack's face. Was this really happening?! Applejack's eyes widened when this happened, this wasn't like Rainbow Dash at all! Rainbow Dash reached to grab Applejack's geode. Luckily, Applejack saw it, and kicked her away.
Applejack: Nice try, Rainbow, not this time!
Rainbow: Fine! I'll just have to use force!
Applejack: No!
She grabbed Rainbow and held her down with all her strength.
Rainbow: Get off of me!!!
Applejack: You have to resist it, Rainbow Dash! Don't let him tell you what to do!
Rainbow Dash got into a struggle again, her eyes turning magenta for a little longer this time.
Sombra: No! Attack her and grab her geode!
Rainbow Dash felt herself breaking through.
Rainbow: N-No! I-I won't do it!
Finally, Sombra gave up and fled her body, Rainbow Dash finally relaxed and Applejack let her go.
Applejack: You okay?
Rainbow: Y-Yeah...thanks. I needed that.
Applejack helped Rainbow Dash up, she slightly smiled but it soon became a frown.
Rainbow: I um...have bad news, Jackie.
Applejack: Oh? And what's that?
Rainbow: Sombra's gonna use our geodes and the Elements of Harmony to take down both our world and Equestria.
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