Chapter 6
A sudden crash was heard from a mile away, everyone gasped and rushed to where it was heard. To their surprise, there was Rainbow Dash. She looked like she hit her head hard. Poor thing
Fluttershy: Dashie?
Rainbow: W-what happened? Ow! *holds head*
Twi: You okay, Rainbow?
Rainbow: Did I hit my head or something?
Rainbow Dash was back to normal, Sombra must've left her body at the last minute and she didn't remember anything.
Rarity: Darling, you look awful
Rainbow: I feel awful...ugh...
Applejack gently picked Rainbow Dash up, her headache only hurt more
Rainbow: OW!!!
Applejack: Sorry, sugarcube *hides her head from the light* Maybe you should go to bed
Rainbow: Uh huh
The girls took Rainbow Dash home and into bed, she fell asleep almost instantly.
Applejack: Sleep tight, little princess *closes shades and turns light off*
Rainbow Dash slept peacefully that afternoon
Later that night, it was like straight out of a horror movie, Sombra came back
Sombra: I'm back!
Rainbow Dash looked out the window and gasped
Rainbow: You! You're the one who kidnapped me!
Sombra: That's right!
Rainbow: What's your game, Shadow Man?!
Sombra: You'll know soon enough...
Rainbow: *mocks* "You'll know soon enough!" Just tell me already!
Sombra: Did you just mock me?!
Rainbow Dash immediately called her friends, but they didn't reply, so she sent a quick voice message
Rainbow: Guys, there's the shadowy man that kidnapped me! He's outside my room, come over quickly!
Sure enough, they did and they weren't happy
Sunset: Sombra! You took Rainbow away from us and tried to possess her!
Sombra: All part of my master plan
Rainbow: *mocks* "All part of my master plan!" Drop it, old man! Just spill the beans!
Sombra: Shut up! You'll know eventually!
Frustrated about not getting an answer, Rainbow Dash charged at Sombra, demanding an answer. Pinkie recorded the whole thing, planning to put it on Social Media
Annoyed about her violent outbursts, Sombra decided he had enough and hit Rainbow Dash with his magic and left, everyone gasped
Applejack: Rainbow!
Rainbow: Ow...!
Rarity: Are you alright, darling?
Rainbow: No, I hate him...
Now everyone was mad and scared, what was Sombra planning that Rainbow was so important to him?
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