Chapter 4
The girls tried to calm Pinkie down.
Fluttershy: It's okay, Pinkie. Dashie's just upset.
Pinkie: *sob* Dashie never declines my invitations! She's usually that happy go-lucky girl that comes to all my parties!
Twilight: If it makes you feel better, we'll still go to your party, invitation or not.
Pinkie: It's not the same, Twilight!!! It's more of a party when all six of you, come! *sob*
Pinkie flopped down on the table and continued to cry.
Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash paced back and fourth in her bedroom.
Rainbow: Hmph, when we were on the cruise, they didn't believe me when I said evil magic! I saw that book make her glow, they wouldn't listen to me! Obviously, Pinkie Pie's being a little too Pinkie Pie. Is this Pinkie Sense malfunction...or Equestrian magic! I better tell the others.
She texted her friends about her hypothesis, but the only responses she got were. "Very funny, Rainbow." "Nice try, Dashie!" "You hurt Pinkie's feelings!" "You oughta be ashamed of yourself!" "I think you need to calm down!" "Nothing's wrong with Pinkie, okay?"
Rainbow Dash sat down, regretting what she did with her friend. Both girls began to sing.
(Celestia: Rainbow Dash
Luna: Pinkie)
All of those years that I lost
Memory comes at a cost
Those I trusted
let me down
I tried to hide in my past
It's too late to make it okay
Right and wrong changes with time
Every old lie that's told
Every new truth revealed
Love and loss
I've known my share
We were inseparable
I had looked up to her
How can I trust again?
What will become of us?
Can she learn to forgive?
And then suddenly
he was gone...
Will she be victorious?
Was all our love for not?
At least you're safe
How could he turn
away from me?
All of those years that I lost
Memory comes at a cost
Those I trusted
let me down
I tried to hide in my past
It's too late to make it okay
What I'd give to take it all
So I won't get hurt
So that I won't hurt you
Foolish pride
Clouded my mind
I was blinded
I believed all those
pretty lies
So how can I fix this
And how can we move on?
I would give almost anything
I wish I could be ignorant
I know that I messed
it up but
I don't deserve this
I want to forget it
But it doesn't
work that way
All of those years that I lost
Memory comes at a cost
Those I trusted
let me down
I tried to hide in my past
It's too late to make it okay
We both know sorrow and regret
You denied me
my past
I'm only trying
to do what is best for us!
Well I never asked for this
I never wanted this
All that I want is to be
your equal!
Look into your heart
You'll see that I'm...
Just get away from me!
Please cease your empty pleas!
You're always trying to be
somepony else!
Now, I realize I'm
all alone
But I'm right here
by your side!
But all that you've
done is lie!
Please do not
turn away!
There's nothing that
you can say!
You cannot understand
You're always resistant
Stop (Just) apologizing
I feel something missing
I just want
to go away (my sister back)
Why can't
you leave me (we just get)
Alone?! (Along?)
But meanwhile, the book in Pinkie's room glowed green, could Rainbow Dash be right?
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