Geppetto's Workshop/'Little Wooden Head'/The Wishing Star
It was a long trip, due to their small size, but soon our heroes' travels took them to a quaint little village. It was a beautiful night. The stars were shining like diamonds high above the roofs of that sleepy old town. Pretty as a picture. As I wandered along the crooked streets, there wasn't a soul to be seen. The only sign of life was a lighted window in the shop and knew from the sign that it was Geppetto's Workshop. So, they hopped over...
and looked in. It was a shame to see a nice, cheerful fire goin' to waste. So what did they do? They went in through under the door. They then looked around. Of course, you have to understand that being in a strange place like that in their size, the group didn't know what to expect. One can never be too careful, you know. Soon as they saw there was no one about, our heroes made themselves at home. They walked straight to the fireplace and grab a nice hot coal to warm up. As they stood there warming... themselves, they took a look around. Well, sir, you never saw such a place... the most fantastic clocks you ever laid your eyes on, and all carved out of wood. And cute, little music boxes... each one a work of art. And shelf after shelf of toys and... and then something else caught their eyes... a puppet. You know... one of those marionettes. All strings and joints. It was a slender marionette that was made to look like a cute little boy with a round, chubby face and long nose. He had big, bright blue eyes and a fringe of thick jet-black hair adorned with a yellow hat with a red feather under a blue band wrapped around it. He had four-fingered hands with white gloves. He wore bright red cotton fabric short overalls with yellow buttons over a light yellow shirt, a black vest, a big blue bow tie, and brown wooden shoes. Our literally small band climbed up to check out the little wooden head. Jiminy gave a little chuckle upon seeing him.
(AN: Pause at 1:44)
"Cute little fella." He said. "Ding-ding! Goin' up?!" He climbs up to his nose before tapping on his head. "Good piece of wood, too."
"He is very cute." Rarity said.
"So, do you think this is him?" Twilight said to Sunset.
"We won't know until..." Sunset began. But before she could finish, a voice called out from upstairs. Knowing someone was coming, out heroes climbed up the puppets strings to a higher shelf.
(AN: Resume video)
"Well, now." The voice came from an old man wearing a light blue shirt, a brown vest, overalls, an light brown apron, black pants, grey socks, and brown shoes with belt buckles.
He was followed by a little black and white cat.
"It won't take much longer. Just a little more paint, and he's all finished. I think he'll be alright, don't you, Figaro?" He then began to hum as he painted an eyebrow. Our tiny heroes wanted to see what's going on, so they lept to another shelf before hiding behind a music box with a little band consisting of a short round man with an accordian, a broad shouldered mustached man with a violin, and tall slender man who looks like he's whistling, and a conductor. The old man cleaned his paint brush in a jar full of water next to a fish bowl with a goldfish in it.
He then dipped it into a paint jar next to the cat. Jiminy held his hand on the tuchus of a porcelain woman dressed in pink and yellow with an umbrella. Rarity noticed this and wanted to let him now where his hand is.
"Um, I know it's not a real person, but uh..." She began, with Jiminy knowing what she was talking about.
"Oh, right!" He said before turning to the porcelain woman. "Beg pardon. Hmm-hmm." The old man then added on final thing to the puppet, a nice warm smile.
"See?" He chuckled. "That makes a big difference." The cat and fish smiled in agreement.
"Very good." Jiminy said. "Very, very g--" He stopped when he faced the angry face of a cup shaped like the head of a king. Jiminy looked angrily at it, before facing the puppet. "Well, you can't please everybody." The old man then put his paints away and looked at the little wooden head.
"Now I have just the name for you..." He began. "Pinocchio!"
(AN: Pause at 3:10)
"So that is Pinocchio." Twilight said.
"Then that must be his father, Geppetto." Sunset replied.
"He honestly looks cuter here then he does in the book." Rarity said.
(AN: Resume video)
"Do you like it, Figaro?" Geppetto asked. The little kitten thought for a moment, before shaking his head as if to say no. "No?" He then turned to his goldfish "You do, don't you, Cleo?" Unfortunately, the fish shook her had as if to say know as well. "Well, we'll leave it to little wooden head." He then took a string and asked the puppet the same question. "Do you like it?" He then pulled the string, causing the puppet's head shake up and down as if to say yes before laughing. "That settles it! Pinocchio it is!" Our heroes laughed a bit. "Come on, now! We'll try you out." He then carried him to the music box our heroes were standing next to, who scattered and hid, with Jiminy hiding under the music box. "Music, Professor!"
(AN: Pause at 3:35 then play this)
Geppetto pushed a button which activates the music box. The little wooden conductor turns around and taps on a stand with his baton, and the little band starts playing. The little band moved in clockwork line motion playing music, while underneath the music box, Jiminy Cricket was getting knocked around, pressed, and bonked on the head by all the mechanisms beneath it.
"Hey!" He said. "Ow, ow, ow, ow! Take it easy, there! Break it up, will ya?" He then came out whistling before his hat gets knocked off. "Lot of downbeats in there." Sunset then motioned to him to be quiet and pointed pointed to Geppetto using the handles to make Pinocchio walk as he sang about this little wooden head. Figaro followed them until the puppet started coming to him, causing him to back up. The puppet then started dancing while the cat followed him closely until he landed on his seat, making the cat jump out of the way, and the wood carver to laugh.
"How graceful!" He said. Figaro didn't see it that way and was about to swat him with his small paw until the puppet started dancing again. Meanwhile, the tiny group regrouped at the music box while Jiminy was watching the tall man move his head back and forth. When Geppetto was coming over, everyone hid behind the music box while Jiminy posed as a member of the band, opening his umbrella and lifting his hat while imitating a trumpet. When Geppetto passed by, the group watched him spin the puppet around a couple times before taking him to Cleo's bowl, the fish backing up a bit when he saw the puppet's body distorted behind the glass. "Cleo, meet Pinocchio." Geppetto then lifted the puppet up. "Say how do you do?" The puppet lifted his hat, making Cleo very delighted, spinning around and hiding behind her tail. "Say hello to Figaro." The cat then noticed the puppet put his hand on Figaro's head before stroking him along the back. And when the cat's tail was up, Geppetto lifted a string making the puppet kick him gently on the rear. "Oops, oh-hoho! Up to mischief already!" The cat then swats the puppet's foot, getting him a bit tangled. "You see what happened?" Geppetto asked as he fixed his little wooden head, who then began to crawl on the floor to the little cat, who started backing up until he accidentally fell down the staircase.
"Is he gonna be okay?" Sunset asked.
"I'm sure he'll be fine." Twilight said. She was right, ofcourse, for Figaro peeked his head before the puppet said 'Boo!', frightening the little cat back. Everyone laughed, but not so loud that Geppettp heard them. Geppetto laughed as well as he lifted his little wooden head up as if it was a kid.
"Up we go!" He said. As the old man talked, Figaro meowed and rubbed against his leg, causing his sock drop down. "Ahh... You're a cute little fellow. And that smile? You know, I—" Figaro then meowed louder to get Geppetto's attention. "You rascal." He said as he pulled his sock to his leg again. "Jealous, huh?" He then lifted the little cat up Pinocchio's level. "You know Pinocchio, I think Figaro is jealous of you."
"That's obvious." Sunset said. Geppetto then placed both puppet and cat on the table.
"Don't worry, Figaro." He said while stroking Figaro's back "I--" But before he could finish, he heard the many clocks begin to chime and cuckoo.
"Uh-oh." He said as he and our heroes saw the clocks making noise to announce that it is 9:00, one-by-one, almost as if they made music together. There was one with two ducks diving and reappearing from a pond, one shaped like a sunflower with a bee coming out, one with a cuckoo that had three hatchlings, one with a man trying to chop the head off a turkey to no avail, one with a hunter tried to shoot a bird with a popgun, but also fails, one with drunken man that appears from a window making funny hiccup noises, and one with a mother that spanks her child for breaking a few jars of jam. All this went on as Geppetto reached into his pocket. "I wonder what time it is."
"Really?" Rarity said in confusion. "All of these clocks are at the same time, and he's wondering what time it is?"
"Well, technically, these clock won't count until someone buys them." Twilight said.
"Touche, Twilight" Rarity replied. Geppetto then pulled out a pocket watch, with two animated men sharing a toast of beer, saying 9:00 as well.
"It's getting late." He said before putting his watch away as Figaro yawned. "Come now. We go to bed. " He then picked up Figaro and looked to Pinocchio. "Good night, Pinocchio. Little funny face." Meanwhile our heroes start yawning as well, as if to say it was time for them to go to bed too. Geppetto then turned to Cleo in her bowl. "Cleo, my little water baby." He then stroked her back a couple times before rubbing her belly. Figaro was about to jump down when Geppetto stopped him. "Figaro? You say good night, too." The kitten then turned in irritation to the fish, who shimmied up to the side of the bowl and puckered up. the kitten then turned back in disgust to his owner, who was insistant. "Go on." Figaro, seeing no alternative, gave a little lick to Cleo, who liked it so much, she spun around and hid her face behind her tail like before. Geppetto then picked the little up again as he spoke to Cleo"Now, go to sleep, my little mermaid. Good night." Cleo then went to her small castle and lay down to sleep. Our heroes rolled out their sleeping bags while Jiminy settled down onto the fingerboard of a violin with Antonio sleeping underneath it.
"This is my idea of comfort." Jiminy said as he took his shoes off. "Silent comfort."
"You said it." Antonio said tiredly.
"Indeed." Trinity said in comfort. As he gets comfortable in bed, Geppetto takes a few short breaths of his wooden pipe after lighting it with a candle and blows out some smoke, while Figaro nodds off in his cat size bed. Geppetto then looks over to his little wooden head and chuckles.
"Look at him, Figaro." He said to Figaro, who with tired eyes looks at Pinocchio. "He almost looks alive." The cat yawns before Geppetto kept talking. "Wouldn't it be nice if he was a real boy?" Then, coming back to reality, Geppetto puts his pipe up and puts out the flame on his candle. "Oh, well. Come on. We go to sleep." Geppetto then lays down in his bed ready to sleep, while does the same thing with his feet sticking out. It was then that the old woodcarver remembers something. "Ahh, Figaro?" The cat looks at his as if to say 'What now?' "I forgot to open the window."
"Do you really think Figaro can do it?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.
"He does seem like a smart cat." Rainbow answered.
Figaro then kicks the covers off of his bed and gets up onto his feet. He then jumps onto Geppetto's bed and walks across it. He then climbed up to the window and open it up from the inside. He then goes outside and pushes open further with his hind legs, then keeps pushing open he ran out of wall to walk on, leaving him hanging on by his front paws. He then puts his hind paws back on the wall and moves his front paws in until they are off the window and save on the ledge. The whole group breathed a sigh of relief, when Geppetto saw something.
"Oh, Figaro!" He said to the cat, who turned to his owner. "Look! Look! The wishing star!" Our heroes also looked and sure enough, they say a star that shined brighter then all the other stars put together. It was then that Geppetto put his hands together, and made a wish. "Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight... I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I make tonight." He then turned back to his little cat friend, who yawned a big yawn. "Figaro, you know what I wish?" The cat shook his head. Geppetto then came close to Figaro to whisper his wish in the cat's ear while our heroes tried to listen as well. "I wish that my little Pinocchio might be a real boy." He then looked at Pinnochio before laying down in his bed with Figaro on his belly. "Wouldn't that be nice? Just think! A real boy!" The old man then began to pet the little cat on the back.
"A very lovely thought." Sunset said with everyone else nodding in agreement.
"But not at all practical." Jiminy yawned as he went to sleep, followed by Antono. Soon, everyone was asleep save for Sunset and Trinity who were still watching Geppetto pet his cat.
"A real..." He said as he was petting Figaro, who raised his lower body higher and higher, while his smile got bigger and bigger. "Boy." Soon, the cat noticed that his owner stopped petting him. He turned to see Geppetto fast asleep, and decided to sleep next to him. Soon, Figaro was laying down next to his owner, fast asleep as well. Sunset soon noticed Trinity making her way to the window, and decided to follow her. Sunset soon catches up with Trinity, who's on her knees with her hands folded.
"Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight..." She said. "I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I make tonight."
"What did you wish for?" Sunset asked.
"A clue to my past." Trinity answered. "I can't stop thinking that I was meant to do something important. I hope that my memories return."
"I'm sure they'll come back." Sunset replied. "My mentor, Princess Celestia used to say, "Sometimes memories just need a little help getting out." and that's what my friends and I are just the help you need."
"You are right." Trinity said before yawning. "I'm feeling tired. It's time for us to sleep."
"That sounds like a good idea." Sunset replied with a yawn. Soon, the two of them joined the rest of the group and layed down for a good night's sleep, unaware of the amazing events that were soon to transpire at midnight.
(AN: Quite amazing how Sunset and Trinity made it to the window with tiny mountain climbing tools. And yes, he decided to have the Blue fairy arrive at midnight to at a sense of mystery.)
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