Chapter 2
There hasn't been any answers to Rainbow's strange reactions, not even Princess Twilight could figure it out. Rainbow Dash had to sleep with extra heat in her house
Rainbow: What's wrong with me...
She tried calling her parents but apparently, they were too busy to make time for their only daughter. She thrusted her phone on the floor and slammed her bedroom door.
Rainbow: Ugh, what the heck is wrong with me, it's like I'm some kind of diseased child.
Her phone then started ringing, reluctantly, she answered.
Rainbow: Hello?
Twilight: Hi Rainbow! I completely forgot to tell you earlier, there's gonna be a-
Rainbow: Yeah yeah yeah, you're gonna go to another exciting book club, blah, blah, blah! I dunno why you call me for these things
Twilight: I was gonna say that-
Rainbow: The only thing I'm interested in hearing is if there's gonna be a new Daring Do book and you know that.
Twilight: But-
Rainbow: Goodbye!
Rainbow Dash hung up and stuffed her phone in her drawer. She really wasn't in the mood to talk with her friends, the only thing she wanted to know was what was wrong with her, nothing else.
Later, around 4pm, there came a solar eclipse, making Rainbow Dash very sick. When she looked outside, she was blinded by the bright light and passed out.
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