Boy do I have some crazy theories for you.
So the MTV Teen Wolf twitter page posted a little game for the fandom; one that killed us all but brought us together. They sent out 100 DM's to random people, which consisted of a photo and a number. The picture was one of the 100 that would fit to make up one large image, one that you see above here. Terrifying, huh?
Kristy (the girl who runs the account) had said to play a little eye spy, which is something I exactly did. I found quite a few interesting things; things that will either make you laugh with nervousness or rip your hair out with anger. So let me begin.
When you first look at the image, you of course see Scott in the middle begging for his life, along with Lydia lying there with blood running down her face, Kira dead with her sword through a fox, Stiles trying to comfort his dying father, Malia with claws against her throat, Liam with a slashed out chest, Parrish burnt to a crisp, Deaton dead, Chris sitting there with a gun, and there's even dead coach at the bottom. What the actual hell?
I'm going to talk about these more in depth, so here goes this list, people.
Scott - I don't really have much to say about him, other than the fact that I was to take his hand and then lead him out of there and make him cookies and sit him by a fire. My poor child deserves none of this.
Kira - Why in the actual hell is she stabbing a fox? My only thoughts on this matter is that she's either taming her inner fox spirit, or she might become a human? I doubt that will ever happen, but it's just a theory.
Stiles - Not only is he trying to help his father, but behind them you can see a boy with a pole sticking through his chest, clearly indicating that it's Donovan. I'm guessing this symbolizes him coming between his father and Stiles, but that's just a guess. Maybe Stiles not telling his father will lead to some trust issues.
Malia - I'm guessing the claws might represent the desert wolf maybe? I don't have much else other than that guess.
Enough of this list. It's going to be super long so I'm just going to go back to this, lol. Anyways, if you look closely at the top left side of the pile, the bottom left of the pile, and at the top right, you can see the nogitsune, the kanima, and the darach. I have no fucking idea what this could mean, other than that maybe the pack might bring together all of the old enemies to bring down the beast? If you look close you can also see a wolf in the bottom left with it's eyes bleeding, I think it representing Deucalion, but who flipping knows. The Oni is there too at the top left in the pile. I JUST HOPE THEY COME BACK BECAUSE AHHHHH
Now for the part about the tears. In the bottom left corner, you can see a skeleton with it's arm hanging, holding an object. When you zoom in, you can see that it's the same necklace that Allison had worn; the one that led her to finding out about her family (aka the beast). Not only does this give me chest pains, but near it there is also a skeleton with an arrow through it's abdomen. I don't care what you all say, BUT ALLISON FUCKING ARGENT IS GOING TO COME BACK I JUST KNOW IT!!! I HAVE A GUT FEELING AT THIS POINT! PLUS THE MTV ACCOUNT HAD SAID "sorry to put Allison's dead corpse in there" LIKE WHY WOULD SHE BE IN THERE UNLESS IT HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH 5B HUH???
Okay I am sort of chill again. Let's move on to the dread doctors. So yeah, as you can see, there are three there right beside Lydia, but *take a deep breath* there is actually ANOTHER dread doctor in the top of the pile hidden. Could there really be 4 dread doctors, guys? What could this even mean?
In the left top side of the pile there is also a corpse with bugs all over it, and it's sort of highlighted like we were meant to see it. I'm not sure what that could possibly mean, but I have a feeling that we don't want to find out. Not to mention the broken bat and the lacrosse stick randomly in the pile...
Okay, now down to the more smaller objects that I had noticed about a few minutes ago. When I was searching the puzzle for other things hidden, I saw a skeleton holding a scroll that said "natio Memoriae" and I thought what the hell. So I searched that part up and found something called Damnatio memoriae. Here's what wikipedia says.
Damnatio memoriae is the Latin phrase literally meaning "condemnation of memory" in the sense of a judgment that a person must not be remembered. It was a form of dishonor that could be passed by the Roman Senate upon traitors or others who brought discredit to the Roman State. The intent was to erase someone from history, a task somewhat easier in ancient times, when documentation was much sparser.
Just throwing this out there, but what if maybe someone (Theo or the doctors maybe?) want to make sure Scott's "legacy" is forgotten. Remember how that guy in 5x01 said "The one who defeated the Argents, the one who defeated a whole alpha pack.." well, maybe that was Jeff hinting at this or something, idk. My theories suck so bad guys I'm sorry.
If that hasn't scared you enough, it gets better. I was also skimming through the painting and saw what looked like a seven pointed star with a circle around it, so of course I googled that shit. What I came up with was confusing to me at first, but then when I scrolled down to see the rest of the page, guess what popped up? THE FREAKING SNAKE EATING ITSELF!!! The two definitely have something in common, but here's what I found interesting.
The heptagram is also used in Christianity to symbolize the seven days of creation and became a traditional symbol for warding off evil, thus the reason that sheriff's badges are obtuse heptagonal shaped.
In the second age of Reformed Druidism, we interpret the symbol by the Welsh word "Derwydd" (Druid) with each point standing for one of the seven attributes of a druid.
Around this symbol is a snake swallowing it's own tail, also known as Ouroborus. This snake symbolizes a circle, and is one element that transforms the OMS sigil into a Reformed Druid sigil.
The rest of this website has much more interesting information, but this above made me think about a couple of things. First off, it mentioned Druids. Where have we heard about those before? Yeah, Jennifer. Then it said something about the sheriff's badge, which of course made me think of the Sheriff. Lastly, the snake. What if all of this is supposed to tie in somehow, but we just don't know how yet. I swear, Jeff is a brilliant master mind when it comes to this show.
The website also kept mentioning alchemists, and when I looked at the word deeper, I noticed Chemist out of it. What's one of the doctor's names again? That's right, chemist. But the alchemist is actually I guess comes from Alchemy, which means:
Alchemy is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition practiced throughout Egypt and Eurasia which aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects. Common aims were chrysopoeia, the transmutation of "base metals" (e.g., lead) into "noble" ones (particularly gold); the creation of an elixir of immortality; the creation of panaceas able to cure any disease.
I don't know what the hell that's supposed to mean, but I'm sure you guys can pull something out of it, right? You've always been better at doing that than me!
Oh yeah, one last thing I found. In the middle right side of the pile, you can see something with Stiles' name on it; almost looking like a gravestone to me. And that is where I stop there lady's and gents before I get too emotional.
Here's some questions because why the hell not.
Are you going to physically die this season?
Find anything else that you think is a little fishy?
Why are there literally so many dogs in that painting?
Why is it at Eichen House?
Why tf is everyone dying?
btw everyone is saying that Jeff said that this is stydia's season, so yessss. On the downside, they're also saying this might be Stiles' last season, so cry with me everyone.
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