well that episode sure was interesting
okay before I talk about the episode, please tell me I'm not the only one who's been noticing how odd the camera movements are, right? Like I'm not sure how to explain it, the camera movements and the slow motion has been bothering me lately and I don't know why..plus I'm low-key confused from the second the show starts cause it's like WELCOME BACK TO TEEN WOLF, BOOM NOW LYDIA IS IN A MIRROR AND PEOPLE ARE DYING like cmon guys LET ME BREATHE FIRST!!!
blah but anyways, this episode starts with Lydia going into the mirror (obviously) but was anyone wondering what tf Lydia was doing in the boys locker room? I mean, same Lyds, but if you're gonna wash your hands, shouldn't you just go to the woman's room? Idk, I bet it probably stinks in the boys locker room.
but that hallucination dream type thing she had was INTENSE (speaking of intense, where was Mason this episode??) I high-key started laughing though when that one dude started running and he grabbed the JUKEBOX LIKE BRUH MUSIC AIN'T GONNA SAVE YOU NOW! But y'all, I'm scared that this is gonna happen to Beacon Hills now. I mean, it's their fault that anyone is STILL living there, but I don't wanna see our fave town abandoned. My heart will shatter.
let me just talk to you guys about Chris and Melissa real fast...I CAN'T HELP BUT SHIP THEM! WHY??? Why must these writers DO THIS TO ME?? When he grabbed her hand and everything I fangirled a lil bit not gonna lie...I'd be completely content if they end up together (as long as we get this bitch Claudia out of here, I hate her so much) I'm so glad she saved Argent too; I mean, what would we do without our fave guy with a gun?
guys omg, was anyone laughing when Scott was sleeping in the back seat? It was so cute and I was laughing cause it seems like Scott is always along for the ride when he's with Malia and Lydia. Can you imagine the guys walking down the hall seeing SCOTT MCCALL with two of the hottest chicks in school? I bet they're so jealous omfg
So they get to Canaan. This whole episode I thought I needed to turn the brightness up on my TV or something cause of the coloring of the screen, but nah, that was just the damn show. NGL seeing a ghost town kinda depressed me a little...it reminded me of my town which only has a population of 169 people and how it would more than likely end up like that someday. *cries*
side note; when Lydia walked past the light post and it blinked, did anyone get a stranger things vibe? I was like LYDIA IT'S WILL TRYING TO REACH OUT TO YOU LAJSDFJD
y'ALL that lady scared the living hell out of me; her and her dead son. Her appearance scared me, her voice scared me, her eyes scared me, her craziness scared me, SHE TERRIFIED ME. Someone hire her for all scary movies cause 10/10 would make me shit my pants most of the time. And when she gave them all lemonade and Malia was chugging it I DIED OKAY!!
Then the bitch locks them in the house and Scott and Malia go to see this kid Caleb or whatever. Speaking of Caleb...anyone wonder something like me? Hang on, let me try and explain this.
Caleb was dead. Caleb drowned and was cold stone dead, but now is "alive". While Malia and Scott were drowning, I SWEAR TO YOU I heard Lydia scream "ALLISON!" and I was like uh hm what the hell that was random. Then I was like wait a diddly darn second, Allison is dead too and Lydia is a banshee...IS SHE CAPABLE OF BRINGING HER BACK?
Yes I know, I'm that annoying viewer that still hopes for a way for Allison to come back. I get that, but let a girl dream okay. Allison was my favorite character and I want her back even after three seasons. It would be the perfect ending.
All while Malia and Scott are drowning (I'll always remembering Malia's line "I know you won't beat an 8 year olds ass, but I will" like YES) and Lydia is having this banshee brawl with this freaking af lady, Liam and Hayden are being complete idiots, mmk. Let me just rant for a second.
They need someone who is capable of lighting powers, correct? HMM, I WONDER WHO HAS THOSE??? KIRA??? nah, they decide to bring back the boy who tried to KILL THEM ALL that Kira BANISHED to HELL?? Thanks writers, you make no fucking sense. "Kira would have wanted this" bitch no, Kira would have wanted to be there with her friends.
As much as I enjoyed them bringing up Kira AND ACTUALLY REMEMBERING HER, along with Noshiko coming back for a little bit, I was heated that they thought this was a good idea and to not just try and get Kira back. You have to be a special kind of stupid to think that bringing Theo back is a good idea; but I guess that's Liam and Hayden for ya (no hate to them, I'm just mad about him being back)
but yeah, this was me when they brought Theo back.
Also Mr. Douglas, what SIDE are you ON? I thought you were just eating out brains, and now you want to help stop the ghost riders? Makes no sense. Furthermore, why WONT THEO TELL THEM ABOUT MR. DOUGLAS?! I'm so angry right now UGH
Oh, and let me just say that Theo was about to take on Liam until Liam threatened him with that sword, and Theo just went tucking his tail between his legs. UM? The Theo I know would have risked his life being the idiot he is to get that SWORD FROM HIM! Then he would run far far away and someday come back and get revenge on all of them. None of this makes sense to me.
But back to Lydia and the scooby doo gang, that banshee brawl was pretty cool. High key worried about Lydia being left behind and alone, but I don't think the writers are THAT cruel to do that I guess. I'm glad Lydia was able to save the day and get Scott and Malia out of there; I hated seeing my babies Scott and Malia drowning.
And I can't WAIT for this fight with Theo scene. I was waiting for Scott to leap forwards and rip the face off Theo, but him being the humble and caring puppy he is, he held it together. But of course...there's Malia to worry about. I hope she rips him to shreds; he deserves it. "I guess we aren't going to hug this out?" FUCK YOU THEO.
OH, and is anyone worried about those visions Malia and Scott had?? When I saw what was wrong with Melissa, I was LIKE NOOOO MR. DOUGLAS YOU BETTER NOT TRY IT, ILL FIGHT YOU. And Malia my poor baby...also, was I hallucinating too, or was Malia's adoptive parents both girls? If I wasn't hallucinating I'm really glad MTV did that at least (speaking of which, is anyone else low-key hoping Malia is BI? idk why but I really want her to be)
99.9% sure that some plot twist with Claudia will be coming soon...it has to be. They keep hinting towards it but won't. tell. us. Also, I'm positive that the Sheriff found Stiles' room; good, because he needs more convincing that STILES IS REAL!!! Gives me headaches and chest pains.
How do you think Hell treated Theo?
Why tf did Canaan have a carousel in the middle of no where?
Who will beat Theo's ass first; Scott or Malia?
Do you think Peter will live in the next episode?
Since the ghost riders won't touch a banshee, will Lydia be able to save Stiles?
for sure my favorite episode from season one. I loved all of those funny Derek and Stiles scenes, like the "He smells like death!" and the "Drive, or I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth" like I MISS THIS
Also miss the Lydia sex pep talks with Allison..."wrap before you tap"
can't forget either that this was the first episode we get this bitch (I wonder what happened to her tbh)
the winner of this week is insatiabIe because let's be real here Aly, you always comment paragraphs and it always means a lot to me that you take the time to type all of that out, haha. Plus, thanks for being my episode freaker-outer with me, you da realist <3
And that's all for this week guys! As always, thanks for reading/commenting/voting, it means a whole lot to me that you guys even read my lame rants and theories. You are awesome.
I hope that you all don't have nightmares about Caleb, cause I sure will.
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