Rey's Parents In Episode IX
These are a combination of my theories about her parents in Episode IX and theories that have surfaced since the trailer and title was released.
Personally, I am still sticking with the theory I have had since the Force Awakens: Rey's parents are unimportant characters.
But some new theories have surfaced, and some old ones have been resurrected (just like Palpatine apparently.)
The first one that I am going to cover is because of the title some are saying that she could be Luke's daughter or even Han and Leia's daughter. For that to be true Ben would have to have lied to her in the Last Jedi about her parents.
I have already said this in another chapter, but I'm going to repeat myself.
If she was his sister or cousin, he would have no reason to lie to her.
Darth Vader said Luke, I am your father. Then he asked him to join him. The fact that he was his father was what he was using to get him to join him.
Wouldn't Ben do the same? Rey, I am your brother/ cousin, we're family join me. He knows Rey wants a family, if he was her family, he would use it to his advantage.
Some say that he is her sister and lied because he didn't want her to know that he killed her father. But Rey already viewed Han as a father figure, and Ben knows this. She already feels like he killed her father because he killed the only father she had ever known. But she had already forgiven him for it, if she hadn't she wouldn't have risked her life to save him and he knew this.
But I recently discovered another piece of evidence.
The first time he mentioned her parents was in the elevator, while he was looking down at her lips like he wanted to kiss her.
So, if he was lying and she was his sister or cousin then why is looking at her like he wants to kiss her when he said "I saw your parents."
Rian Johnson even confirmed that Ben wanted to kiss Rey in the elevator.
So, he was just lying?
"I saw your parents, you're my sister/cousin but I still want to kiss you." (I don't think so.)
😒 Kylo Ren lying to Rey about her parents because she was his sister/cousin is the most ridiculous theory I have ever heard!
If she ends up being a Solo/Skywalker then Ben didn't lie to her, he saw a vision that wasn't true. Ben never lied to Rey, in fact that I know of he never lied to anyone but himself. When he says things like: "Ben Solo is dead." When we all know that he isn't, he isn't really lying to the person he's saying that to he actually believes that it's true. He is just lying to himself because he wants to believe that it's true. Just like how Rey lied to herself that her parents would come back, when she knew that they wouldn't.
Also, if she is Luke's daughter wouldn't the title: The Rise Of Skywalker be the spoiler of the century? I mean, they didn't title Episode V, Vader's Son or something.
Moving on...
Because Palpatine is going to be in Episode IX, theories about Rey either being his descendent or his creation.
This theory isn't my favorite, but it is a possibility and I'm not going to say that it's not possible.
I originally said that there was only a 10% chance of that happening in Episode IX. But at the time I didn't expect him to be in Episode IX.
But because he is going to be, I am willing to raise it to 30%
This wouldn't necessarily contradict the last Jedi because if he did use the mediclorines to create her, she could have been born to junk traders, just as Ben said, and he didn't see the fact that Palpatine was the one behind her birth. Or he did see it, but was trying to spare her by not telling her. He probably didn't want to tell Rey that she came from Darth Sidious who caused his grandmother to die and his grandfather to turn to the Dark Side and brought the galaxy into darkness. That would be something he would want to spare her from, just as Obi Wan wanted to spare Luke from the truth about his father.
The only problem I have with this theory is why would Palpatine create Rey? How would that help him?
😱 wait a minute!
If Palpatine can use mediclorines to create life who is to say that others can't, like Anakin who was stronger with the Force then anyone else.
What if he used the mediclorines to create Rey to save his grandson from the Dark Side and fulfill his destiny by bringing balance to the Force!
Anakin probably hoped that Ben would finish what he started and bring balance to the Force, but because he saw that his grandson was being pulled to the Dark Side he created Rey with mediclorines to save him from the Dark Side and help him bring balance to the Force!
And she still could have been born to junk traders, and they would have been her parents, so Ben wouldn't have been lying to her. And they wouldn't be related either.
Okay so, I found this post on my Pinterest home page and I have to admit that the two ships do look a lot alike.
Does that mean that Rey's parents are in the ship shown in the trailer? It means that it is a possibility. We could see Rey's parents in Episode IX. But there can be more than one of the same model of a ship in the galaxy. So we can't just go into Episode IX thinking that whoever is in that ship is her parents, when that may not be the case.
And even if the ship is the same one shown in the Force Awakens, that doesn't mean that whoever owns it is her parents. They could have sold it, it could have been stolen and more.
But there is also a possibility that whoever is in that ship is her parents.
Another rumor has begun to spread:
Obi Wan Kenobi's Force ghost May appear in Episode IX (which is just a rumor) But that rumor has also gave a new hope to Rey Kenobi fans.
I do think that if Rey is related to any of the old characters, it's Obi Wan Kenobi.
She does have the same accent, and reminds me a little of Obi Wan Kenobi. And his child could have become a junk trader, so it wouldn't contradict the Last Jedi.
And if he is a Force ghost in Episode IX, it raise the likelihood of her being a Kenobi.
Also I think her being Obi Wan Kenobi's granddaughter is easier to explain than her being Luke's daughter. I mean Obi Wan was in love with Satine and could have secretly been married to her like Anakin and Padme, while we never see Luke have any romantic interests.
Personally I am going to stick with my original theory that her parents are not important.
But my second choice would be Anakin using mediclorines to create her
Third would be that she is a Kenobi
Fourth Rey is somehow connected to Palpatine
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