07 | Epilogue
Epilogue >> Chapter 07
¤ u n e d i t e d ¤
"This is not a drill. We are being invaded by infected. We have approximately fifteen minutes before the first raid. Evacuate the facility, leave no man behind. I repeat, evacuate the facility. Leave no man behind."
Petra's voice was shaky as she pleads for evacuation. She kept herself as calm as she could, knowing it would cause mass panic. Petra continues to repeat her final words, counting down to their final moments.
People were in panic. Why is this happening? What would they take? And more importantly: where would they go?
People were ill, injured, sleeping. What would happen to them? Nurses wondered this, fearing for the worst. They begin to panic, not knowing the best decision for their patients.
Leave no man behind.
Petra's orders are imprinted in their minds. They couldn't leave their friends behind, they couldn't let them suffer that way. There was no way to transport them, no way to treat them without their equipment. They did the only merciful thing they could.
One by one, each patient was put down. Some cried, some begged for a chance but deep down they knew there wouldn't be another. They all met their fate: death.
No one could ignore the horror that was unfolding before them. Many people wanted to stay behind and end their lives the only way they could without meeting their death face to face. Those dreaded infected would tear them limb from limb with their eyes wide open, screaming in pain, and they couldn't dare let that happen.
Eren and his friends push against the panicking crowd. Their satchel, their gear, their supplies were still locked in their rooms. They couldn't leave that behind, it would have led them nowhere. Their travels, their efforts, their chance of understanding would be lost.
"Seven minutes before invasion. Door will be closing soon."
Time was passing all too quickly. Eren's room was the furthest from the exit. Mikasa and Armin had agreed to meet him on the other side, knowing that Eren could handle things on his own. Armin had already taken the satchel, Mikasa was behind him for protection.
Eren needed something. He couldn't leave it behind, not even if his life were on the line.
Once Eren into the hallway, he is greeted by Levi who is arguing with Hanji. The two were outside his door, not allowing Eren to push through.
"Hanji! There is no time to save all of your work!"
"You don't understand! I am so close to finding something incredible! I can't just start over!" Hanji is in tears, he voice shaky and cracked.
"Four minutes until the door closes."
"Hanji! We need to get Petra and leave, there is no time for this!"
Eren's breaths were heavy. He had no time for this, epically now. "Guys, this is not the right time! Let me get through, I need to get something."
Levi's eyebrows pinch, his attention went from Hanji to Eren. He takes Hanji's hand and drags her to the room where Petra stands. Hanji yanks her arm away and dashes for her laboratory to collect as much data as she could, not wanting to let months of work to be wasted.
Eren is able to slide through the doors and snatch his prized object: a photo of his mother. His heart is racing faster than before. He has what he needs, now what? Does he run?
A terrified screams roars through the speakers. Petra is trembling, speaker in hand. An infected had risen from one of the dead corpses of the patients downstairs. The brain wasn't put down, the nurse had missed in a hurry to leave. The infected snarled and reached passed the cracked door. Petra slams her body against the door as the microphone falls to the floor, a nasty screech echoed from the speakers.
Petra's eyes dash around the room for a weapon anything that could save her. Time was running out, she had nothing. This is her end.
Levi was at the end of the stairs, his metalic weapon clenched in his hands as he crept up the steps. He reacted quickly once he saw the only threat. In a swift movement he neutralizes the enemy, saving Petra. She let's out a quivering sigh before being hesitated by Levi.
"We need to go. Now!"
The two run down the stairway, meeting Eren on the way. He was afraid, to say the least. He had managed to obtain a bag of weapons before following the two adults out of the facility. Hange was the last to exit, her arms filled with months worth of research.
People were still inside, but time had run out. The entrance couldn't hold the horde of infected. They were trapped. Hanji couldn't leave the remaining survivors behind, but she also couldn't risk being followed by the horde. The decision was tricky, but it was Levi's call to leave without them. Hanji cried as she was locking the exit with a press of a button. The large doors closed automatically just as the entrance was being invaded, leaving the survivors left behind trapped.
*We could have saved them!" Hanji yells.
"And endanger everyone else? The risk was far to great. We did what we could, now it's time to go."
Levi presses forward, leading the others out of the tunnel system. They would subside in an emergency bunker built by the military nearby until they could create new strategies and a new home. Eren huddles close to Armin and Mikasa, his hands still shaking. All the thoughts that run through his mind are being taken over by questions.
Why? how? and how many? How many did we lose?
Mikasa senses his uneasiness and takes hold of his hand, giving it a tight squeeze. Concern covers her face and she glances at Armin who, as well, is in deep shock. Armin clenches the satchel, muting the world.
Levi and the others arrived before nightfall. The bunker was worn down and abandoned for what looked like years. It had everything they needed, the only problem was the space. It was created to hold no more than fifteen, but they carried thirty. it was cramped, but it was safe. For now.
"Alright everyone, we will stay here for a little while, but there isn't enough supplies for everyone. We will partner up, share rations, and devide the space." Levi brushes past everyone to hand out sleeping bags to the sets of two. When it came to Eren and his friends, Levi handed Mikasa and Armin a bag leaving Eren alone.
"I'll sleep next to him," says Mikasa.
"There's no need for that, he will he with me. Report to Hanji, she has a section ready for you two."
Eren stares at Levi as he hands him the empty bag. He could tell it was going to be a long night.
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Author's Note
i'm back :) sorta. i'll finish this story and my others, so enjoy. excuse me for my raw writing. it's been a while.
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