06 | Epilogue
Epilogue >> Chapter 06
· u n e d i t e d ·
Small twigs crush beneath the group's feet. Nothing around them is familiar. They are lost in direction, the only person who knows where they are going is Levi. It wasn't normal for Levi to take people with him during training, since he keeps to himself and disappears often during the day. When he isn't on a mission, Levi is usually in his room or out training alone.
The young teens are alert, their traditional weapons still in hand. Levi has with him a metallic box, large enough to fit a body, carried high above his shoulder. He leads them deep into the forest before stopping at a large opening. Levi likes to think of this as the heart of the forest, a large opening surrounded by trees larger than any of other. Centered in the middle is a pole Levi had set there long ago, upon that pole is a technological sphere Levi had programmed specifically for training.
The male stops, holding up a single hand to signal the others. Levi sets the metallic box down, a crunched thump escapes the forest floor. He looks upon the small group of teens he had rescued a day prior. He clears his throat, gaining more attention from the distracted brunette, Sasha, who's eyes wander everywhere in worry.
"You're probably wondering why I made you travel all this way," Levi begins to speak but Jean interrupts him.
"Hell yeah! You made us walk in that disgusting sewer for hours," he complains as he takes a step forward. Marco takes hold of the male's shoulder, pulling him back a step before Jean puts himself out of place.
Levi stares blankly watching Jean get hyped over a thirty minute walk through the twisted sewer, to which he recalled a cobweb startlingly Jean. Levi wants to laugh at the incident, remembering the girlish scream of the tempered boy, but he remains solid.
"I have brought you here to train with me," he begins once more. Levi steps back, revealing the rest of the opening. "I want to see how you react to different situations before I let anyone leave tonight. I don't want anyone being caught in a situation like before, our sanity is limited now so every human life counts."
The teens exchange glances. Leaving? They question. No one had mentioned a departure. Eren, Armin, and Mikasa share a solid glance, the three reassuring themselves that Levi was talking about them. Eren seems that the deal is reasonable, however his mind sets back to yesterday when Levi declared he'd be leaving with them.
"This is a device called ELEXA. It was created years ago by Dr. Elexa who believed in holographic training for the military," Levi says. As he spoke he walks to the pole, carrying the metallic box. Setting down the box once more he reveals a hologram table of settings for ELEXA by pressing a simple button.
The teens follow Levi, each step forward was filled with tension. Levi enters coded into the settings while the others watch impatiently.
Connie questions if they should trust Levi, given the fact they had only met him yesterday during the wave of infected. No bother in being cautious, he tells himself. He tightens the grip on his rifle, glancing at Sasha who is completely allured to Levi's actions. His face folks with worry and is relieved with content once Sasha flashes him with a warm smile, a smile that can call anyone, especially Connie. Marco notices the two and nudges Connie, their thoughts about the situation the same. Marco, too, believes Levi is untrustworthy.
Eren continues to stare at Levi, his expression serious and unmoving. Mikasa does the same, concerned about Eren's safety and his unusual closeness with the other male. She grips her weapon tightly, eyeing the two simultaneously.
Levi steps back, his arms crossed over his chest. He continues to explain what he is doing while a holographic sphere covers the opening around them. The hologram serves as a shield from the inside and out. It's bright blue reflection can go unnoticed by the human eye, unless given close attention. A glare is visible if you focus close enough. All this and more is what Levi explained. He mentions that the training will serve as a test to see if they are able to survive in deadly situations. If not, Levi would not let them leave until they have passed.
"We will start with unmoving objects," he begins. He presses a button, releasing a line of holographic persons. "These are your targets. To kill them you must strike through their skull. Since the first outbreak I learned that the only successful way to kill these monsters is by shooting their brains, the only way they can function."
Of course, the teens already knew this. Sasha has been using a bow and arrow to kill, a weapon with better precision than Connie's shotgun, or Eren's pistol. However, arrows were harder to obtain than bullets.
Levi opens the metallic box to reveal several advanced weapons. He explains that they will practice with their traditional weapons first, then he will teach them how to use more advanced ones. The teens stand in astonishment, eyes glued to the new artillery.
Levi instructs that the training will be done individually in the order of last names. Realizing he would be at the end of the list, Eren takes a seat on a fallen tree trunk along with several others.
Levi reads off the names of who will train first: Mikasa, Armin, Marco, Sasha, Jean, Connie, then Eren.
For the next three hours the teens all await their turn, Eren longer than most. Levi had been waiting all this time to see this one boy. He was particularly interested in what Eren had to show for, what talents and skills he used to survive.
For one, Eren is as nervous as he was back in his third-grade spelling bee. He lost, but he tried, and that's exactly what he is going to do now. Eren is going to try. He knew this wouldn't be a test, but the he did know that he didn't pass Levi's standards he would be able to leave. That was the deal.
Eren stands in center, Levi to his right. Levi briefly explains his task one last time, informing him that the difficulty will automatically adjust as he goes. After the first part if training, Eren will switch to a tech-weapon of his choice for part two. Eren firmly nods and proceeds to complete his training.
The air is thick, his breathing low but heavy. Perspiration forms across his forehead and palms, his charcoal pistol heating in his hand. Eren's eyes wander, his mind focused on the task at hand.
He has to prove that he isn't weak, that he can take care if himself. Levi can't follow them, he just can't. The cure can't settle in another's hands, that's what the journal said.
The first target appears, standing in the distance. He aims quickly, pulling the trigger. The bullet strikes through the hologram's skull, in between the two eyes. They look just like people, then again all infected do. That I'd, before they rot. They are dead after all.
What is he doing? Letting his mind wander this way. Two targets appear, but with Eren being occupied in his own thoughts he only had time to shoot one. He is already failing.
Focus, Eren. Focus, he continues to tell himself.
Another target, then another. They all appear and disappear all too quickly. Just like the world. In one moment everyone is as peace. They are human. The next, the world is in chaos. Man against man, brother against brother. No one is safe.
Before he knew it, the first part of training was over. Eren breathes heavily, his eyes glisten with craze.
Mikasa stares in worry and fright, only seeing this side of him once before. Never had she seen Eren so determined, so triggered by something this simple. She worried for him, afraid that one day he will push himself to the edge.
"Forty-nine of fifty targets. Not bad, Yeager." Levi approaches the teen.
He gives Eren a one-beat pat on the back before instructing him to select another weapon.
I'll show you, Levi. I don't need you to babysit me, I'm capable of protecting my friends.
Returning to the underground bunker the teens discuss their terms before parting ways. Mikasa and Armin stand behind Eren who is face-to-face with Jean, Marco at his side.
Jean had proven himself to be the leader of their team, but it was obvious Marco had the stronger word than Jean. Eren had scoped this out when he watched how the two acted. They hold a special connection, one no other could truly understand.
"Eren," Marco begins, "we will be taking a different route from here. Unlike you, we have other plans."
"There is this facility Connie has heard of. It's called the Refugee Containment Center, RCC for short."
Connie steps forward to explain. "RCC is where all evacuees went when the world went to shit. There are a total of three across the country, the first two we visited were," he pauses, his voice cracking. "They were gone."
Eren nods in agreement, understanding their desire to venture for these centers. "Of course, we will also continue with our original plan. It's too bad we are parting so soon. We would have liked to continue the journey with you," he lies.
Jean steps in the conversation saying, "well, if we ever cross paths again we will surly have a rematch in arm wrestling."
The teens all laugh at the joke, all but Mikasa and Sasha who had no interest in such games. Connie flusters a bit from embarrassment but continues to laugh awkwardly.
The teens agree to one day meet again, somewhere and some other time. Maybe when the world finally passes this awful phase.
The teens had no knowledge if the chaos that was about to fall upon them. Petra, a cherry-blond woman who was close to Levi, had come running towards them. Her legs were short making her strides appear awkward, but she didn't try to alarm anyone else.
"Eren, a word?" She says quickly with slight panic.
Eren nods, dismissing himself. The teens all stare at the two as they step away from the group. Petra's heart races, her mind unable to comprehend the situation thay was about to unfold.
"Eren, infected have invaded the first wall of security."
Eren's eyes bulge from his head. He couldn't believe this, it's impossible. "How? And why are you telling me?"
"Levi instructed me to only tell you. He days you can break the news to the others without causing mass panic," she explains. Petra pauses, looking from left to right. She swallows hard, her voice shaking. It was obvious she was afraid, terrified even. Eren asks her how this came to be.
"Eren, we don't know. It just happened. A whole group of them just breached our line of security, no one saw it coming."
"Listen to me, Petra. What are we supposed to do?"
She wasn't listening. Her eyes bounce all over the place, panic rushing thru her veins. Her chest pounds, perspiration forming across her forehead. Eren lightly shakes her, trying to snap her out of the trance.
"Petra, look at me," he orders. Petra's hazel eyes glisten as she directs them to the taller male. "What are we going to do," he repeats slowly, emphasizing each word.
Petre didn't know, she was only instructed to tell Eren. She didn't know what had to be done. With Eren's hands still resting on her shoulders she takes a good look at the people around them. They had no idea what was about to happen, they were vulnerable, and easily able to kill. At that moment, Petra knew what had to be done.
"Warn them," she mumbles quietly. Eren leans in, not understanding her words. "Warn them, evacuate the facility. Don't leave anyone behind."
And with that, Petra runs off to the operation room. Eren returns to the group. When he is about to warn them about the evacuation a blaring alarm echoes throughout the underground facility. Petra's voice booms through speakers.
"This is not a drill. We are being invaded by infected. We have approximately fifteen minutes before the first raid. Evacuate the facility, leave no man behind. I repeat, evacuate the facility. Leave no man behind."
Author's Note:
Woot. I'm back (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I hope this chapter wasn't too bad. I finally decided to continue this story because if the giant explosion of ideas that one day just happened.
Oh and happy birthday to ErmozaWatt :D you're awesome, I wish you all the best things ♥
Please leave your thoughts :D
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