03 | Epilogue
Epilogue >> Chapter 03
¤ s e m i - e d i t e d ¤
The ruins of Brooks will forever be embedded into the minds of the young survivors. The once lively streets now lie silent as the group walks cautiously across the blood-stained pavement. Decomposing corpses are sprawled across the streets, maggots squirming throughout their once active bodies.
Old telephone wires were knocked to the ground. Papers, scraps of metal, and abandoned cars line the street they walk on. It was unclear on how this destruction was made. Perhaps there was some sort of conflict between opposing survivors. The city ruins couldn't have been the work of an infected. Who destroyed the well built city exactly?
Eren walks beside Jean at the front of the group. His teal eyes scan the area around him. The sight made him feel nauseous. The smell was barely bearable to withstand. The strong aroma not only made him gag, it stung his eyes.
Mikasa and Armin walk beside each other, each holding their pistols. Marco glides directly behind Jean while Connie and Sasha are filed at the ends. Their barrels pointing around them.
They all had one mission: get to city hall. A huge stock of artillery and ammo was located in the City Hall. The group could simply restock on ammo, but they could also upgrade their weapons. A little boost will be satisfying.
The plan was rushed, but the knowledge of this city was great. Jean had relatives in Brooks, making him their guide through the twisted streets. Eren also had vague knowledge of the city, he occasionally visited the area with his father who worked across the united states as a brilliant inventor and scientist. Grisha, Eren’s father, took part of some of the technological inventions in Brooks.
The technology of Brooks was incredible. From the structure of each building to the simple alliances of everyday life. Each item was created by the country's best engineers and inventors. These teens have never seen anything so magnificent all for the exception of three people. Eren and his two partners. This wasn't all new to them
“Connie, keep a vigilant eye for any upcoming enemies.” Marco orders. Connie nods firmly.
After the outbreak of the virus, the survivors that were left behind formed alliances. Whispers of a possible cure were heard and the governments in Japan are said to be offering billions in return for the cure. Of course, it was only a rumour.
The whispers of the award caused people to abandon their humanity and go savage for the cure.
Alliances were created. Friends were killed. Hope of peace was perished. In a year's time, thousands of people lay dead and all for a teasing price. Not only is America under this battle, the entire world is fighting for it. The competition and danger is lowering the chances of survival.
It pains many people to see a brother turn on their sister, a friend to abandon their sanity for money. Trust is forgotten, lost like a dream. The world is falling apart.
What people didn't know was that the cure lies in the hands of three teens who abandoned their humanity to protect it. They have already encountered several teams that have attempted to kill them. The outcome of it all not only left battle scars, it left them hurt. Having to murder the friends you grew up with is a sacrifice they had to make and endure.
“Why us?” Armin asked his friend once.
“I don't know, but whoever ‘J’ is, they made sure only we had the information for a reason…” Eren stares blankly at the satchel in his hands. “And I intend to find out this reason.”
Why they were chosen? Only time will answer their purpose.
Sasha groans, “how much further?”
Connie rolls his eyes. He sent Sasha a glower. “Be patient. If we just run, the damn infected will know we're here.”
Sasha returned Connie’s remark with a glower of her own. She knew he was right so she bit her tongue.
Eren glances behind him to reassure himself that his friends were still there. He sighs in relief and nudges Jean.
“Just up ahead,” he informs. Jean nods and proceeds forward.
Light snarling sound were heard near them. In a small abandoned shop, a handful of infected hiss and snarl at each other, circling around a human corpse.
Sasha was the first to take notice. She swallows hard and taps Connie’s shoulder. Giving her a confused look, Sasha points a finger at the building. Connie’s eyes widen, he also hears them. He tightens his grip on his shotgun.
Mikasa was next to notice, she alerts Armin and Armin passes the silent message to Marco. Marco narrows his eyes and tugs on Jean’s jacket. Eren notices Jean being pulled back and he stops in his tracks.
The teams are silent, communicating through hand movements and eyes. Connie raises his shotgun, telling the others that they should just kill them. Marco shakes his head, using his arms he explains that they should circle around.
Not deciding on a plan, low gurgles creep behind them.
Sasha’s eye widen at the feeling of someone breathing against her neck. All systems freeze, Sasha feels defenseless. Unaware of what to do, she swallows the lump that formed in her throat. She weakly smiles, a small noise escaping, signalling for help.
Why hasn't it attacked? This question bounces through Sasha’s mind. What is it waiting for?
The others notice, their bodies unable to respond. They are caught a moment, between fear and taking action.
All eyes are on Sasha.
Connie was the first to react. He raises his shotgun quietly. He glares with purpose, his focus locking on his target as aims for its skull. Connie’s eyes are speaking to Sasha at the same time. He nods once, reassuring her that things were going to be alright.
Another infected exits the store, a small ding from the door’s bell echos. At the exact moment, Connie fires a bullet straight through its skull. Blood splatters onto his face and Sasha’s chocolate brown hair.
At the sound of the gunshot, a loud screeching sliced their ears. The inflected came bursting through the small door. The bell repeatedly dings as they excited.
“Run!” Jean yells over the excessive screaming of the infected.
At first, the screeching creatures dragged themselves across the pavements giving the teens a chance to run. As the infected Class A type processed the situation, they sprinted into a jog.
Mikasa glances behind her, the sight of about twenty flesh-eating infected were approaching them at an alarming speed. Her first reaction was a quiet squeak, her face filled with worry but she composed herself, aiming at the closest infected. She pulls the trigger, sending chills down Armin’s spine.
Marco grits his teeth. “Jean, Eren, we aren't going to make it!”
“Yes we will!” Jean glares at Marco as he pulls him closer.
Jean, Marco, and Eren are running side by side, occasionally aiming behind them. City Hall was only meters away from their location.
The splatters of blood painted the sidewalk, their brains splattering across the dusty windows. The sight makes Armin cringe, he was unable to process the whole killing process.
In the beginning, killing wasn't easy for these teens. They hesitated and cringed at the thought of killing something that was once human. Now, killing was easy part of their day.
Jean was the first to reach the entrance. Beads of sweat coat his forehead as he reached for the manual door. Eren was now behind him, his breathing unbalanced.
“The others can only stall for so much time,” Eren warns.
Jean grits his teeth. The handle was jammed, it wouldn't open. He uses his pistol to break the glass, but it refused to bust.
“Damn it!” Jean curses. He continues to smash the shatter-resistant glass.
Mikasa was in front, her bullets running low. Marco and Connie were on both sides, their weapons were also running low on ammo.
Connie calls out to Mikasa. “There are too many of them, where the hell are they coming from?!”
“I don't know! We can't let them get past us, we have to keep fighting!”
Armin shakes Eren, “we have to think of something quick, they are multiplying by the minute. They are coming out of nowhere!”
Eren couldn't process the situation quick enough to think of a plan B. He stares at his friend, his eyes filled with bewilderment. He was dumbfounded.
Jean kicks the door, “fuck! It won't budge!”
Sasha rushes up the steps. She was panicked, frightened by their possible deaths.
“Jean,” she grasps his shoulder, “we are running low on ammo. We can't stall much longer.”
Jean's mind slows. He wasn't cut out to be a leader, there was no way he could save everyone if he was afraid. He was terrified as much as his friends here. Jean turns to face Sasha, her eyes filled with pure terror. She didn't want to die.
Everything ran in slow motion. The screams of the infected were muted, the bullets were seen gliding in mid air. Jean’s heart raced.
This was the end.
There were too many of them. Multiplying by the second, the infected crawled in from all directions. How could have this gotten out of hand so quickly?
In his thoughts, he prayed. Prayed for a miracle.
And his prayers were answered.
In a blink of an eye, a large, red truck zoomed past them. Inside of the truck were several men with high-tech weapons. The truck screeched as the brakes were slammed on by the driver. Men exited the car and began shooting effortlessly.
All eyes were on them. The flow of their bullets were lightning fast. They sliced through the infected, killing them instantly. Blood splatters across their face as they blast their way through the mob.
Mikasa, Connie, and Marco stare in awe. Their faces struck with astonishment.
One male stayed behind, his back turned from the teens. He simply watches from the back of the truck. His body was hidden under a dark, green cloak. A symbol of wings were printed on the back of the cloak.
Eren watches this male, curious of who he was and what his motives were. His eyes narrow, “who are these people?” He asks himself.
As if he actually heard, the man turns to face the teens.
Everyone stares at him. Their eyes are locked on the mysterious male that stood on the red truck.
Friend or foe? Enemy or ally? Who are you?
The man leaps, his hood being brushed off. Eren watches as the raven haired male walks past Mikasa and up the steps. He was shorter than Eren imagined. Being on top of a truck made him appear taller.
He stops in front of the three.
Armin swallows hard his hands clenched into small fists. Jean stands his ground, his pistol is held tightly.
Eren stares blankly, his eyes teal eyes locking with a pair of steel, gray ones. The raven haired man remains expressionless, his gloomy eyes glancing from Jean to Eren.
“Do you brats need a lift?”
Well, chapter three. It's about time xD
Special thanks to ErmozaWatt for editing the first half of the chapter.
I'm sorry if it feels rushed, or if things aren't set to perfection. I'm trying and I am improving slightly ;-;
Give this fan fiction a chance?
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