01 | Epilogue
Epilogue >> Chapter 01
¤ u n e d i t e d ¤
The horizon is painted with vibrant colors of red and orange as day slowly turned to night. The forest is lightly illuminated by the remaing sunlight that stretched across the earth before the sun left the horizon. Creatures of the night began to creep above the earth while day creatures rested for the long night ahead.
Tall trees surrounded the trio as they quietly crept through the forest in search of a sound. Birds rattled the upper branches of the tall redwoods that enveloped them. The mossy forest floors were coated with fallen branches and brown leaves.
In the bushes, the crickets sang their song while other insects returned to their homes. The forest is calm, it's inhabitants creating soft sounds. Birds chirp their song while some hummed to sleep. Small rodents traveled across the treetops causing some leaves to float to the ground.
Three young teens scouted the area, each holding a weapon. Each of them walked cautiously, as if they were about to awaken the forest from its light slumber.
A tall brunette that stood around five foot seven walked cautiously, listening to his surroundings. His teal eyes narrowed and his brows furrow as he concentrates. He held his charcoal colored pistol tightly, his finger resting on the trigger. He was ready to fire at any given moment. His combat boots crunched the dead leaves bellow him as he proceeded forward.
Although he held a stern expression, he felt the opposite. Every inch of the teen's body was filled with absolute terror. His body was steamy. Perspiration being visible on his face.
His blond friend followed closely behind, his blond hair sticking to his pale face. The rattling of his gun made it clear that he didn't want to be there.
"Eren, we should turn back." He says anxiously to his friend, his voice shaking slightly. "There isn't anything here, you were probably just hearing noises..."
"Sh-" Eren placed a finger over his lips. The blond gulps.
A raven haired female walked behind them, her pale face remaining expressionless. Her only instincts at the moment were to kill and protect. When it came to her, emotions were difficult to read, especially at a time like this; however, by the way she stared at her brother, Eren, from behind, she hinted worry.
Just moments ago, the trio had rested alongside the riverbank for water. Eren's attention was caught by the sudden shift in nature. He swore that he heard a shotgun, but he wasn't sure. No matter what the sound may be, he needed to make sure.
The frightened blond taps his friend's shoulder, "Eren, we're heading in the wrong direction. Let's turn back. Please," he whispers.
"Armin, I said sh!" Eren whispers harshly. Armin took a step back, retreating to the dark-eyed female.
"Mikasa. Something doesn't feel right..." Armin whispers to her.
Mikasa places a hand on Armin's shoulder, reassuring him that he would be alright. Armin smiled faintly, his face filled with worry.
Eren raises a brow as he creeps quietly among the thorn bushes. He relaxes himself and let his sense of sound take over.
Rustling trees.
Crunching leaves.
Bird songs.
Immediately, Eren aims and fires at the redwood tree above them. An arrow loosely falls to the ground just inches away from him.
Armin bites his tongue, but a quiet shriek manages to escape his parched lips. Mikasa holds her her pistol close, her eyes scanning the trees. Her raven hair flew in all directions as she searched eagerly for a target, her pistol waving in the air.
"We are not enemies!" Eren yells, his attention focused on the treetops. Eren looks at his frightened friend. "We don't want trouble!"
Golden-brown eyes peek through the treetops, eyeing the three carefully. Faint clicking was heard, like the clicking of a tongue. Eren keeps his eyes locked with the dark figure that posses the striking, golden-brown orbs.
Mikasa took notice and aimed her pistol. Armin stood terrified, his small handgun waving in all directions as Eren stood calm.
After a few moments, other figures began to leap from the trees and onto the damp earth. Twigs and dry leaves crunched below them, their faces hidden by a dark green cloaks.
The hazel-eyed figure walked with a fixed expression as he removed his hood. The figure appears to be male with medium cut, light, ash colored hair with his sides and back trimmed in a darker hue.
Eren swallows the lump that formed in his throat and balled his free hand, the other hand still gripped his pistol tightly. The golden-eyed male inched closer until he was inches away from Eren's face. Mikasa narrowed her dark eyes while Armin attempted to remain calm.
Three other figures surrounded them, all wearing similar green cloaks. The male in front of Eren parted his lips, but before he could speak another male pried off his hood to reveal his short, dark hair and freckles. He steps forward and pulled the other back.
"Jean, they are human. Lay off," he irked.
The male named Jean fell back a few steps. "I was just making sure." He admits. Sighing deeply, he replaced his fixed look with a bright smile. "The name's Jean. Freckles here is Marco," he gestured towards the male behind him who waved a friendly hand and a smile.
"I'm Sasha!" A female voice sang, removing her hood. She raised a wooden bow, her arrows rattling on her back.
"Connie," the bald headed male introduces, raising the shotgun in his right hand.
Eren felt the weight of the world roll off his shoulders. Mikasa relaxed, as well as Armin.
"I'm Eren, this is my sister Mikasa, and my friend Armin," Eren says, gesturing the two behind him. "I heard gunshots," he tells Jean.
"That was Connie, he shot a deer," Jean explains. "Let's talk over dinner."
Delighted by the sound of a meal, the three agree to eat with them.
The fire flickers and pops, its heat warming the small group. The cooked deer satisfied the hungry teens as they continued to devour their meal. The males made small talk, each exchanging their own set of questions.
"You're from California?" Jean asks. He takes another bite of of the freshly cooked deer.
Eren swallows, before saying, "yeah. We are far from home, I know."
Marco listens to the conversation. "What brings you out here? The prairie lands are no safer than the mountains," he questions.
Armin clears his throat and proceeds to say a lie he had come up with before, "we are heading to Washington D.C.."
Eren nods, continuing the lie, "there are remaining helicopters. We are planning on escaping this Hell."
As the group spoke about plans, Mikasa sat isolated. She wasn't interested in their conversation, she was more concerned about everyone's safety. She sits on an overgrown root of a tree. On leg dangles over the edge while she holds the other. Her dark eyes stare at the forest floor. She occasionally glanced up to scan the forest area.
Sasha notices her loneliness and decides to sit next to her. Her bright attitude shines through an even brighter smile. "Why such a long face?" She asks.
Mikasa remains silent, only glancing at the perky female. She returns her gaze to the floor. Sasha frowns, her lips pouting.
She glances behind her at the males. They were bickering over who was a better shooter which only made Sasha giggle. She glances at Connie, a warm feeling consumes her.
"You know, Connie may be all talk but he's like a little boy. He needs protection and guidance, but he doesn't like to ask for help." Sasha smiles warmly and hugs her knees. "But that's what makes Connie, Connie. I saw how you looked at Eren back there, just give him space to grow," she says quietly.
Mikasa glances at Sasha, her dark eyes glistening with hope. Sasha smiles. "Come on, let's join the party," she insists.
The two females join the others. Eren was bragging about how he killed seven infected with only four bullets. Jean roll his eyes unbelieving.
"Yeah yeah, I killed four without any bullets, just these!" Jean flexes his arms, revealing his firm muscles.
Connie coughed up his meat, barley able to say his sentence. "You look like a chicken with a head of a horse," he laughed.
Eren and Amrin laughed while Jean grit his teeth. Marco chuckles, trying to calm the angry male.
Sasha claps her hands together, "that's enough, let's get some sleep."
The five males control themselves as they began cleaning up their mess, the bickering followed them. The remainder of the deer went into Connie's sack for another day and jugs of water were returned to belts. Everyone chose a tree rest in for the night.
"Armin, Eren. Marco suggested you two take the first shift. Him and I will switch before dawn." Jean instructs as he stands beside his tree.
Eren and Armin exchange glances and nod. Jean nods once before climbing up the redwood tree.
The fire continues to flicker, which concerns Armin. Using his boot, then blond male stomps on the burning wood, putting out the fire.
Eren watches closely. "Good idea. Those things are attracted to heat and light." He joins his friend, the fire slowly dying down.
The two males sit side by side, staring at the smoke that rises from the ash of the once flaming wood.
Erin rests his head on his palm. "Hey Armin?" He says quietly.
"Hm?" Armin hums, glancing at Eren.
"Do you think we'll make it to Florida?"
Armin looks above him, then returns his gaze to Eren. "I'm sure we will. I won't stop fighting until we reach that laboratory."
"They can't know about the cure," Eren says, his voice groggy.
"I know."
Author's Note:
Welp, that's the first chapter. Hope you liked it ^_^
Special thanks to ErmozaWatt for helping me edit most of the chapter.
(Psst, check out her works! You won't regret it!)
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