Episode 8: Yoshi vs. Riptor
My ninth chapter for episode 9
Yoshi belongs to Nintendo.
Riptor belong to Microsoft.
Death Battle belongs to Screwattack.
RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum (R.I.P).
Squarespace and soundtrack belong to their respective owners.
I own NONE of the Copyright.
As RWBY prepared for the next episode, they looked back at Zitz vs Leonardo. They did like the fight, but that was a short episode. The analysis was short; Zitz and Leo barely got even a minute and a half of it. The fight was pretty epic but the it was also pretty short. It was still a cool fight. They hope this episode is a little bit longer.
Weiss was a little concerned that Wiz and Boomstick are pitting a cute, green dinosaur against a vicious looking raptor that appears twice his size. Ruby, Blake and Yang are also a bit uncertain.
Only one way to find out.
Squarespace was mentioned and on with the intro. They showed dinosaurs. lots of them.
Ruby and Yang were fans of dinosaurs and even once saw a movie about trying to bring the dinosaurs back to life and create a theme park of it. But it all backfired and now the park is a ruin and as a reminder about trying to bring back extinct creatures to the modern world. Weiss and Blake never saw it. Ruby and Yang were shocked at this. They vowed to rent it on DVD and make Weiss and Blake see for themselves. The Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company and the Cat Faunus loved the movie when they saw it. The huntresses saw the two other sequels and are now waiting for the fourth sequel that's about to come out next week.
(*Cue Invader - Jim Johnston*)
Boomstick: Who doesn't like dinosaurs?
After seeing the film, Weiss and Blake admitted dinosaurs are too awesome to say otherwise while Ruby and Yang made a smirk that indicated dinosaurs are badass enough to be hardly disliked.
Boomstick: No one, 'cause they're awesome?
"That's the answer I like to hear," said Yang as if this is too easy.
Wiz: Like Yoshi, Mario's happy-go-lucky steed...
Boomstick: And Riptor, the Dino Warrior with a Killer Instinct.
Wiz: I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick and it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.
The music was all happy and calm that made the four girls slightly smile at the cheerful music. The green dinosaur, upon closer inspection, is wearing brown shoes, has orange, bumpy spikes sticking out the back of his head, a saddle like shell on his back, a white underbelly, large eyes, and has a big bulbous nose. His cute appearance makes Weiss and Ruby comment with affections at how adorable he looks while Blake and Yang see him pretty weird and funny looking but they admit he looks overall cute. He doesn't look like any dinosaur they have ever seen in the movies or books. He also comes in a variety of colors which RWBY blurts out their respective colors.
(*cues Yoshi's Island- Flower Garden Theme*)
Wiz: Yoshi is a cheerful and friendly dinosaur who's race happens to be Bowser's most hated enemies. Why?
RWBY made a whole random of assumptions why such an evil, reptilian tyrant would hate something as cute and innocent as these guys.
Boomstick: 'Cause they're so goddamn happy all the time!
That was the answer that made everyone chuckle. A simple positive trait can make a tyrant burn with hatred, how typical with villains.
Bowser's First Nemesis
High, Strong Jumps
Can Resist Knock-Back (No human or faunus could do that without using their aura)
Naturally Skilled in Basic Combat and Speed
Constantly Followed by Incredibly Happy Music
Wiz: Yoshi is considered one of the fastest characters in the Mario universe and has a higher and stronger jump than Mario.
Mario has been mentioned back in Episode 4. He seems interesting. Could he be a possible combatant?
Wiz: Despite his cute and cheery demeanor, Yoshi's powerful enough to put down this goliath singlehandedly.
RWBY watched Yoshi throw a projectile that looks like an egg at what looks like Bowser, who looks young, and defeats him. They also notice he's carrying a baby wearing a red cap. Could that be Mario?
Wiz: He's able to keep up with experienced fighters, like Solid Snake, Link, and even previous Death Battle champion, Samus Aran.
RWBY were really awed and impressed at seeing the green dino going toe-to-toe with other fighters that sound badass and even Samus, whom they already know is a badass herself.
Boomstick: And either he doesn't have any ears or he's really freakin' patient, 'cause he somehow put up with that whiny-ass Baby Mario.
Yoshi bumps into a red creature wearing a mask and Baby Mario is knocked off Yoshi's back, (somehow) gets trapped in a bubble, and is now making annoying cries that the four girls admit how Yoshi deals with this kind of annoyance.
Boomstick: If it were me, someone would have found him in a dumpster on the next level!
RWBY jaw dropped in shock how Boomstick would put his perspective on newborns. Babies in dumpsters is really child abuse.
Boomstick: Also, while Young Yoshi's are dumb enough to run off cliffs, *Weiss facepalmed at the dino's stupidity* they learn quickly over time, eventually driving go-karts, playing sports, and surviving the greatest death trap ever created: Mario Party!
"What makes Mario Party sound like a death trap" Ruby asked in confusion. They see Yoshi playing a whole variety of challenges against other contestants and one of them is playing jump rope with a rope made of fire. "Oh. Now I see why."
Maneuverable Projectiles
Can Carry up to 6
Different Eggs Create Different Effects
Made From the Souls of Devoured Victims (this really disturbed RWBY, especially Ruby)
Wiz: Yoshi has a large arsenal of eggs to use as light-weight projectiles and can even create a giant eggshell to use as an all-encompassing shield.
RWBY were intrigued by this. They never heard of eggs used as weapons, let alone dinosaur eggs. Based on the analysis, Yoshi appears to have incredible aiming skills and he must be really powerful hurling them at tough looking enemies.
Boomstick: What is it with the creatures from the Mario universe using their babies as weapons?
RWBY is now disturbed about this.
Boomstick: Is it that effective? I'm gonna have to test this out. Maybe some sort of Baby Launcher.
The four huntresses, especially Ruby, is really steaming from what Boomstick is saying about infant children treated like projectiles.
Wiz: Boomstick! That's a terrible idea!
"At we Wiz agrees with that." Weiss said.
Wiz: Anytime you want to reload, you would have to wait 9 months.
"Or not..." Weiss muttered RWBY is getting uncomfortable with this
Wiz: Anyway, Yoshi's greatest asset is his stomach.
Long, Stretchy Tongue
Can Eat Almost Anything (Nora has an extent to that)
Can Get Special Abilities or Produce Eggs
Can Trap Enemies in Eggs (again, that disturbs RWBY)
Has Trouble Swallowing Koopa Shells
Boomstick: Yeah, Yoshi's got a bad eating problem, and devours everything in sight with his long, stretchy tongue. He can swallow almost anything, even fire.
Wiz: That's right, Boomstick, Yoshi has the strangest digestive system I ever come across. Certain meals can grant him special abilities.
RWBY sees Yoshi, who somehow sprouted angel like wings from his back and is also shooting fireballs from his mouth. What would happen if he devoured many kinds of Dust? That would cause something interesting but it may be a likely bad idea.
Wiz: Otherwise, after consuming a foe or item, Yoshi... uh... ejects an egg spawned from the subject. The egg may have special properties from said object or contains the victim within.
RWBY is really confused now. Yoshi eats an item/foe, swallows it, and ejects an egg. That sounds absurd, and even more so, when an opponent is swallowed and then trapped in the egg. Yoshi is one weird dinosaur.
Boomstick: Wait, that's how he makes eggs?! Are there any female Yoshis?
"Yeah. Are there any females because how would they breed?" Yang wondered.
Wiz: I don't think they're male or female. Yoshis may be assexual.
"And we thought he couldn't get any weirder" Said Blake. She can hardly comprehend about this kind of dinosaur she never has seen before.
Boomstick: That poor miserable creature.
Yoshi: "Oh ho ho, Yoshi got right stuff!"
Yoshi may be adorable but he's also weird for his abilities and even his absurd reproduction. So absurd, it's even a little scary when they think about him too much. Ruby really likes his eggs used as a weapon. Weiss and Blake are really intrigued with his digestive system and how it works. Weiss even wonder what would happen if Yoshi devoured packs of dusts and what effects it would do to him. Yang really loves the green dino as an awesome creature that can really say a lot in it's abilities and fighting a lot of other fighters
On with the next contestant.
What they now see is that raptor. But he looks different than the ones from the movies they seen; He's reddish brown with a yellow underbelly. He has a raptor head filled with sharp teeth, has sharp claws on both his hands and feet including the famous raptor toe claw and a long whip-like tail. The oddest feature is that his torso looks really muscular a somewhat human shaped. Odd.
(cue Riptor's theme from Killer Instinct)
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 700 lbs.
Genetically Engineered (just like in the movie RWBY will see)
Designed to be Smart and Vicious, but Backfired
Only 4 years old, so has Little Combat Training
Wiz: Riptor was genetically engineered by UltraTech to be the perfect combination of human intelligence and animal brutality.
RWBY is now starting to wonder if the movie they are planning to watch next week sounds anything like Riptor and his story here. The antagonist of the movie is a dinosaur that is genetically engineered and combined with the traits of other dinosaurs and possibly humans. They might find something interesting Riptor may have.
Tooth, Claw, and Tail
Fiery Acid Projectile
Rushes Opponents with Combos
Boomstick: His tools of death are his teeth, claws and an impaling tail, and he knows how to use them well, pulling off insanely bloody combos. And when he's not fighting up close, he can spit a fiery acid.
Acid is actually really terrifying to get hit by; just thinking getting hit by that stuff will melt your skin, flesh, organs and even your bones. RWBY shuddered at that thought.
Wiz: Riptor is only 4 years old and yet, already, he's a nearly unstoppable killing machine.
"I thought he was much older than that." Yang replied.
Boomstick: That's one ass kicking toddler.
Wiz: He has reached a point where his human emotions and reasoning with his predatory instincts. Often confusing him to the point of blind rage and aggression.
"It's no wonder we really shouldn't do genetic engineering because who knows what results can lead to." Blake informed. Everyone else agreed. Who knows what the dinosaur antagonist really is when the movie is released.
Boomstick: Riptor may look, sound and act like a Velociraptor, but he's really something else entirely. He's twice as big and twice as slow. And I don't think Velociraptors can shoot acid, they were awesome enough without it!
They agreed. Acid is really terrible enough and the raptors even don't need acid when hunting.
Brutal and Cunning (like the Grimm)
First Incapacitates Victims
Hunted in Packs (like beowolves)
Alone, they rushed and overpowered opponents
Boomstick: With a limited amount of combat training, Riptor relies on his raptor instincts in a fight. Raptors were pack hunters, preferring to flank their victims with stealth, speed and secrecy, though they were no pushovers by themselves. On their own, they usually just rushed their opponent and overpower them with ultra combos, and if "Jurassic Park" has taught us anything, is that raptors are clever sons' of bitches.
After that big impressie speech Boomstick made, RWBY just stared wide eyed with their mouths slightly agape. They knew raptors worked in packs but they never knew that they just as dangerous when alone. Even in "Jurassic Park", they heard sounds almost identical to the movie they seen and the scenes even look similar to their own movie. Could Earth have also made movies just like theirs?
Wiz: *Impressed* Wow Boomstick, I didn't know you knew so much about dinosaurs.
"I'd like to say the same as well." Weiss was really impressed. She thought Boomstick is usually a perverted idiot, but even he caught the heiress by surprise.
Boomstick: Yeah, I always wanted me a pet raptor. I was gonna call him Barney after I found out what irony was.
Everyone chuckled.
Announcer: Supreme Victory!
Riptor roars in victory and eats the remains of his prey.
Wiz: Alright the combatants are set let's end this debate once and for all.
Boomstick: First I need to get some money to convert my Kitten Cannon into a Baby Launcher.
Weiss facepalmed at this. Boomstick is really putting up ideas that are insane and are even stupid.
Wiz and Weiss: You've got to be kidding me.
Boomstick: From Squarespace, who doesn't necessarily have Baby Launchers.
Ruby was intrigued with Squarespace. They couldn't really decide with the would be winner. They love Yoshi and they see Riptor as a badass cool Raptor that reminds them of the antagonist of the upcoming movie. Yoshi is versatile but they don't seem effective against the Raptor, despite Yoshi being said to put down Bowser at giant size. If Riptor wins, they hope, especially Weiss, to see Yoshi's death as not brutal and gory.
Boomstick: Right now, It's time for a Death Battle... ahem.
Out in a beautiful valley with lots of colors and swirls, there stands Yoshi who appears to be dancing to the theme "Super Mario World". Right next to him is a green pipe which the girls have a guess who's gonna pop out.
Out popped out the pipe was Riptor and roars. Yoshi screams in terror and cowers before Riptor who is ready to slaughter the poor little guy. Ruby and Weiss feel like Yoshi might not stand a chance.
(cue Yoshi's Island Theme from Super Smash Brothers Melee)
Before they knew, Riptor attacks Yoshi relentlessly with a combination of teeth and claws that draws lots of blood. Weiss and Ruby began putting in doubt that Yoshi might not win this.
Riptor finishes the combo with a tailwhip that sends Yoshi hurtling across the field, bounces and skids to a stop.
Yoshi gets up and sees Riptor approaching. Yoshi throws three eggs at the raptor but the eggs do little to no damage, Riptor doesn't even flinch. The girls feel sorry for poor Yoshi.
Yoshi has a shocked look on his face and decides to pull out the bigger guns. He lays a bigger egg at least as big as himself.
Yoshi: Yoshi!
Yoshi throws the giant egg and managed to force Riptor to flinch at that. Riptor looks down and sees a baby Yoshi, that came from egg, sat there.
Baby Yoshi: Yoshi!
Riptor attacks the newborn with a few combos and chomps it's head off. RWBY gave out a pained and shocked look at what happened to the poor newborn.
Yoshi screams in terror and decides to retreat. After creating a good distance, Yoshi spots a Koopa. He grabs it with his tongue, put it in his mouth, and spits it at Riptor who counters the green projectile with his tail and sending it back. Yoshi shields himself into his own egg-shield which blocks the shell. Riptor attacks the egg shield which appears to withstand his attacks but after a few hits, the shell breaks and Yoshi is in another brutal combo that draws blood again.
RWBY believes Yoshi stands no chance.
Suddenly, Yoshi fights back.
Yoshi breaks the combo with his tail which knocked Riptor onto his back.
Announcer: C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker.
Yoshi uses his scuttle jump to get above his opponent and uses his ground pound on him. Riptor rolls back onto his feet and spits his acid. Yoshi unexpectedly EATS the acid, traps it in an egg and throws it back into Riptors face. Acid from the egg is all over Riptor's face as he screams in pain. Riptor tries to attack but Yoshi engulfs Riptor into his mouth, swallows him (with a bit of struggle) and lays the egg with Riptor inside it. The egg is launched out of Yoshi towards a cliff he is standing next to. Riptor manages to break free but it's too late. Riptor falls down the cliff and lands onto a pink car with flames decorated headfirst. Riptor lays in the wreckage with his legs sticking out and is not moving.
The huntresses just sat there in complete silence in disbelief with their jaws hitting the floor at everything that just happened so fast.
"A bloodthirsty raptor... lost to a cute looking dinosaur." Blake said in borderline monotone. Yang was slowly processing what just happened.
Weiss and Ruby jumped out their seats, screaming in joy and laughter that Yoshi won. They weren't expecting Yoshi to win, but they didn't care right now.
"Woo Hoo! Go Yoshi!" Ruby and Weiss were cheering for the green little guy.
They calmed down and listened to the results.
Boomstick: Nooo, my car!
Everyone laughed.
Wiz: Yoshi couldn't compete with Riptor's tough and brutal vicousness, but his varied arsenal ultimately produced a winning move.
"Versatility wins again!" Weiss shouted. She's a little bit excited right now. She so loves the little guy she wants to hug, so does Ruby.
Boomstick: Riptor's a freakin' beast in a fist fight, but while Yoshi looks all cute and stuff, he's actually a deadly, devouring machine, like my ex-wife!
Weiss scoffed at Boomstick's offending comment about his ex-wife. The other three glared at Boomstick, if he was there.
Wiz: That raptor mind of Riptor's may be cunning and clever, bit tooth and claw can only accomplish so much.
"Much like the Grimm." Said Blake. At least the Beowolves and Ursa are like that.
Wiz: Yoshi's bizarre digestive system rebounded the acid spit, blinding Riptor and leaving him vulverable.
Blake and Yang are wondering how can Yoshi withstand the acid by eating it.
Boomstick: Riptor may be smart, but Yoshi can drive cars. Show me another dinosaur who can do that.
Everyone laughed. It's weird watching a dinosaur drive a car.
Wiz: Even with a Velociraptor's strong sense of hearing and smell, Riptor's confused and vengeful mind wasn't able to process the change of tactics fast enough. Even so, he was already finished.
Boomstick: Even if that conveniently placed cliff haven't been there, Riptor would've lost his whole face pretty quick to the acid.
Thank goodness. That would've been agonizing.
Boomstick: He just didn't have the stomach for this dino-mite, dino-fight.
Weiss facepalmed again while Yang tried not to laugh despite the pun that sounds lame.
Wiz: *unamused* What?
Boomstick: I'm clever!
Wiz: The winner is Yoshi.
Everyone cheered for Yoshi.
Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle.
In the darkness they see a female figure. She... looks like a cat. A cat Faunus? This gave Blake the attention. The cat girl is standing there with her back turned. She has thick blue hair with white streaks and has white cat ears poking out of the hair. Her eyes are emerald green and has a white cat tail that's whipping back and forth. The most weird feature is that she's wearing no clothes and has bare skin but has white fur in swirling patterns on her back, stomach, lower abdomen and breasts. Her entire forearms, hands, legs and feet are completely covered in fur.
Then they see another figure but not much. A hoodie wearing girl who also has cat ears but her face under her hood has a sharp toothy smile and red eyes.
The Cat Girl turns.
Cat Girl: Meow.
Blake was intrigued to see combatants as cats which she is a cat Faunus herself. The other three are also intrigued.
Ruby puts the next disc in and hits play.
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