How do you imagine the pandavas to look?
I actually add something defective in every pandav, because i don't want it to be unreal.
I myself imagine-
Yudhishthira to be like very fair, porelain white. I find that as a defect in my imagination, because I imagine him like really fair. With ocean blue eyes and perfect features. I imagine his features extremely perfect because i said, i find his skin tone defective in my imagination. Maybe something like jisoo from blackpink or IU. I imagine his hair to be a light shade of blonde. Blonde hair is my fav. I choose blue eyes, because light skin means less melanin in your body, and blue eyes have the least melanin. The same thing goes with blonde hair.
Bheem to have a more darker skin tone compared to his elder brother but lighter to his other brothers, a wheatish and tanned skin tone, making it very attractive. I imagine him to have brown eyes. I usually see defect in his upper lip, which kinda becomes like a thin line when he smiles. Other things about him are perfect and he is more bulky compared to his brothers. I think of his hair like an ash brown.
I imagine arjun to also have a caramel skin tone, something i find only in him, sahadev and nakul. I personally find this skin tone most attractive, since most people are fair in France, this skin tone is very rare. I imagine him to have a like dark brown hair and black eyes. I don't find his eye colour very rare but it goes very well with his other perfect sharp features.
Nakul and sahadev. I think of them to also have a caramel skin tone but more golden-ish compared to arjun. I think of him and sahadev to have green eyes. Yeah, my bias to eye colours. I think of them to have black hairs. The defect i feel in them, is their black hair. It is a pretty common hair colour but it will go perfectly with their green eyes and caramel skin tone.
Okkk, enough ranting, comment what is your imagination of them.
I know these are not right at all, but this is just my imagination.
So, I know I updated after long, but it was Christmas season, There was so much going on. Buying presents, decorating homes and Christmas trees, shopping and stuff.
You get it.
So, I was really busy, and I really did not find time to update.
Anyways, there is a huge thing at the end of the chapter, any guesses?
What new drama to the story?
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Occasionally later Krishna left, the Pandavas sat together in a magnificent room when they heard the culling of a vina in the entry outside. The tone of that lute was so flawless and the playing so easy, so propelled, that Yudhishtira said, "It is Narada muni."
Karn washed the sacred one's feet and caused him to sit in a position of high standing. Narada's voice was energetic and his face a young fellow's; yet he was more seasoned than they could envision and they could tell as much from his surprising discussion. For instance, he would talk about Siva's wedding to Parvati as though it had happened yesterday; and, obviously, he had been there. So additionally, antiquated legends those sovereigns had heard from their masters: Narada talked about them with simple commonality; he had witnessed everything.
He talked with the Pandavas like a close buddy, however, the rulers realized their splendid visitor was bound neither by time nor place and voyaged uninhibitedly through both, as he loved.
Arjun called for Draupadi, so she could have Narada's blessing. At the point when she came, Narada favored, "How wonderful she is! How great. May she stay like this forevermore."
Draupadi bowed before him and he favored her tenderly. At the point when she had gone, Narada sew his temple and became smart. Yudhishtira inquired, "Has something upset you, my ruler?"
"I was reminded of Sunda and Upasunda."
"Who are they?"
"Not are. Were. They are, unfortunately, dead." He fell quiet once more, realizing somebody would squeeze him to let them know more.
Sahadeva obliged. "For what reason would you say you were helped to remember them seeing Draupadi?"
There was work to be taken care of here and the Lord's responsibilities were generally so sensitive. He should proceed cautiously. They should never realize that he had met Krishna yesterday and the Dark One had sent him to Indraprastha.
Krishna had said, go visit my cousins and their flawless city.
So here he was in Indraprastha, moaning. He shook his head and said, "They were siblings very much like you and they adored each other very however much I see you five do. In any case, the two of them experienced passionate feelings for a similar lady. She was excellent and darker looking, similar to your Panchali. She was a gandharvi called Tilottama." He turned down the volume, "And they killed each other as a result of her, however they had consented to share her adoration."
The Pandavas shuddered. Narada continued, insouciantly, "The difficulty started when one day Upasunda, the more youthful sibling, strolled into Sunda's bedchamber and saw his sibling and Tilottama having intercourse. He was unable to bear it and, later that very evening, provoked Sunda to a duel. Later a bleeding battle, Sunda killed Upasunda. However at that point, he was astonished by what he had done and ran his blade through his own heart."
The Pandavas sat as though they were made of stone. Realizing he had their consideration, Narada said, "You five siblings likewise share one lady and such a wonderful lady. You should be cautious she doesn't turn into the accidental reason for your run in among yourselves. For, my valuable rulers, you are the specialists of an extraordinary predetermination. Furthermore it would not do if you somehow managed to battle each other, rather than the underhanded ones who are your foes."
Dhriti gritted her teeth baffled "Simply think how satisfied Duryodhana and Shakuni would be, assuming you five were to drop out over Draupadi. You would go about their responsibilities for themselves and they could run a world with nobody in it to go against them." She turned down the volume even further, tending to every one of the 5 siblings. "Keep in mind, as long as you stand together you are strong. Assuming you are partitioned, your adversaries will chop you down rapidly.
Karn additionally developed frantically when he understood that Dhriti seemed OK as he began. "Nobody is saying there is a desire in your souls, or that you contrast yourselves with each other. What I in all actuality do say is that you are not normal men, by far. The fate of the world relies upon you five and you should watch yourselves against the most improbable possibilities.
Arjuna asked confronting Narad, "Let us know how, Muni."
"I have a way. Yet, you should generally endorse it, since it is a hard way."
Bheema said, "Let us know it, Narada."
"I propose that every one of you, starting with Yudhishtira, saves your dim sovereign for a year. During that year, she will be only the spouse of one sibling. Assuming anybody interferes with their security during that year, the gatecrasher should go on a tirtha-yatra for a long time and not see Panchali for that time."
"We are as of now doing that, and she is with bhaiya." Sahadev said confounded.
"That implies that she is just spouse to one sibling for an entire year, I need you to add that." Narad said genuinely.
The Pandavas looked at each other. Yudhishtira said, "We will do as you say, Muni. Favor us so we might be solid."
Karn and Dhriti smiled at how daring the 5 siblings were.
Narada did as such and, having achieved what he came for, the vagrant was on his way again, happy as could be. Insight about her spouses' determination came to Draupadi, who went into the petition space to request the Gods' approval for them all. Then, at that point, she moved into Yudhishtira's wing of the royal residence for the primary year being just his significant other, furtively she was thankful for him being first.
Indeed, she would have been more joyful on the off chance that she had arjun first yet she adored every one of them similarly and yudhishthira required her, he needed her more than anyone else, he needed help with his mental trauma, he had seen pain excessively. He needed to stop self-harm.
His words rang in her ear-
The blade sings to me. Faintly, so soft against my ears, its voice calms my worries and tells me that one touch will take it all away. It tells me that I just need to slide a long horizontal cut and make a clean slice. It tells me the words that I have been begging to hear: this will make it ok.
I make myself bleed and it feels good. It eases the pressure inside me, but it never lasts for long.
They had not talked about it since that night, the first night with him.
While thinking this and moving through the corridors gracefully, she oh-so-gracefully collided with arjun, Great.
"Uhh, hello." Arjun stuttered.
Draupadi immediately fell out of her trance as she looked at him, her old feelings resurfacing, but she had accepted fate as it came.
Her head immediately bowed, if she could stare into his eyes any longer, she would forget everything and dance with him among the stars.
"When I met you
You felt only mine.." the words escaped her lips before she could do anything.
"Life happened, life happened. Sometimes we just walk away and say, It's my love. I love you. I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then." Arjun said with a smile while his heart was ripped as he cupped her face and made her look up, as he tucked a strand behind her ear.
Draupadi found herself choked, she was faithful, as she moved a step back, against the yearning of her heart. She was his elder brothers for this year. She was not going to betray him by letting arjun touch her face. Arjun understood that very well, as he pulled his hand back with a sad smile, his expression mirrored by Draupadi.
"I will always be yours." She said softly.
"You know our heart is like an arrow, It demands aim to land true." He said attempting to lighten the atmosphere, but his humour was dry.
"And this arrow was jumping and skipping when she saw gandhivdhari. " Draupadi said bluching carefully not initiating any contact.
"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride." Arjun whispered again as he let out his feelings before turning around and grinding his teeth and leaving the room.
Draupadi just stood there shocked and flustered.
"Getting too comfortable?" She heard a soft, sarcastic voice from behind.
She did not need to know who was it, she knew that calm voice yet she turned.
"It is not how it seems." She said trying to comfort him, but his face was too neutral.
"Why don't you move to his residence, I am not a big fan of keeping 2 lovers apart." His voice was dripping with sarcasm.
"Aarya, just listen once-" Draupadi tried to explain but he just raised his hand signalling her to stop.
"I knew very well we can't have the relationship everyone wants us too have, but I thought we could be friends, but that is clearly not an option." He said his voice even more sarcastic.
"I was here to ask you, if you wanted to be my empress for Mathura." A hollow laugh followed.
"Aarya, I can't help it, I am trying my best. I will do anything to be yours. Trust me- for just once." Draupadi said her voice laid with pleading.
He just shook his head coldly; she did not know he was capable of being so cold and sarcastic.
"No you don't mean it." He laughed again coldly. "Every time I think something is mine. It isn't. I always loose everything. I was a fool, who thought I could have your company, if not romantically, atleast emotionally. I knew you were more than I deserve, yet I held on to the tiny hope, maybe I don't need to face everything alone. That night when you helped me, it was the first time someone ever left such an impact on me. Everyone always wanted me to be perfect, to be a flawless Dharmaraj, but you." His voice choked "you, were ever the first one to accept me with my insecurities, my flaws. I forced myself to laugh when it hurt to smile so no one ever worries I was not okay, I tended to others when I was struggling myself, but- but I let you in, even after knowing I did not deserve an angel like you, my brother had won you, but still you were forced to marry all of us. I was a fool to think you accepted it."
"Aarya Yudhishthira, just once, listen to me. I am sorry, I did not know you overheard it all." Draupadi said.
"So you would be ok, with doing it if I did not hear it." Yudhishthira and for a second he sounded so broken, so broken as a vase that was shattered to a million pieces, Draupadi felt bad for what she did, she let herself get carried away.
"No. No. I did not mean it like that. I just don't want to hurt you." Draupadi said shaking her head frantically.
"You never cared Panchal Kumari, you never will about me." He said as her voice got lost in her throat.
He just looked at her for a long time, before walking away from there.
Draupadi just stood there, again placing her hand on her face where arjun cupped her face, the tingling feeling still there, the pure joy, then she saw yudhishthira, she was supposed to be his, she just needed some time to be his completely. She couldn't just wake up and stop loving arjun and start loving arjun? She just needed some time, but till then she would fulfil all her duties as a chaste wife to her best.
All of this was killing her as she whispered in her head, the eternal lord's name, Krishna.
Suddenly, she heard a divine voice inside her head, the voice she knew all too well "He's not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn't going to quote poetry, he's not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don't hurt him, don't change him, and don't expect for more than he can give. Don't analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he's not there."
She smiled finally at the lord's words, she knew she needed to pick his heart up and mend it, she was not perfect, he was neither but they can try for sure.
She walked elegantly towards his wing and she reached his chamber, there were no guards outside, she knew it too well, her eldest husband did not like keeping guards at this hour.
She knocked on the large ornate doors but there was no answer, she called out his name but no answer, then she decided to give up the poise as she tried to open it herself but found it locked, she grew frantic, there were no guards nearby.
Finally, she took out a hairpin and out of concern she managed to open it but the sight in front of her send her blood cold. Out of everyone else, she had never thought this of him.
There was a silhouette of another girl on HIS bed, and he was sitting near her head.
Both with all curtains and windows closed and the door locked, on his bed.
All she could do was imagine different scenarios of what could have happened and the different positions they would have been in. Somehow, it made her rage with jealousy.
Her mind told her, that she just declared her lover for his brother so his act was justified of having another girl on his bed.
She tried to calm herself saying, he was Dharmaraj, he would never do that, but could there be any other explanation?
Here she was thinking, she was the unfaithful one, for loving arjun. She did not even let him touch her and here he was with another girl on his bed, god knows doing what alone, in a room, locked, probably sharing fluids.
They must have felt each other up already.
What happened to yudhishthira?
Why was he sitting near the head of a girl on his bed with the door locked?
I added Ardi, because, you can't just wake up loving someone else. Arjun and Draupadi are also humans and they have their flaws.
Draupadi, she is trying her best to love Yudhishthira and Arjun is also trying his best to be a good brother, so please no hate comments.
They are humans too.
Did Yudhishthira and that girl feel each other up already or no?
Or was there some other reason?
What else did you figure out?
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