Moments to treasure
"Draupadi will be here in sometime. She is very talented aarya, it is time for her swyamwar. She loves cooking, our daughter is extremely talented. We are really proud of her, she knows all the household chores and handles them immaculately," my mother kept on chanting praises about me.
"Draupadi, come here my child. We are planning your swayamwar." my mother called out for me.
I stood there inside the kitchen, my hands clenched on the curtains tightly. I wished that the whole world comes to cease, except me and I could escape somewhere far away from all this. Yes, I had turned 21 and according to my parents it's the ideal age for a girl to get married. My birth purpose was to marry arjuna, I can't say I hate him because he owns my heart even though I never met him. I had heardabout people getting trapped in this drama of marriage. Where few adjusted, few cribbed still adjusted and few gave up and lived life with no meaning. But, no one was happy that was common in all. I am not against marriage nor even the concept behind it. I have been born and brought up in an environment where marriage is a big deal for the family. My birth purpose was to marry, but was I ready for it yet?
So, this was ought to happen and I don't blame my parents completely.
"Drau come dear. Oh, so sorry I think she's busy arranging the ladoo." my mother says hesitatingly. I could hear Maa calling me out, but my feet were just glued to the floor, I just didn't want to put up in front in my swayamwar planning . My Maa excused herself and rushed inside the kitchen to look for me. "Draupadi, what's wrong? Why aren't you coming outside? We are planning your swayamwar.. Don't be shy," Maa said.
"Shy? I am not shy Maa, you remember I spoke to you about this last night. I am not ready to get married. This is like I am going to give an exam unprepared Maa. Please understand, I can't do this. Don't let me fall into this pit. The world scenarios have changed," I said.
"Drau, please relax. It's going to be all fine soon. Atleast come and attend the plannings.. Please don't embarrass us like this beta. You know how much respect your Baba has earned in the society. Don't let him down, if not now then when will you settle? It is your age to marry, what will the society say?" said Maa.
'Settle' this word really gets on to my nerves. You educate yourselves, why can't girls eduate themselves? According to me you are never settled at any point of life. You move on witnessing every phase of life and its vivid forms.
"Bhaiya, where is he Maa? I need him, you know I can't do this without him," I said. My 2 minutes older twin.
"He's on his way, he'll be here any moment. Till then atleast come out.
"Pranaam ptaji, I was busy. Sorry for being late." said Dhritadyumn said in the court.
Yes it was Dhritadyumn who entered and greeted everyone. The lifeline of our home and someone very close to my heart, my sweet and smart twin.
"Drau, go outside why are you standing here, see your dream boy is will be there at your swayamwar." he said with a humorous tone.
"Dhrishtadyumn, please I am in no mood to joke around brother. You know this is not my cup of tea yet. Why don't you do something about it.?" with angst and worry in my voice I said to him. Everyone in the court was staring at me.
"Drau, don't worry I am here for you. You will go out with your wings open and make all your dreams come true. Amidst all this that is pouring, let it. Life will put forth many tests, all you need to do is face the challenge and come out winning. I believe in your visions and I am sure you are going to paint the canvas of your life more perfectly, rather than getting married right now," said Drishtadyumn with so much confidence in his voice.
"Sis, please come here and sit with us. I am sure Baba will understand us. We will only do what is best for you..," he said.
So much deliberation and concern in Dritadyumn's views boosted my confidence as well. I remember memories, how I snuggled him in the bed and shared bedtime stories, how we explored the world together, we never had a childhood but still we stumbled through everything together. All these memories flashed in front of my eyes. Like first ray of the sun beams through the window and lightens up the entire house. Nostalgia took a turn to a whole different level. The companionship between brother and sister, displayed it's astounding colours and played its saga in the most blemish free way.
Baba's eyes turned teary, he realised that how important it is for every girl to fulfill all her life's purpose. My purpose was to establish dharma I was told and marriage was important for that. My brother, he made sure he takes care of me in every walk of life. This feeling and whole conversation, filled my heart with so much content and I felt so elated. To have a brother like this, who makes sure you aren't in wrong hands, who knows your aspirations, who believes in you is bewildering.
"Baby girl, no matter where you are, in whatever situation, never feel left out. We as a family are always there for you," said Everyone, the courtiers, my parents, my brother, everyone... These words will be something I shall treasure forever.
I cried writing this, how was it?
Was it too boring?
Plus, we are sooooooooooooooooo close to 10k reads!!!!!!! If we reach there with this chapter next chapter will be the twist or else few more chapters before it..
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