Hidden truths
I was really disappointed with the response to this chapter, people wanted karna truth reveal but there was absolutely no enthusiasm.. What happened? Was it not up to your expectations??
Next update only after 20 votes..
''I am in love with your son, she said staring at the ground blushing as bheem looked at her with wide eyes before looking down blushing crimson red..
Kunti looked at Bheema and he blushed and looked away. The other Pandavas smiled. Kunti said, "Well, it seems Bheema would like to make you his wife. But we cannot stay here forever, we have to leave"
Blinking away tears she said.." then I give my word to you that please stay till the birth of mine and bheem's first kid after which you guys can leave...I will not stop you all."
At this kunti smiled contently, she knew this woman was strong and loved her son..
As the other pandavas held the limp and blushing bheem in their arms while continusally teasing him.. as wedding bells started ringing and the day of their wedding also came..
The wedding was finished with great pomp with the rakshas rituals.
The next day after their wedding
Kunti lit 5 lamps as she did her evening pooja. Hidimba noticed this and asked the pandavas what was she doing..
"Mata does this pooja every year." Arjun replied..
"We don't know why though." Sahadev replied as hidimba..
While bheem was caught staring at hidimba whose trance was broken by the fake cough of nakul... and he looked down blushing..
While hidimba excused herself and went to meet kunti...
"Ma, why do you light 5 lamps, 4 for your sons but why another, is it for... for... bhrata... yu.. Yudhishthira?" she shuddered at the last part, she knew he was a sensitive subject..
"Why would I? Lighting a lamp for a dead person would bring death to my other sons. He is dead now and I need to accept that..He was past and now this present, I can't risk the future of my sons in his memory, for him I am not playing with the lives of my other 5 sons.." she said crying in hidimba's arms.. she tried to be hostile and cover up...she could not let anyone know
"5 sons?" hidimba asked, she knew something was wrong...
"Wait did I say 5 sons? Why would I??" kunti said...
"Ma, don't lie.. I can read minds.. I knew since you stepped your foot here. I know abt karna." Hidimba said in a comforting tone as kunti broke down..
"I was a virgin when that happened, I could not keep him so I flowed him down in ganga... What would have happened to my reputation, my father's reputation? People would call me characterless." She sobbed as hidimba provided her silent comfort..
"Why don't you accept him now.." came hidimba's bold question..
"No way, I can't , my sons will hate me, he will be called illegimate, the society will have another way to push out and exile my sons. And I already lost Yudhishthira..." she said sobbing harder..
"Ma, the truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward. Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. I think that the power is the principle. I guess the end of Bhrata Yudhishthira is beginning of Bharta karna.
We need to move on. And embrace the future. Also he is no more, thinking of him will get you no where. Leave him in past and move on. Moving forward in life is a necessity in order to experience personal growth and change. As humans, we tend to stay in places that make us feel safe and comfortable however it's when you move outside of that comfort zone, all the magic happens.
Moving on can be hard but once you make the decision, you will see how you create a path for so many new and exciting things to enter your life that would never have happened if you didn't make a change and move on!"
"Yeah, His memories are something I will treasure forever.." Kunti said hopefully.
"Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself. Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny." Hidimba replied as she faintly smiled.
This was the first time kunti was discussing yudhi's death openly..
"You are right putri, I am blessed to have you."
"Do you consider karna a mistake.." hidimba changed the topic while kunti was at a loss of words.
"No, no way, he evoked the motherhood in me, if I could do it all again, I would never abandon him.. he is not a mistake but leaving him is a mistake.." kunti said hastily wiping her tears..
"The greatest mistake you can make is to believe that you have to do everything on your own power. Do not assume that asking for help or guidance is to admit defeat. In fact, it is just the opposite. To ask for help or to accept help to accomplish a goal is to also ingrain into your own spirit that you will help others over obstacles or hurdles as well." hidimba asked looking straight at kunti before continuing..
"Face it and rise, ma. Let the sun shine on kuruvansh in the form of his son.. Weeping for bhrata yudhi and not accepting karn is not right. Don't cry because he is dead, smile because he was once here, that is what he would have wanted.. When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. If karn is not a mistake, reveal his truth now. How long do you want to deprieve him of what he deserves..?" she ended.
"Ma, is angraj karn your son??" the broken voice of arjun came as the both women turned around to see the 4 pandavas with tears streaming down their eyes...
"Yes.." kunti replied with a broken tone..
"When were you planning to tell us ma? " nakul asked as he fell on his knees..
"Why did you hide the truth, why would we hate you? Don't you trust us at all? What did we do to deserve this" We ridiculed him, if we knew we would have worshipped him...." sahadev fired his questions...
But bheem only looked at hidimba with betrayal in his eyes.. as he whispered to her.." you knew.."..
Hidimba looked down, she could not have told anyone, it was not her secret to share.. And if she told bheem and kunti decided to not reveal. It would be a mess.
Yeah, leaving you guys with suspense.. cause I am evil.. now bye... next update will be late...
How were hidimba's lectures?? It was really hard to put it all together..
How will the pandavas react?
What will kunti answer?
Will they accept him?
What will the society say?
What will be yuddhi's reaction when this gets out?
How will kuru royals take it?
There are so many questions... answer in comments what you guys think.........
Also you guys might be wondering why i gave such quick updates... The thing is, I wanted to leave you all at a very major pot twist so yeah.. My exams are staring so no more updates......
NOTE- Duryodhana shall be portrayed as an evil freind who will leave karns cause the story needs to go on, the dice hall and kurukshetra have to happen.. so karn and duryo friendship admirers im sorry, but this is it.
If you liked the chapter please vote and comment it makes my whole day...
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