A/N- Nothing to say, except enjoy this chapter, it is very joyful and awaited, at the same time it is very long, so read the whole chapter.
You all need to spam my comments, and don't forget to vote, it takes few seconds.
Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.
It's been almost three months since they all shifted to Indraprasth and Karn became the king of Indraprasth. Things have not been very tough but also not very easy. They all were still learning.
Druapadi and Yudhishthiras's relationship was now like one ideal husband and wife, they still had 7 more months for their year to complete. Draupadi was more than happy with her life now. She adjusted well with it.
The six brothers were more than happy with each other. Now, Karna didn't feel like an outsider. Everything was smooth with him and his brothers. His brothers respected and loved him to no end. Yudhishthira was still given special care because the attack had weakened him severely, though he kept saying he was back to normal, they saw how exhausted he would get from short errands.
Vrushali and Draupadi became more like sisters. Though they didn't get to talk much about things but they both learnt a lot from each other. Though Vrushali was elder, she never hesitated in learning from Draupadi and this quality of Vrushali surprised Draupadi, the hunger to learn. The lights of the palace were the kids of Karn, vrishasena, amelia and the youngest vrishketu. Vrishsena was relatively a quitter child compared to the other 2.
For Draupadi, things were a bit different. She knew nothing about the rules and regulations, she didn't know how to be the queen and run the kingdom. She was still in her learning phase. But her husband was always there for her. They didn't really got time for each other since they became the king and the queen. Now, they would either talk only about work or would fall asleep in each other's embrace. But still, they didn't feel like they were drifting apart. They were just in a new phase of their lives and were going as strong as ever.
Right now, Karn sat with Yudhishthir and Sahadev in the study, discussing about the new council which will come into use after the rajsuya yagya was done. Karn had very successfully blackmailed yudhishthira, into being the Samrat once it was over.
"Jyesht, Bhrata Karna will be announced as the president (mahamahim) . Bhrata bheem will be the yuvraj. What about others?" Sahadev asked.
"Arjun will be the commander in chief of the army along with dhriti and tehy will take care of the army. From the maintenance of the weapons to everything. Nakul will be incharge of the things inside the kingdom. He'll see if the rules and regulations are followed properly or not, maintenance of the farms, cattles, everything. Vrushali Bhabi will look into schemes for betterment of commoners." Yudhishthir stated while Karn read some scroll.
"And who will be the caretaker of the economy and finance?" Sahadev said as Aahana looked at him.
"Yudhi, I have a suggestion."
"Go on Jyesth." Yudhishthir said as he diverted his attention to his elder brother.
"Give it to Draupadi, she is well trained in finance and economics." Karn said as Yudhi noted it down.
"Bhaiya, I must say, you are intelligent." Sahadev said and Karn a threw a pillow at him.
"You are right jyesth, we should give the responsibility of finance department to Draupadi. She is also a part of our family and giving her this position in the council will also help in telling people that women are also as efficient as men." Yudhishthir said and sighed when he saw the other two were busy bickering ignoring him.
"What do you mean? I was dumb back then?" Karn said and sahadev laughed.
"Yes, totally!" Sahadev said sticking out his tongue.
"Guys, I think jyesth is right we should give the responsibility to-" yudhi tried but karn and sahadev didn't listen.
"You nasty little kid." Karn said as he threw another pillow which sahadev ducked.
"I am not a kid." Sahadev said as he glared at karn.
"Should I write it down that We give the responsibility-" Yudhi tried again.
"Then who are you?" Karn asked in a fun sarcastic tone.
"You see, I am a great matchmaker." Sahadev said with a smirk.
Arjun was now standing at the door witnessing the chaos with fun, though his precense went unnoticed.
"Dev, who said you were the one who matched arjun and Subhadra?" Karn asked with a smirk.
"Obviously, it was me, didn't I just say it?" Sahdev said levelling karn's look.
"No, it was me!" Karn glared harder as arjun stood there embarrassed as he thought of the beautiful princess of dwaraka.
"Guys, I think we should give Draupadi the responsibility." Yudhi said but was ignored again.
"NO! You always take credit for the things I do!" Sahadev pouted.
"WELL-" Karn began but was cut off.
"Can I please speak?" They all turned to the source of the voice and found a very flushed arjun.
"Go on Jun, tell dev who is the boss here." Karn encouraged as he sticked out his tongue to Sahadev.
"First of all none of you get the credit of getting me to fall for the princess and second of all, NO ONE here is boss of anyone." Arjun said trying to control the chaos.
"Oh come on" sahadev said as karn interjected "I object, it was me who matched you both."
"Didn't you guys hear what I just said, none gets the credit of matching me with her and No one here is the boss of anyone!" Arjun said again as the other two stuck out their tongue and shook their head negatively.
"We did not." Sahadev stated laughing.
"DAMMIT, CAN'T YOU GUYS JUST SAY OKAY ALREADY!" yudhi said frustrated as those three immediately stopped and nodded like kids.
Karn "Okay."
Sahadev 'Okay."
Arjun "Okay."
"Now that is better." Yudhi sighed and got back to work.
"Wait, if bhrata arjun and dhriti are the commander in chiefs, nakul is the charge of internal affairs of the kingdom, panchaali is the charge of finance and economics, bhabi vrushali is the charge of looking into welfare schemes for commoners, bhrata bheem is the Yuvraj, jyesth is president ,What am I then?" Sahadev asked.
"You are nothing. You just sit here and count the stars." Karn joked as Sahdev pouted. Yudhi gave a levelled glare to karn and sahdev as they both immediately shut their mouth.
"Sahadev, you are my right hand anuj. All my decisions and orders will never be taken without your suggestion." Yudhishthir said keeping a hand on his brother's shoulder.
"Which means Sahadev, you are yudhi's wife. Haww?" Karn joked joked as Sahadev whined.
"My bhabi!" Arjun said sitting down.
"And my sister in law, we will deck you up very well." Karn teased.
"You guys will be the death of me." Yudhi said as everyone got back to work.
"Yudhi we should leave now, we need to look into indraprasth's affairs, you need to rest." Karn said as the they all left leaving him alone.
"And yes, Draupadi is waiting for you there, she has something to tell you, so don't delay." Arjun said a happy smile dancing on his lips.
"She is back from Panchal?" Yudhi asked elated as the others nodded with a smile on their face.
"She came in the afternoon, but we could not tell you because you were in an important meeting with ministers." Sahdev said as yudhi finished signing the last royal document.
(Can anyone guess what she called him for?)
Tranquil silence lingered in the corridors as yudhishthira walked on the silken carpets laid near his and his queen's chamber. He caught a glimpse of the sky from the window, the sky turned to a light, dusky purple littered with tiny silver stars. Bursts of gold on lavender melting into saffron. It's the time of day when the sky looks like it has been spray-painted by a graffiti artist. A smile graced his lips as he stepped inside his chamber.
His chamber was semi dark as the soothing smell of sandalwood, as he took a sharp breath, and turning his gaze to the bed he was awestruck. Draupadi, with a shy smile gracing her lips as she played with her hair nervously. She had to be the most beautiful creation of lord, her entrancing beauty falls nothing short of absolute magnificent creation.
"Aarya." She said shyly before averting her gaze, as yudhishthira's heart fluttered for a while.
"Paanchali." He said as she felt the mattress sink beside her as his warrior palm cupped her. She felt his touch as she remembered the night they let go of all control and united completely as her cheeks turned ruby red.
"Aarya, I am ill." She said before mentally facepalming herself, that is the worst way to tell someone. He grew frantic as he examined her.
"Panchaali, what happened to you? Do you need something? Was the weather too bad? I should have sent someone to pick you up, it is all my fault, your brother had to drop you. I am so sorry, I was so stupid. Should I call the doctor. Wait no, let me call nakul and sahadev, but they must be busy, No, they can make time for you-" He continued rambling, Draupadi found him really cute and wanted to pinch his cheeks. She put her finger on his luscious lips silencing him.
"I am no longer a girl." She said as she saw him go pale, as she found herself mentally facepalming herself, can she be more stupid.
She did not even want to know what was going on his mind as she immediately corrected herself, "Now I am a woman." She said as she saw relief flood his face. It was almost comical.
This was the moment to tell him, the moment she had been waiting for since forever, but suddenly doubts filled her,
Is it too early?
What if he does not want kids so soon?
What if he saw her pregnancy as a burden on him during the rajsuya yagya preparation?
What if he did not want his eldest child from her?
The what ifs kept flooding her as she remembered her mothers' words- Doubts will flood you when you finally face him, but believe in him. She took a deep breath and calmed herself.
She took his hand and placed it on her belly as he got lost in her kohl laid eyes, "My God. Your eyes. How have I never noticed them?" he said breathlessly, his voice seductive.
"What about them?" She asked as she tried to recover from how seductive his tone was, it sent butterflies in her stomach. Why does he have such an unnerving effect on me? His over-whelming good looks maybe? The way his eyes blaze at me? The way he strokes his index finger against his lower lip.
"The color," he breathed. "They're amazing... like night sky splattered with pearls and pulled together with silken threads adorned with the most precious diamonds. I could paint those..." He reached toward me but then pulled back. "They're beautiful. You're beautiful."
He melted her with it as she looked down at his hand on her belly, as he snapped out of his reverie as he also looked at her with questioning eyes. She blushed remembering their deeds before he was attacked.
"You are going to be a father." She said softly as he became numb, for a minute he didn't move as doubts crossed her mind again, the music of the pulses could be heard piercing the tranquility. She opened her mouth to say something, But he put a finger on her lips. "I have never felt so completely, wholly, utterly happy, let me absorb this." He said his voice more than enough to show his ecstasy.
"No one has ever given me such a beautiful news, I can't breathe," He said before lifting her up in bridal style and he twirled on his heel. He looked radiant.
"I love you, I love you so much!" He said, she blushed, he was rarely open with his affection.
He wanted to yell from the rooftops yet just hold her hand and sit beside her. The sense of euphoria filled him in a way he had never felt before.
"I can never give you anything which can ever equate the felicity you filled me with, no words can describe my joy, OH my god! I, I am rendered speech less (author's pov- despite being speechless he continued talking nonstop for fifteen minutes)" he said dazed as she crashed her lips on his, for the first time, he deepened the kiss not her, they kept on going until their lungs burnt with jealousy. He pulled back yet continued to suck her lower lip softly.
"It will be a baby Draupadi." He suddenly declared before falling back on the bed and swinging his legs in a very kiddish manner making Draupadi giggle.
"No, I want a baby yudhi!" Draupadi argued imagining how cute baby yudhi would be when grown up yudhi is this cute.
"No, it will be baby Draupadi." He said sticking out his tongue.
"What makes u so sure?" She asked raising her eyebrow.
"Fatherly instincts." He shrugged making her pinch his cheeks and him blush at her act.
It reminded her of one of her most treasured incidents with him-
They were sitting side by side under the moonlight with Yudhishthira looking at the moon and Draupadi playing with his curls.
"You know, one day I will love another girl more than you and get on my knees in front of her." He said making her look at him with tears.
"o..oh.. ohk.. who is... who is she?" she asked with tears as yudhi continued looking at the sky.
"I will kneel to make her wear her shoes and she will call you ma." He said making her smile as she hugged him from the side, and he put a caring arm around her.
"You should sleep, it is late, and from today, you should do no work." He said as he lifted her up again and made her lie down and he covered her with silken sheets.
"Aarya, you should also come, you are still weak." She said pulling him down too as she snuggled in his warm chest. Tomorrow, they had to tell everyone.
How was the chapter?
What was your fav part?
Did you like the chapter?
What was the worst part?
Will it be a boy or a girl?
Do you support dhriti?
Any name ideas for both genders (cause i am not sure what gender i will choose)?
Who was looking wistfully at dhriti?
Plus some stupid questions
Does anyone listen to blackpink? Because face claim for Dhriti is jennie from blackpink.
Is it true that some Indian hacked bts suga's spotify?
Did you know that someone from justice family aka justin bieber's team got covid?
And shoo shoo, go listen to this song, it is amazing-
The cut that always bleeds by conan gray
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