Chapter four
I finished up at work and started to walk home, it had started raining during the afternoon and didn't look like it was going to clear up.
"You sure you don't want a ride home this time?" Brandon asked as we started to leave. He always asked if I wanted one even if I always said no.
"No, I'm fine, thanks, though!" I didn't want Brandon to my meet parents, while they might be horrible I didn't want to go into foster care!
"You sure?" He asked as the rain started to get worse.
"Yeah, I'll be fine, a little rain never hurt anyone!" I said quickly walking away before he could say anything else.
I had walked about a mile in the pouring rain, then I regretted my decision to not ride with Brandon. Maybe I should have taken his offer, but it was too late now! I still had five miles to go, this was going to be fun... Then to make things worse it started to hail, great! Just great!
"You still don't want a ride?" I heard a voice beside me say. Brandon had come back for me after it started to hail, I had been too busy trying to protect myself from the hail and the loud rain had it impossible to hear so I hadn't noticed his car pulling up beside me.
"I'll take the ride now!" I said, teeth chattering from the cold rain.
"Where to?" He said, probably laughing to himself.
"Continue down this street for a mile then turn left, then go down there for 4 miles," I said, doing my best, and failing, to keep this car dry.
"You don't have to worry about getting the car wet!" He said smiling at me. We drove the rest of the way in silence, another thing I liked about him, he didn't have to constantly talk.
"We're here, thanks a ton! see you next week?"
"Yeah, I don't work tomorrow."
"Ok, bye!" I said running into the apartment as quickly as possible.
I walked in and looked around, no one was there. As far as I could tell both my parents were gone. I went to my room, put my headset on and started up the game. I logged on in Vincent's house and opened up my quest book. I needed to head west towards the moor, that was where the old man who would tell me more about the boss.
I retraced my steps to get back to the other side of the city where the peasantry lived. I went from roof to roof, my black armor and the grey semi-darkness that always enveloped the city hiding me from the clockwork soldiers below. The rain started to fall harder, it reminded me of Brandon and the real world. But I quickly made myself forget, I had to live in this world, for now, that is how I am so good. I had to forget the other world and just live in this one. This world is real, not the other world.
I crossed over the wall and headed to the pub. I hadn't traveled very far out of the city so I was sure what would be best to use. I walked into the pub and went over to the table where all the assassins sat when they were waiting on quests.
"Hey, Blake!" Sonja called from the table, I noticed there was someone new. He looked like he hadn't even had his first quest yet looking from his armor, or lack of.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing much, how'd your quest go?"
"Good, and I got a new quest. Have you ever been outside the city?" I asked wanting to get this quest underway as soon as possible.
"No, those quests are incredibly rare! Also, I wanted to introduce you to James, he's a newbie."
"Nice to meet you, James, I'm Blake," I said shaking his hand.
"So, I hear you're one of the best," James said with a smile that for some reason made me rather uncomfortable.
"Well, that depends on what you count as the best."
"I count the best player as being the highest level."
"Just because someone has a higher level doesn't mean they are better, it just means they grind more. A newbie like yourself could be better at playing the game but just haven't gotten as high of a level. But yes, I am the highest level player."
"Are you a philosophy major?" He said laughing a bit.
"Nope." With that I went over to one of the barmaids to see what the best mode of transportation.
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