We both fell silent, glaring at each other for a while.
"Prepare to be wooed." He sighed.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes "Okay Casanova. Let's not try and emotionally blackmail me into telling you anything."
"There.." He snarled pointing at me.
"That fucking attitude right there is what makes me so angry with you! I just want to squeeze the spiteful out of you! Someone has made you like this! Who?!"
"I was born this way fuckwad. Just leave me alone and you can keep that pecker of yours away from me!" I snapped spinning on my heels.
I was pulled back around and kissed hard making me moan and shove him away.
"Stop!" I shouted annoyed at him.
Only the annoyance was slipping and I needed to keep it if I wanted to keep my problems to myself.
"Something I've always found fascinating about you? Is how your eyes always tell a different story than your mouth." He smirked.
"What are you? Certified reader in body language? Well read this!" I flipped him off making his smile widen.
"Stop smiling! You're annoying!" I huffed.
"Tell me you don't feel anything for me?" He challenged folding his arms.
"Sure I feel annoyance, hatred, anger and violence right now! I'm going back to my hotel. Just stay here and play with the shadows."
"I'll follow you." He answered matter of factly.
"Okay we shared a roll around what twice? Now you're going all attempts of stalker on me."
"Who made you the way you are? Towards men that is?"
I sighed.. "His name was nunya."
"Yeah, none ya damn business! Today was fun but this is the end of the road.... Creeper."
"Maria." I turned to find him gone.
"Asshole." I muttered and took a step forward hitting into his chest.
"Surprise. Did he cheat on you?" He questioned.
"If you were a dog.. I'd have you put down." I said to him and then looked at Gracie.
"No offence baby girl."
"There." He pointed to my face.
"What?" I snapped.
"He got you Logan."
I took in a breath and let it out slowly. So what if he did.
"He got you Logan. But when he left he threatened to take him. That's why you and Logan were thick as thieves. You took him everywhere with you." Zak answered.
"Drop it." I growled.
"He was nasty to you.. What about?"
"Zak I swea-"
"You didn't put out? Or maybe you did and he made a mockery out of you?"
"I want to stamp on your face." I slid into the conversation.
He smiled "Every single time you're nasty.. It only confirms my answers to the questions."
I pushed past him and grabbed the door to unlock it.
"I'm telling Aaron. As soon as you leave I'll tell him. I'll sing like a canary and I know he's on a date. You'll ruin it." He spoke.
Seriously.. I'm going to put his head in the aquarium in a minute.
"Why would you want to ruin his night?" I asked.
"Because he cares for you. So make your move."
"I'll tell him you're lying."
"Really? Who's he gonna believe? Secret Sally? Or me? Who's told him the truth."
Maybe he had a point. Fuck!
"Fine!" I shouted stalking past him and shoulder barging him.
"So feisty." He whispered.
I stood in his living room and waited for him.
"Sit down and shut up." I ordered.
I glared at him making him sit down with a pout.
"My mum was tested... Everyone carries the BRCA gene. Type one and two... One of those genes have a mutation that causes breast cancer. My auntie, she was diagnosed. They tested my mum and then found a lump.. My mum had it tested.. It's breast cancer." I spoke feeling my eyes prick with tears.
Zak nodded letting me know he was still listening.
"It's gone through the family, it's hereditary which means now I have to be tested.." A warm tear fell down my cheek making me wipe it.
"What kind of test?" He asked softly.
"And you haven't booked one yet?" Zak asked.
"My doctor doesn't even know... I don't know if I want the test even done." I responded.
"Maria why?"
"Because it's a 50/50 sentence isn't it? If it's yes then well.. I have the option of waiting it out or having these cut off." I grabbed my boobs.
"I love these! I don't want to be scarred. No man could love me like that!"
"Any man worth having would love you for who you are. Not what you look like." Zak replied.
"Says the man who only dates women with big boobs and blonde hair."
"Well you're a brunette. And I'm pretty are I've dated a few brunettes."
"We aren't dating." I reminded him.
"As good as. Fucking and fighting. Hell this is a relationship for me." He laughed before stopping.
"I understand that you are scared-"
"No you don't, because it's not you." I replied.
"Okay, I don't fully understand but I do know what it's like to be scared.. Maria you need to have the test done. You need to be prepared, if you have it then we can all help you face it. If you haven't.. Then hell we can celebrate. But right now you're stuck in limbo, you're scared, upset and you feel alone. Well I'm right here and you know Aaron has your back no matter what happens." He answered.
Zak took my hand and pulled me onto his lap.
"But what if it's bad news?" I whispered holding back my tears.
"Then we celebrate the boobies until you make the choice. Of keeping them or having them removed. But until then you need to have support.. In the form of one strapping handsome God like man."
"Aaron." I interrupted making him shoot me a look.
"I meant me." He replied.
"Such a big ego."
"Not the only thing that's big hey?" He laughed.
"Animal." I rolled my eyes.
"Only if I'm a horse... Neigh." He grinned and bounced me on his knees.
I ended up laughing at him.
"See.. I know I suck at some things.. But I can make you laugh, even when you want to cry." He answered.
"It's because you are so ugly." I whispered making him mock my voice and pull me into a hug.
I leant against him watching his fish, all colours of the rainbows, different shapes and sizes..
A little bit like boobs.
"We need to tell Aaron though." Zak whispered after a while.
I sighed, that conversation was going to be the hardest..
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