Protective brother.
Zak cooked up a BLT pasta and plated some up for him, Aaron and myself.
My mouth watered at the sight and I wasted no time in getting stuck in.
"You what?" Aaron asked looking at me making me pause.
"Say what now?" I asked looking between him and Zak.
"You wanted to go to work. Today." Aaron answered.
"Oh right, uh yeah. I need to start saving. I'm gonna need to get a new place, furniture, clothes, everything." I replied stabbing some pasta and eating it.
"This is orgasmic." I moaned shoving another spoonful in. I looked over to Zak who had a smirk on his face.
"Glad you like it."
"I do."
"Well it goes without saying. You're staying at mine until you've got yourself back up together." Aaron answered.
Zak's head looked between myself and Aaron.
"Aaron.. You've used the spare room for all your big steppin' clothes?"
"So? I'll just move it." He answered casually but I knew the trouble that was.
"You can stay here? Plenty of room?" Zak suggested.
"No she's coming home with me." Aaron answered him before I got a chance to.
It would have been a no thank you but I didn't get the chance to say anything and I didn't miss the glare Aaron gave him.
"Thank you Zak for your kind offer. But it appears I'm now under house arrest." I replied before looking at Aaron.
Whatever Aaron's problem was he needed to resolve it himself as none of us were aware of what it was. Then it clicked..
With the look he gave Zak it made sense.
He didn't trust us together. So he was now playing Big protective brother and child minder... To me.
God it's like bringing a date home for dinner. That awkwardness.
"Well the offer is there." Zak shrugged.
He left the kitchen island and got drinks, my eyes casually fell to his backside as he made them up causing Aaron to elbow me.
Guess I was staring a little bit too much. Oops!
We finished up dinner shortly after and soon Aaron was making his excuses to leave. I however didn't want to as I was playing with Gracie but Aaron gave me a glare and I gave up.
"You're welcome to come over any time Maria. She seems to enjoy your company." Zak smiled seeing Gracie grab her pink pig and toss it into the air.
"Time like this I miss my dog. You take care of her."
"I will."
We got to the door when I remembered my sports bra. "Oh!" I darted past Zak and into the utility room, getting it from the dryer I gave a little fist pump for remembering.
"What did you forget?" Zak spoke making me spin around.
"This." I answered before shoving it into my pocket.
"Hey. Now he's out of earshot.. I'm free tomorrow." He whispered.
"Okay. Well good for you." I teased.
"You know what I mean Maria."
I gasped "Are you trying to proposition me for casual sex?"
He looked guilty as sin and gave a little laugh whilst rubbing his neck.
"I'm not that kind of girl."
"Something tells me you're the exact kinda girl." He countered.
"Hmm.. Prepare to be disappointed. You better stock up on lotion and tissues." I answered before flashing a grin and seeing myself out.
"Tomorrow!" He called.
"Busy!" I responded giving a cackle at the end of it.
I stood baffled at how Aaron thought he could re-arrange the storage room.
"Just face it. I'm on the couch." I answered.
"I didn't want you to be." He sighed holding a pile of clothes in his arms.
"It's fine. Really. Although I could of stayed at Zak's."
"Okay first you two hate each other and after being completely stupid and sleeping together you're now best friends?" He asked.
"No. Not at all. Just came to an understanding that we needed to be civil... For you."
"By bedding each other? Don't bother." He muttered.
I rolled my eyes and left the room. I returned back downstairs pulling a blanket from the cupboard and tossing it into the couch. I picked up my phone off charge and noticed I had a message. Zak..
- Afraid of your childminder? ;)
I sucked my cheeks in and began typing back.
- You assumed I'd want a round two? Silly boy.
I placed my phone on silent and laid down on the couch awaiting sleep.
- We both know there's very little 'boy' left about me. I'll be in from 12pm onwards. Z.
- Well that's extremely nice for you. I suggest walking Gracie and maybe changing the bed sheets. M.
- Is that your only requests for coming over? I thought there would be more of a list if I'm honest.. Z.
- I'm still busy. M
I put my phone down and left it alone as message after message came through from him. There was a little curiosity to turn up tomorrow, but I'm not his or anyone's booty call. No matter how much I enjoyed myself.
I wasn't going to be one of those women who came running at the sound of clicking fingers. No sir!
But.... I didn't have any plans for tomorrow. Which left me all night to find something else to do then go over Zak's for a how's your mother.
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