I'm being set up.
I put Zak to the back on my mind and solely focused on helping my parents out. Which wasn't that hard as there was always something to do, my mum was sick and my dad deserved a break so me being here gave them to the opportunity to relax a little and leave me to do it.
It was anything from cleaning the bathrooms to weeding the garden. Whatever my mum wanted, I was there to help.
The week soon flew by and the more time I spent here the more I felt like I was well and truly home. I was back with my mum and dad who were overjoyed at how things were progressing around the house with an extra pair of hands.
"Maria!" My mum called up the garden, I had only just heard her voice as I pushed the mower up and down the garden, secretly taking my frustration out on the grass. Frustration that the Vegas jerk off gave me.
I stopped and looked at her before heading down the path towards the house.
"Sweetpea it's time you were getting ready for dinner."
"Oh mum I'm not hungry." I waved my hand but she caught my wrist and pulled me inside.
"You haven't eaten all day and I'm no fool Maria. That man hasn't rang or text you for a whole week. So I've taken matters into my own hands."
"What? What have you done?"
"Now, go wash your hands and get changed."
"Changed? Why?" I asked.
"Because Mr and Mrs Lewis are coming over. You know their son Edward."
"The sweaty hand creep?"
"Maria!" She hissed as my dad laughed.
"What? He's all handsy." I wiggled my fingers at her as she swatted me.
"Well they are coming to dinner. So is Edward and I'd appreciate it if you were nice."
My eyes narrowed. "Why is he coming for dinner?" I asked. She sucked her cheeks in slightly.
"Oh you haven't."
"Well... I may- I didn't quiet mean for it to happen. See me and Beryl we talking..."
"Mrs Lewis then!" My mum snapped.
"Continue." I replied folding my arms.
"I happened to mention you were home, and before I could say anything else I had you set up for a dinner date.."
I blinked "You're trying to set me up?"
Was my love life that bad?!
"Yes. Well no, because that sounds bad. I'm just showing you that there are plenty of fish in the sea and he's a nice young man who's just became a lawyer."
"Dad." I spoke.
"I'm not getting involved darling. You wouldn't have Aaron and now I'll sell you for a camel!"
I gasped "A camel!"
"Or alpaca..." He replied pulling his newspaper down and mustering over the idea.
"Alpaca seems better.. They spit don't they? Always find that funny." He smiled and disappeared again.
These people!
"I'm perfectly capable of finding a man myself."
"Are you? Because that jackass hurt my beautiful baby." My mum began to fuss making me pull away.
"Your baby has a life in Vegas. Trust me... A lawyer sounds boring."
"Absolutely not! Now come on. Hurry up they will be here soon!" She clapped her hands.
I climbed the stairs slowly only to hear my mum turn on my dad about helping set the table.
I went upstairs giggling as he tried to protest but my mum was having none of it. I took a shower washing off all the grass stains I had got throughout the day and the mud from under my nails.
Gardening was a hard job!
It was until I walked into the bedroom that I thought hell had broke loose.
"I am not wearing that." I spoke looking at the outfit.
"Yes you are." She sang as she walked by.
I growled at the dress and after covering myself with body butter, I pulled it on unimpressed. The outfit was beautiful, I loved it.. But so would eagle eyes Eddie and his clammy hands.
Vomit. In. My. Mouth.
"You look beautiful!" My mum sang coming into my room as I twisted my hair up and secured it with a claw hair clip.
I spritzed some perfume and walked over "The food better be good. And I'm drinking."
"Of course darling.. There's plenty of lemonade." She giggled.
"Wine mother. Wine."
I went downstairs and hit the back of my dads newspaper as he laughed quietly.
"You look lovely darling." He smiled.
"Edward appreciates his hands, then he best keep them to himself. I'm a dab hand at the axe in the garden."
"I thought you loved Edwards company?" My dad teased.
"Yeah when he was leaving!" I shot back and grabbed a bottle of white wine pouring myself a glass and drinking it.
"I've got whisky in the cu-"
"Henry!" My mum shouted at my dad and he disappeared behind the paper.
"Where?" I whispered.
"Maria!" My mum shouted from the other room.
"How does she do that?!" We both asked each other.
The door bell went and my eyes went straight back to my dad as he looked at me.
"Get the door then Maria." He laughed.
"You get it or I'll burn the sports section."
We were on a Wild West stand off when my mum walked in. She grabbed my hand as my dad smirked but his face soon changed when she put his paper under the couch cushion and ushered him out the room with me.
"Edmund better not tell me the results." He grumbled.
"Edward better keep his hands to himself the creepy son of a bi-"
I was cut off my mum opening the door.
Good timing as well as the Lewis' smiled at us. Mr and Mrs Lewis were the church goers. Both dressed smartly and Mrs Lewis or Beryl as I now know her name had a floral hat on to match her outfit and even had a set of gloves on her hands.
Excuse the shit outta me, your majesty.
Mr Lewis had a dark brown suit on with a pale yellow shirt and tie. His hair was almost non existent and he had large glasses.
He was the nicer one of the marriage, she was the wicked witch of the west..
Edward pulled a creepy bastard smile making me force one.. A hard one.
Edward.. Well I don't know where to start with him..
He had his brown hair slicked back and had brown eyes. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a blue tie and white shirt. He also had clammy hands, and a red face..
He was medium build but slowly turning to a larger build from the small belly he was supporting.
Obviously being a fancy lawyer means sitting around all the time.
"Come in, let Maria take your coats." My mum spoke cheerfully.
"Clearly the house elf." I muttered.
"Well I'm still the mistress." My mum hissed.
"But the mistress presented Maria with clothes? Maria is free." I whispered as my dad took over hosting.
"Don't mess around." My mum pointed her finger at me.
So I did what anyone would do. I growled and snapped like a dog at it.
"Maria. It's wonderful to see you." Edward spoke causing my mum to smirk and walk away.
"H- oh." I noticed his hand waiting for mine.. The clammy clam clam hand.
I gave him my hand quickly hoping a shake would do but he gave my hand a kiss.
Okay yep still a creepy mother fu-
"Maria!" My mum sang.
Oh god I want tonight to be over with already!
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