Groundwork for war
I knocked the door and waited patiently. Hearing whistling approaching the door I wiped my face quickly and looked up as Aaron answered it.
"Ri?" He spoke taking in my blotchy face.
"I went back.. To the shelter." I whispered and then it happened. I burst into tears.
"Oh sweetheart." He replied engulfing me in his arms.
I was guided indoors and sat on the couch as Aaron passed a box of tissues.
"You own a box of tissues?" I asked.
"Man size." He noted.
I laughed and cried at him making him sit beside me and rub my back.
"I'm sorry I'm such a bitch."
"Oh we're going full self pity party huh?" He asked pulling me into him.
Aaron was probably the best person to have in your corner.. For everything. He held onto me rocking us back and forth until I calmed down, now my eyes were sore, my face was red and my nose was blocked but he still said I was beautiful when I complained about the state of me.
"Ria.. Are you tired?" He asked making me stop as a yawn took over.
"N-no." I answered making him chuckle.
"I have a feeling you are. Also you knew it was going to be hard.. You haven't been back to the shelter since."
"I saw Zak... He had a dog like Logan." I sobbed.
"I see." He replied.
"He was hurt Aaron and he was cleaning his cuts! He's an asshole but then he wasn't. Then he was again and this dog was so sad that I wanted to cry for it! I did cry a little and I went outside and Zak found me and wouldn't stop saying things about Logan. And we had an argument and he said.. Do you still want to be my friend? Cause he said you're better off without me?!" He had it all, the rambling, the sobbing and even the wail at the idea of not having Aaron as a friend.
"Let it all out.. Ria I always want to be your friend. You're my best nerd friend you know that! Who else can I have a nerd about with star wars? Also if I didn't care I wouldn't have got you a day of- ah shit."
I stopped my snivelling and looked at him.
"You. You got me a day off?" I asked.
"Kinda.. Maybe?" He replied looking a little worried.
"S-so you rung Stephen?"
"Ye- well no Zak did."
"Zak?! Why is he always involved?!" I asked throwing myself back against the couch.
"I was worried about you when you took off. Okay I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying to be a good friend to you. Zak had Stephens number and arranged it." He replied.
"You are the best friend! Just... Oh I don't care!" I replied hugging him.
"Phew.. Thought I was gonna have my ass kicked for a minute then." He laughed softly.
After a while I calmed down and returned to my normal self, except from the stuffy nose. That stayed.
We were sat in a comfortable silence when Aaron sighed. "Wanna watch Star Wars and have dinner?" He asked looking at the time.
I smiled "Yes please."
"Okay. Chill out here and I won't be long." He ruffled my hair and left me to set up the DVD player.
I nipped to the loo and helped myself to some of Aaron's shorts. He always left his fresh ironing on the landing. Which meant I often helped myself.
I pulled off the jeans and threw them in his wash basket before heading back down and crashing on the couch. Knowing Aaron would take the armchair he often referred to as his sitting glove, I decided to curl up on the couch and watch the DVD player symbol bounce around the black background waiting for his return.
I woke up to the sound of voices, I stretched my legs to find them covered in a blanket. Aaron.
I sat up slowly and pulled the hair tie from my wrist spinning my hair into a messy bun and securing it.
Wrapping myself in the blanket I headed to find out what was going on.
"You're awake." Aaron smiled.
There goes my plan on eavesdropping.
"Just." I mumbled. It wasn't until I got fully into the kitchen I saw Zak sat on the other side of the kitchen island.
"I should go." I interrupted turning on my foot to leave. In one quick step Aaron blocked my way and shut the door behind him.
"Sit down Ri."
"Aaron please, I'm tired and I just wanna go h-"
"Sit." He repeated.
I sucked my teeth knowing it annoyed him, I sat down keeping my eyes away from Satan sat opposite me.
"You hungry?" Aaron asked.
"Okay what is this? I'm serious. What's going on?" I asked.
"Are you hungry?" He asked again.
"No." I answered him firmly watching his reaction. Sometimes Aaron was a clear projector, but this time he wasn't and kept his face smooth.
I had a plate of food pushed in front of me, Aaron handed one to Zak and put one down himself.
I watched Aaron walk around and sit down between us. Zak, totally oblivious tucked in. But I was convinced something was up.
I didn't think Aaron would poison me, there'd really be no point but I didn't trust Zak...
"Sorry for upsetting you." Zak spoke.
I looked at Aaron who kept his head in his food.
"Maria.. I said I was sorry." Zak said making me look across at him.
I nodded and looked at my food, I really wasn't hungry for this. Sighing I put down my fork and took a sip of water from the glass in front of me.
"This is good Aaron. Thanks bro." Zak added.
"Yeah.. Thank you Aaron." I mumbled.
"It would help if you actually ate any." Aaron responded looking at me.
I blinked and looked away. I was closest to the door now and clearly in the dog house.
Swallowing I picked up the fork and began eating my food quietly. I felt like I was in some serious shit with my parents... Not sat having dinner with my best friend and archenemy.
We ate in almost silence not saying a word, I noticed Aaron was keeping an eye on what and how much I ate. I also wondered if he was keeping any eye on how much I was drinking too.
Once we were finished I stood up and filled the basin with warm soapy water ready to wash up our dishes and cutlery.
Aaron smiled and disappeared leaving me with Zak as he took a call.
"I'll do that." Zak spoke taking over. I took the sponge off me.
"I'm more than capable." I replied taking it back.
I didn't want his help. Now or ever.
I stood in my own little world washing up the dishes and utensils when King Douche spoke again.
"You and Aaron a thing now then?" He asked making me stop.
"A thing. Want to define what A Thing is?" I asked.
"Dating? Fucking? In a relationship? Friends with Benefits?" He began listing them off.
I shook my head "No, Aaron is my friend. And how exactly have you came to this.... Conclusion? That we were more?"
"Wearing his shorts."
I couldn't stop my scoff, he presumed there was more over a pair of shorts..
"Wow. Ha. Okay. I won't tell you I've slept beside him before. Incase you know that means we're married or something."
"I'm just here to make sure women like you don't take advantage of him." He snapped back.
"Women like me? Tell me. What exactly am I?"
"I don't know.. Fame hungry? Gold digging? Maybe you're gonna sleep with him and cry pregnant. I don't know.. But I'm watching you Maria."
"Your shit is getting really old. Grow up and find someone else to push around Zak. Or is that the issue, nobody else wants to play with little Zakky. So he's taking it out on other people.... You're pathetic."
"Hit a nerve have I? Discovered your plan?" He laughed.
"There is no plan. You're so paranoid. It's really quiet cute, to think you actually want to look out for someone but yourself."
"Well I'm not a complete self absorbed, egotistical, narcissistic son of bitch now. Am I?"
"No you're still all those things and more. Because this whole facade for 'watching out for Aaron' is you. Worried about your show. Worried that if Aaron finds a woman half decent that he'll want to slow down with the gruelling work load. Let me tell you what. When that day comes.. I'm gonna be here. And I'm going to make sure you don't ruin his relationship... Again."
"You don't know sh-"
"Isn't the term home wrecker suitable for you?" I smiled "Yes, that's it. Zak the home wrecker Bagans."
I was shoved against the fridge making me laugh. "That's right Zak.. You're into bullying. Go on.. Keep going. Bully a woman. Please. Lower yourself even more."
"You're a complete fucking parasite."
"You may care for Aaron.. So do I. But are you prepared to lose everything for him? Cause I would."
"You have nothing to you. You're insignificant to us... You can only dream about the things we can do with money behind us." Zak snarled.
"And there we have it.. Zak Bagans. Fame and money hungry ready to destroy everything that stands in his way."
"I will."
"Like you destroyed Aaron's marriage. His real happiness, his first real true love. You.... You sack of shit are nothing but a lonely little man looking for a forever wing man. Well guess what. I'm not letting you drag Aaron's name through the shit like you've done your own. So back the fuck off!" I pushed him back hard and stood up straight backed holding his glare.
He stood over me trying to intimidate me, but I was locked and loaded.
"You know what infuriates me? How one woman can be so bitter and twisted? Your ex not do you good enough hey Maria?" He asked moving a piece of hair off my face.
"Don't touch me."
"I don't think he did.. What happened huh? Find him with someone else whilst your frigid ass kept the clothes on. Or maybe he didn't find you attractive. Maybe.. You repulsed him."
I laughed "How is the transformation going? You know.. The whole grow old disgracefully? You're a has been Zak. Wake up and realise.. Demon hunter isn't doing it for them anymore. Hence why you're crawling your pathetic feeble ass across the internet." I laughed.
His face got into mine, only this time I refused to turn my head.
"What's the matter sugar? Cat got your tongue?" I snarled.
"I'd rather grow old disgracefully as you put it. Then turn out like a bitter twisted individual who's obviously hasn't been taught manners or respect. You're a nobody Maria. Face it."
"If I'm a nobody.. Why do I make you so angry? Huh? That adrenaline pumping around good and proper Zak? That buzz you're getting right now and the way your body is shaking to control the rage inside you.. It's exciting!" I whispered smiling.
He growled at me making me laugh.
"So pathetic." I rolled my eyes and moved passed him.
I carried on with the washing up doing the last plate when I felt Zak's breath by my ear, I held back a shudder at the feel.
"Let's make this very clear Maria... I'm not going anywhere for a very very long time. So get used to my face, sweetheart because I'm going to be on your back till the day you die." He whispered.
I smiled "You've just met your maker."
Aaron appeared and I felt Zak step away.
"Good news! I got the lodge!" Aaron grinned.
A whole week away from civilisation with King Douche?
I'll bury his ass in woods.
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